Global Burden of Disease
1. What does WHO stand for? What is the role of the WHO in global health? (2 points)
2. Search for the WHO’s description of the global burden of disease (3 points)
What is DALYs Write the words for the abbreviation and define the terms
What is GHO? Write the words for the abbreviation and define the terms.
What is GHE? Write the words for the abbreviation and define the terms.
3. What were the top 10 causes of death worldwide for 2016? And in 2000? Can you comment on the similarities or differences of the leading causes of death for 2016 and 2000 data?. Source (10 points)
4. Why do we need to know the reasons people die? Write the answer using your own words (be thoughtful in your answer and limit to a paragraph) (3 points)