Lobbying for Better Schizophrenia Treatment

Lobbying for Better Schizophrenia Treatment

Imagine yourself as a future lobbyist in the healthcare field. Lobbyists look to influence lawmakers and government officials to get funding for specific issues or to get laws passed on a particular topic. Healthcare lobbyists focus on healthcare generally, or on specific disorders such as cancer or mental illness. Imagine that you are a lobbyist for mental illness and for schizophrenia specifically.

Submit by Day 7 a PowerPoint presentation (10 slides) tailored for government officials that advocates for creating “safer,” more effective treatment options for schizophrenia. Your presentation must include a pharmacological analysis of the following:

  • Issues related to treating patients with schizophrenia
  • Side effects of antipsychotics
  • How antipsychotic side effects might be managed or mitigated

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