social media as a research tool


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This week, we look at how a little research can go a long way toward finding the players that will help your team reach its goals. From talking to past employers to doing social media research, getting to know a candidate beyond their resume is crucial. As Coach has learned from working with hundreds of professional athletes, a player’s potential has more to do with their character than their stats.

Review the article from this week, Number of Employers Using Social Media to Screen Candidates at All-Time High, Finds Latest CareerBuilder Study. With reference to the information presented about researching candidates this week, address these questions:


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From football teams to Fortune 500 companies, recruiting superior talent is essential to fueling a team’s successful growth, as you see from Coach’s story of getting John Riggins to rejoin the team formerly known as the Washington Redskins. However, convincing someone to join your team can be a tricky business.

This week, we look at ways to effectively recruit with key insights that’ll help you convince someone that they need to join your team! Imagine you’re preparing to recruit someone to be part of your team.

Name three things you would try to do or use in your sales pitch to close the deal. Why do YOU think those things would help you land your recruit?

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