Gender Roles in Global Labor Force Outline

Help me study for my Social Science class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.


write a minimum 800 words OUTLINE based on the instructions

Write a 3 page, full-sentence outline that answers the prompt. Include the following information:

  • The argument/thesis statement (this is your answer to the prompt – put it in the introduction)
  • The paragraph topics
  • Connect it to an event/topic from our class’ time period.
  • Specific examples from the library sources that will be used in your paper. Include citations for all examples.
  • A full citation for each library source
  • A full-sentence outline means that each point of your outline is a full sentence that could be included in your final paper.Use an alphanumeric outline format. The alphanumeric format begins with roman numerals for your main points, then use capital letters, then numbers, etc. The below outline is an example. Make sure you write your outline on the historical object you discussed in the proposal.


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