School Health Leadership Professional Inventory

Question Description

School Health Leadership: Professional Inventory


The School Health Coordinator is a staff member whose job responsibilities include facilitating and coordinating WSCC efforts at the district-level and assisting schools with their efforts. Examine these responsibilities and identify the necessary skills to perform them. Next, conduct a professional inventory of your skills and your interests as they relate to these responsibilities and skills. Finally, develop a personal professional development plan.


To develop the following National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC) 2020 areas of responsibility and competency:

  • Area VIII: Ethics and Professionalism

To develop the following SOPHE 2019 Health Education Teacher Preparation Standards:

  • Standard 6: Professionalism



  1. Step 2 of The WSCC Model: A Guide to Implementation is a resource for this activity. Access this handbook by clicking on the link or locating it in the D2L course folder called Resources.

NACCD. (2017). The WSCC Model: A Guide to Implementation.…

  1. Purdue University hosts a leadership development program. Their program manual is a resource for this activity. Access it by clicking on the link or locating it in the D2L course folder called Resources.

Purdue University. (2018). Leadership Development Program – Program Manual.…

Part 1 – Mix and Match

Per Step 2 of The WSCC Model: A Guide to Implementation, below appears a list of duties that a school health coordinator may perform at the district level. (Many of these functions would be identical at the school level if performed by a School Health Team Leader).

  • Facilitate district-level WSCC team meetings.
  • Serve as liaison between administrators and the team.
  • Oversee and monitor completion of WSCC-related assessments by individual schools and at the district level.
  • Facilitate the development of a district-wide plan to implement the WSCC model.
  • Complete and monitor the progress of plans related to WSCC implementation.
  • Identify and provide input on future funding opportunities.
  • Identify success stories within the district and utilize them to gain additional buy-in and support.
  • Provide guidance to Team Leaders around surveys and data collection.
  • Assist with completion of surveys or data collection at the district level.
  • Garner support from staff, parents, and community for WSCC-related efforts.
  • Help write Team Leader job descriptions unique to each school.
  • Share Team Leader job descriptions with other schools within the district.
  • Identify options for substitute and/or stipend pay for Team Leaders at the school level.

Each duty requires certain skills. What would those be?? Locate the leadership attribute and skill definitions on page 15 of the Purdue Leadership Program – Program Manual. Match the attributes and skills defined there to the School Health Coordinator duties listed above. Creating a table is an easy way to do this. For example:

School Health Coordinator Duty Leadership Attributes and Skills
Facilitate district-level WSCC team meetings III.B. Cooperates and collaborates with others to identify and address problems (teamwork)

II.E. Can articulate a vision or pathway of change that motivates group actions towards an outlined goal

Add rows for each duty Many of the attributes and skills could match. Pick the top 2 for each duty. Note how I indicated the number and letter for easy reference.


Part 2 – Self-Assessment

What leadership attributes do you exhibit and how well do you perform leadership skills? Complete the self-assessment on pages 16-19 of the Purdue Leadership Program – Program Manual. Do not submit your results. Instead, you’ll reflect on them in Part 3. As per the directions in the leadership guide, “The purpose of this self-assessment tool is to help you think about the many skills and attributes of leadership, the ones you already possess, and the ones you would like to develop. There is no way that [anyone] can master all of these, even in a lifetime.” That said, respond honestly!

Part 3 – Reflection and Professional Development Plan

The purpose of the self-assessment was to help you assess your strengths and weaknesses. Now you will reflect on why you think you are strong or weak in these attributes, and the ways in which you wish to develop. Here were the skills in the assessment:

  • understands leadership
  • is self-aware
  • practices ethical behavior
  • sustains leadership
  • values diversity
  • enhances communication skills
  • manages conflict
  • develops teams
  • commits to serving others

Respond to these prompts:

  1. Of the attributes and skills, which three were your strongest? How did you come to be strong in these areas? Who influenced you or what experiences helped you to develop them?
  2. Which three skills would you like to develop? How does each of these skills relate to the duties of a School Health Coordinator (refer back to the list of duties in Part 1). List and explain.
  3. There are multiple modes to develop attributes and skills. Below appear common modes. For each of the three skills you listed, identify the best and/or preferred mode of development. And explain why you chose that mode. (You may identify multiple modes for each skill).
  • Utilizing free resources like books, podcasts, and events geared toward aspiring leaders.
  • Networking with others who share your aspirations and building relationships that could help you down the line.
  • Finding a mentor who has already risen through the ranks to become a leader. This could be someone in your organization or simply someone from your professional network.
  • Attend a workshop or seminar that is specifically designed to help you assess your leadership skills and build a plan for improvement.
  • Ask for additional responsibilities at work, particularly those that will allow you to practice your skills in managing people and projects.
  • Earn a degree in leadership to help develop the necessary management skills required in today’s ever-changing world of business.


Assignment Submission Directions

  1. Remove my directions. Your work should look professional.
  2. Include your name at the top.
  3. Use Arial, Time New Roman, or a similar font style; use 10, 11, or 12-point font
  4. Double or single-spaced is fine.
  5. Cite all sources using APA format. Not sure how to do that?
    1. OWL: In-Text Citation Guide
    2. OWL: Reference List Rules
  6. Save your file as a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf. Other formats cannot be opened in D2L.
  7. Submit to the appropriate D2L Assignments folder. Emailed assignments are not accepted.

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