Why training and education programs are vital for health care managers

APA format

At least 1 reference

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

  • What training and education programs are vital for health care managers? Provide details.
  • Which do you believe would be most important for you? Why?

examining the Chicago Police Consent Decree as a public policy document

Since this is the final course in your journey through the PPA program, it is worth reflecting on what you are learning and how it connects with work you have done up to this point. In this module, we are examining the Chicago Police Consent Decree as a public policy document. Consider your prior coursework. How has your prior learning shaped your experience in, or provided a foundation for, your perspective on this topic?

Submission: Submit this as a Word document. This entry should be at least 200 words in length. Cite resources and follow APA style guidelines as appropriate.

member of the community impacted by the policy

Introduction: This course includes a staged project in which you will evaluate a public policy as identified in the Staged Project 1: Proposal. This project should involve interviewing those affected by the policy. This will reveal gaps between the public agency and the public and prepare you for applying the public value scorecard. In this stage, you should identify who you will interview.

Instructions: As part of your public policy evaluation you are expected to interview a member of the community impacted by the policy or representatives of a community group impacted by the policy. This could be a community resident, stakeholder, community leader, members of a grassroots coalition group, employees of a local business, members of a block club, etc.

At this point, identify who you will interview. Include the following details:

  1. Who you will interview
  2. How your interviewee is significant for your study
  3. A preliminary list of questions for the interview

This submission should be about a page or two in length. Submit this as a Word document, typed and double-spaced

Interferons in Oncology

Just want you to reply/add more information for each of this discussion. I attached picture one and picture two. I need a separtae reply/disccusion for each one


Attachment preview 

Interferons are useful in oncology for a variety of reasons. They have been employed in cancer research since they are one of the cellular innate cellular defenses against oncogenes.

concepts necessary to understand basic genetics

This module introduces the core concepts necessary to understand basic genetics and then covers the cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis. To complete this unit you should do the following:

1. Download the Reading/Study guide for the unit. Read through the chapters in the text and work on answering as many of the study guide questions as possible.

2. Watch the videos in the sequence they are set up on the next page. Use the study guide to help take notes and continue to add to your study guide answers as you work through the videos.

3. Use the Steps in Mitosis & Meiosis worksheet to take notes based on the text and the videos. Then draw each of the stages in mitosis and meiosis and describe what happens at each step; you will need to know these steps for the next test.

** Note** You are expected to do your own work in this I will be using new test proctoring software to help identify cheating. Any communication with anyone else or any use of materials that have not been approved will result in a zero for the test or assignments and will require that you meet with the Dean of Students before I will be allowed to return to class.

Nervous System and Its Parts

just finish the quizzes

mark the correct answer as red for me please

the quiz comes from a Gened biology class

Cell Membranes & Solutions Transportation Concepts

Directions Membranes

The plasma membrane is a thin, fluid structure that is very flexible, and yet stable enough to stay together to keep the inner components of cells inside, and the outer environment outside. For this unit, you should do the following:

Download the Reading/Study Guide and then do a first reading of the material in the textbook, looking for possible answers to the questions.

Go through all of the content of the module, reading the material, and then watching the videos that cover the content from the unit. Use the videos to take additional notes that help to answer the questions on the study guide.

Complete the diffusion/osmosis worksheet.

Darwin Theory of Evolution and Homo Sapiens

Humans on earth today belong to one species, Homo sapiens, even though racial differences occur. Such phenotypic differences like skin color are most likely due to climate differences in the areas where each race arose. A review of the evidence for evolution leads to a consideration of Darwin’s proposed mechanism for the evolutionary process. Write a 1200 words essay ( on a word doc or pdf file) explaining the evolutionary process according to Darwin’s Theory of evolution. Make use of the vocabulary and concepts learned during this course to explain the interaction between humans and their environments. Don’t forget to include an explanation for the population concerns such as; global diseases, population size, environ metal concerns and others. The essay needs to be Uploaded and submitted on this assignment no later than July 28, 2020 by MIDNIGHT.

Role of the FOXP2 gene in the speech system

Review each portion of the paper with a concise paragraph or two based on the peer reviewed text. Some papers do not have the usual format and, for example, may include methods and results from several sources. In these cases, do your best to evaluate the methods and results as shown, even if the information on sample size or controls is not available.

Infection Diagnosis Treatment and Prevention of HIV AIDS

For the final paper (due Tuesday , May 5): this should be a formal synthesis of the information from the outline in 800-1000 words with in-text citations and a works cited page at the end. Some of the information from the outline will be easy to rearrange to look like a paper, but this won’t always be the case! For example, the outline asks for symptoms and long term-side effects — this is often a bullet-point list on the outline. Below is an example of how this would look differently in the paper:


Symptoms of COVID-19 (CDC, 2020):

  • fever
  • tiredness
  • dry cough


Severity of symptoms for COVID-19 may vary, but often include a dry cough, fatigue and a fever (CDC, 2020).

The paper should NOT be formatted exactly like the outline — what information makes the most sense to include in the same paragraph? How is your paper going to be organized? What is the clearest way to present this information in a paper?