Pragmatic Theory

Pragmatic Theory

Chapter 13

Give a summary of the plot (around 100words)

Chapter 14

Give a summary of the plot (around 100words)

Chapter 15

Give a summary of the plot (around 100words)

Chapter 16

Give a summary of the plot (around 100words)

Chapter 17

Give a summary of the plot (around 100words)

Chapter 18

Give a summary of the plot (around 100words)

Anomaly: pick out something unconventional and surprising that happened during all the chapters read—One Anomaly.

Link anomaly to a philosophical principle from the first part of the course. (Coherence theory, pragmatic theory, correspondence theory)


A short answer (In this story that we call our lives how much of it is in our control? Are there any natural or supernatural forces that we also have to contend with? How does that interact in our journey to create a pure soul?)

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