Concept of Nous Cosmic

Here is question for the term paper.

  1. Describing the philosophical concept that you would like to attempt to define in your Socratic Dialogue,
  2. Explaining why you think this would be a worthy philosophical pursuit, and
  3. Describing how you think you will most likely proceed to do so.

I have the draft attached

Here is the professor’s common, please finish the paper.

Nous is a great concept to explore.

However, I want some further clarification before we continue. How are you planning on defining it?

Anaxagoras, for instance, is more concerned with the role that Nous plays in the cosmos. He does not quite define it, though.

Our project for this paper is one of definition: trying to understand the set of necessary and sufficient conditions that would constitute, in this case, Nous.

Is that what you are planning on doing? And if so, how?

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