Immigrant Children in Transcultural Spaces

please provide a 3-4 page (Typed, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, Double-spaced) critique including your opinion in the conclusion section.

these are questions to guide your paper and could be included in the paper:-

  • Do you think that translanguaging stops students from fully learning a language?

2.What could be some of the pros and cons of a student growing up in translanguaging environment?

3. How do you think that translanguaging strengthens a student’s ability to learn a language or communicate ideas?

4.Is there any instance in your life where you feel you have benefited from being in a translanguaging environment?

5.What was the purpose of having the kids play games?

6. Why did the researchers have preconceived notions of how B-Club kids interacted with one another, even though, when some spoke other languages besides Spanish and English?

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