Bacteria on Airplanes Microbiology

This is a microbiology class. Read the article attached and write 2 paragraphs reflecting on the topic. summarize what you read, incorporate personal experience with being on an airplane. I personally was just on an airplane 24hours ago when I flew from Hilton Head back to Columbus Ohio.

just reference this article and use APA

Causes and Epidemiology of Influenza Viral Infection

Paper is 3 pages (not including cover page or references), double space, MLA or APA format. Margins should be no more than 1”, and font should not be any larger than 11.


Cover Page – required information: Not included as part of the 3 pages

  • Title
  • Student name
  • Course name
  • Course section
  • Instructor name
  • Date (deadline)

Your paper should include the following:

Description of the pathogenic microorganism

  1. morphological characteristics
  2. type of metabolism
  3. environmental conditions required for growth
  4. genetics/pathogenic mechanism(s)


Description of the disease(s) caused by this pathogen

  1. brief history
  2. clinical symptoms/virulence/progression of the disease state
  3. diagnostic procedures (Be sure to include how the pathogen is identified in the clinical laboratory.)


Epidemiology of the disease

  1. individuals at risk
  2. transmission mechanism(s)
  3. human behaviors involved in its spread

Human Mitochondrial Diseases

Choose one article from a primary scientific literature source that uses a microbe as a model organism/system and write a comprehensive summary of the study that answers the following questions:

Choose one article from a primary scientific literature source that uses a microbe as a model organism/system.
NOTE: Many free articles may be obtained from

Write a summary of the study that includes:

  1. Why did the scientists perform the study (i.e., description of background)?
  2. What was the hypothesis (or hypotheses) under investigation?
  3. What were the major results and did they support or negate the hypothesis? Which key techniques were used to achieve these results?
  4. Why are the results significant and do they point to further/future studies? In other words, why does this article matter and what should or could be done next?
  5. Why did you choose this particular article to review? Was it interesting, informative, clearly written, or none of the above?

Compose your review in APA format and include:

  • A title page
  • Answers to the questions above in paragraph format (2 or more pages)
  • A reference page with the reference for your article and any other sources used in your review.

Due by Friday, May 24, 2019 : BY 5 PM

Bacteria Separation

Design a bacterial separation problem using the terms from Chapter 7. The problem should include 3 or more bacteria in a mixed culture. Design two problems for 1 bonus point each, and answer 1 problem designed by a classmate for 1 bonus point. *** 3 Bonus points possible

Example Problem: You are given a mixed culture containing an aerobic thermophile, aerobic psychrophile that is also a halophile, and an anerobic mesophile bacteria. How will you separate these into pure cultures?

Example answer:

1) Separate the culture into 3 new tubes for isolation conditions

2) To isolate the Thermophile: Expose tube 1 to high temperatures above 45 Degrees Celsius, all bacteria will die except the Thermophile.

3) To isolate the Psychrophile: Expose tube 2 to cold temperatures below -15 degrees Celisius, all bacteria will die except the Psychrophile.

4) To isolate the Anaerobic Mesophile: Expose tube 3 to anaerobic conditions without oxygen, both aerobes will die, only the Anaerobe will live.

Note: If two bacteria are too closely related for the above approach, you could use the streak plate to isolate colonies to obtain a pure culture. You can differentiate different bacteria by colony color, form, elevation, margin on a agar plate.

Breakthrough in Hiv aids Research Hopes for Improved Drug Therapy Paper

review the above website that is about HIV and drug therapy. summarize the article into 300 words with a reference in APA format. does not need a title page or header.


Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria

Reflection questions

  • Identify the bacterial infection(s) that Addy suffered from.
  • Describe why the bacteria infecting Addy were/are so dangerous.
  • What is NDM-1? Recall that David Ricci was infected with Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE),an NDM-1 possessing bacteria.
  • Where can NDM-1 containing bacteria be found in the environment?
  • What type of outbreak might Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) cause? sporadic, endemic, epidemic, pandemic. Justify your response.
  • The National Institutes of Health is the world’s foremost leading research medical center. Can you identify 4 possible “sources” of the Klebsiella pnuemoniae carbapenemase – producing bacteria? (identify whether the sources are a fomite, a vector, passive carrier, asymptomatic carrier)

Thermal Death Problems

Please post your thermal death problems below. I recommend that you post two questions and answer one of your classmate’s for up to 3 bonus points. Only 1 answer per question will be awarded points There are nine practice problems attached to be used as examples and additional practice. * Thread answers under the question

First Practice Problem ( Thermal Death Practice Problems.docx )

1) A microbial broth was heated in a water bath @120 degrees Celsius. There were 6,000 CFU initially. If the broth is checked every 6 minutes and the rate of microbial death is 600 CFU per 6 minutes, at what point will the broth be totally free of living microbes?

  • Thermal death _________________? (point or time)
  • What is the variable?
  • What is the constant?
  • Starting inoculum?
  • Free of microbes at?

PAGE 1 and 3 in the attachement I supplied the answers in the uploaded files. She gave us the answers in class. I also attached the powerpoint picture that we have to use to determine whether its thermal point or time.

Hope for Improved TB Treatments

above is a link that will lead you to a discussion on tuberculosis. Please read the paper and then summarize it into your own words. Summary should be 300 words, APA format. Thank you

Paramedical Microbiology

The first thing to do is to evaluate the scenario and determine what you think the disease is in your scenario. You will most likely have to do some research on a variety of diseases in order to accomplish this. Once you think you know what your disease is, you should give the instructor a single page typewritten (double spaced) analysis of why you believe that is the disease. You should clearly lay out your supporting evidence in this analysis. If your analysis is correct, the instructor will let you know, and you may proceed with the remainder of the project. If your answer is incorrect, the instructor will return the report to you, and you will have to continue to research the project.

genitals and skin disease caused by herpes simplex


Herpes/ cold sore: genitals and skin disease caused by herpes simplex 1 or 2, etc


Cure and treatment

3 attachments below for more informations about writing the essay 1 for page

It is a group project, my part is diagnosis, cure treatment, and conclusion