Single parents Interview
This is an informal research project where you will be gathering the data by using the interview questionnaire provided and then writing up a quick analysis of your findings by integrating and applying what we have learned in class.
Therefore, this is a way for you to demonstrate how much you have learned and your ability to connect course material to real-life situations. This is the entire objective of this final project–show me how much you have learned
PLEASE NOTE: who you choose to interview must be in their current dynamic (e.g., parenthood, divorce, cohabitation) for at least a year in order to provide better perspective and cannot be related to you. Also, you CANNOT be related to them OR in a romantic relationship with your interviewee. This is to avoid bias and to increase the potential for honest answers.
Also, the textbook is the only reference needed. This paper is ALL about demonstrating your ability to utilize and apply what you have learned this semester to a real-life experience. Thus, COURSE APPLICATION IS CRITICAL!
Your paper should be filled with references to the textbook following proper APA format (authors, year and page number).
Providing a handful of references (e.g., 3-5 citations) will NOT be satisfactory.
*You should be constantly comparing your interviewee’s responses to what we have learned: how they align or differ or do not relate. Remember this is an analysis; not a restating of your interview notes. This is the most consistent error I find student’s make on this paper.