Urban Planning and Policy

Urban Planning and Policy

Final paper As the final paper in this course, each student will write a case study research paper. The primary goal of this case study is to document environmental justice histories and recent environmental planning efforts in selected cities in New Jersey. Each student will choose one city and conduct extensive research on the given topic by reading newspaper and journal articles, book chapters, and other reliable/credible resources (not Wikipedia or personal blogs).
Final paper As the final paper in this course, each student will write a case study research paper based on a topic finalized through discussions under Discussion Question 6 (Week 9). The primary goal of this case study is to document environmental justice histories and recent environmental planning efforts in selected cities in New Jersey. Each student will choose one city and conduct extensive research (self-initiated) on the given topic by reading newspaper and journal articles, book chapters, and other reliable/credible resources (not Wikipedia or personal blogs). Please contact your instructor if you have confusion about any particular source material or you need assistance with this research. If a student is interested in a NJ city that is not listed below, please discuss that as part of DQ 6. Initial resources: In order to understand the background, please read the following article before doing any research or selecting any city for your case study. The Burning Issue: New Jersey’s new law will shield poor communities from new sources of pollution. What about existing ones? https://grist.org/justice/new-jersey-environmental-justice-law-covanta-incinerator-newark-camden/ In addition, please check out the following two web sites: Office of Environmental Justice, NJ DEP, https://www.nj.gov/dep/ej/policy.html US EPA Environmental Justice Mapping Tool: https://www.epa.gov/ejscreen Specific instructions for the paper: Length of the paper for general undergraduate students – 6 to 8 pages Use Double space, Times font, size 12. Papers must have in-text citations and a list of references (the list will not be counted within the minimum page limits). Please do not use direct quotes unless extremely necessary.

Figures or tables

Figures or tables are optional but can be added, if needed (will not be counted within the minimum page limits). Papers must be free of typos and grammatical errors. Please write, edit, and revise. The paper should follow a good structure and must use sub-headings for the following major sections (please be creative with the sub-heading titles): Introduction (Purpose of the paper, an introduction to the city and its brief general history, its population (socioeconomic conditions according to latest Census data), characteristics of its built and natural environments, etc.) History of environmental injustice in this city (please provide evidences with appropriate references) Discussion of projects, programs, and environmental planning efforts (e.g., policies, regulations) in this city that are directly or indirectly related to environmental injustices. Did environmental injustices increase or decrease due to these projects/programs/efforts? How did the affected population (or population in general) react to such projects, policies, or planning efforts? Concluding remarks (Based on your findings but not your speculations, what have been done so far, how effective they were, what needs to be done in the near future and how, who will do that – local, state, federal agencies? Nonprofits? Etc.) No late submission is allowed for the final paper. Final paper presentation Record a 3-minute verbal presentation (audio or video) and submit the digital file (e.g., mp4, avi) on Canvas. No late submission will be accepted. Do not create a PowerPoint. You may write/read a script, if you like, so that all important information can be presented within 3 minutes. The presentation should give a quick overview of all four major sections of the paper. Please consider general people as your audience, so do not use jargons or heavy-duty academic verbiage. Please do not forget to introduce yourself in the beginning of your presentation.

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