The leadership paper should be no longer than 7 pages, double-spaced, APA 7th edition format. The paper is based on the following:
- Schmidt, A. (Producer), Wallace, R. (Director). (2002). We Were Soldiers [Motion Picture]. United States: Paramount.
1.After viewing the movie or TV show, select one of the supervisors (leaders).
3.Make sure to discuss the following topics:
4.Which of the supervisory techniques were effective? Why?
5.Which supervisory techniques were not effective? Why?
iii. Pick one scene and discuss what you would have done differently as a supervisor and why.
- How does a high-stress environment like war or the emergency room affect supervisory techniques, as compared to peacetime (or a less stressful environment)?
- What supervisory trait do you most relate to and why? You should include a personal account from your life.
- Why do supervisors fail if they are using a “textbook” technique? Explain using the scenes from the movie/show or your own personal life to enhance your explanation.
You should have a title page, some pages of body content, and the last page should be your paper’s references. If you have a title page and reference page that leaves you with 5 pages for body.
Use at least 3 references for your paper. They should be articles that support your paper.
Your paper should contain no more than 20% direct citations or quotations. That means 80% should be your own analysis, thoughts, and ideas.