Letter to an Elected Official on an Emerging Public Health Issue

The purpose of this assignment is to identify an emerging public health issue that you are passionate about and write a letter to your elected officials to bring attention to your issue.

Part 1:

Identify an emerging public health issue that you are passionate about as the topic of your letter to the elected official. This topic can be what you selected for your Project #1.

Part 2:

Read the PDF “Writing a letter to your elected officials” and follow the tips on how to write a letter to your elected officials. Next, locate the elected official that you would like to reach. You can select a local California representative or your state senator or congressman/woman. Refer to our lecture from Week 12: Advocacy, Policy and Change Strategies for tips on how to incorporate storytelling into the letter for your elected official.

Part 3: (One to one and a half pages single spaced)

Use the sample template provided as an example of how to write a letter to your chosen elected official on your emerging issue. Once completed, consider sending your letter to the elected official. Please proofread your letter before submitting it to Canvas.

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