Technical audience

Technical audience


Create a 5-page MS Word document following APA guidelines (first person should not be used). Write this document for a technical audience.

Research and answer the following components:

Programming Paradigms
. Research the functional, procedural, and object-oriented programming paradigms. Compare, contrast, and detail the most appropriate uses of each paradigm in modern programming.

Language Analysis. Research a minimum of two different programming languages for each of the three programming paradigms listed in item 1 above. Provide details on why each of those languages are ideally suited for the specific programming paradigm. You should have 2 languages for each of the 3 paradigms.
Position Statement. Based on your research results from items 1 and 2 above, write a formal recommendation selecting one programming paradigm and one programming language. Assume you are the Software Development Manager at a large fintech (Financial Technology) company, and you have been asked by your CIO to recommend a specific programming paradigm and a primary programming language. Format this part of the assignment as an internal email to your CIO.


the title and reference pages do not count toward the page length requirement.

Save your document with the course, assignment, and your name (e.g., ITCO-620_Unit1_IP_Neo_Anderson.docx). Submit your document for grading.

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