Performance Improvement Data

Unit 7 Assignment 1 – Performance Improvement Data

Submit Assignment

  • Due Sunday by 11:59pm
  • Points 35
  • Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload

Because performance improvement activities are information intensive, organizations must provide the proper resources and systems to support improvements. It’s important to recognize that PI programs need to meet accreditation standards such as The Joint Commission and Medicare and Medicaid Conditions of Participation, which require access to national comparative data collections. This assignment, based on a textbook case study, will help students to understand Joint Commission information management standards by analyzing how a scenario relates those standards.


  • Your assignment will focus on the Case study on pages 444-447. After reading Chapter 17 and the Case Study, please complete the tasks at the end of the case study:
  • Review the collected data
  • Assign the appropriate quality code using the key provided in figure 17.5
  • Analyze the data:
    • Which code is most common?
    • Is there one service that seems to be a problem?
    • What can you conclude from the data?
  • Establish a plan. How you are going to fix the problem?
  • Your submission should be a minimum of two pages but does not require APA style or outside research.
  • Be sure to fully address each of the questions in the assignment. If you do use outside research, list your references in proper APA style.

Abuse Reporting

What is abuse?

How to recognizing and reporting.

Who could be a victims.

How to stop abuse?

Improving the Quality of Care

Discussion: Unit 7, Due Wednesday by 11:59 pm CT


  • This unit discussion is based on the video interview “Improving the Quality of Care at the Practice Level” in the Required Resources. Addressing the following questions:
    • Why is it important for physicians to engage in quality improvement activities?
    • What’s the best way to get physicians involved in these programs, and to educate them about the importance of ongoing quality improvement?
    • What are some obstacles to getting physicians engaged in these programs?
    • Your primary post should address all three of the questions listed, and be a minimum of 200 words.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

The post and responses are valued at 40 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.

Peer Response: Unit 7, Due Sunday by 11:59 pm CT


  • Always construct your response in a word processing program like Word. Check for grammar, spelling, and mechanical errors. Make the corrections and save the file to your computer.
  • Find the posts that you are going to reply to; respond to at least 2 other classmates.
  • Submit your peer response.
  • Your responses should demonstrate an understanding as well as critical thinking. Do not simply state “I agree” – add relevant information to your response.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Electronic Health Record & Implementation Plan

-You can submit your work in a picture or PowerPoint format below for the electronic Health Record. You can also use online mind map applications such as

– please prepare an Electronic Health Record (HER) Implementation Plan for your own project.

You can use the example below for writing your own plan.

1- Write the tasks for your own project

2- Define the time lines by using colors (Not mandatory)

3- Add the names of resources (Not mandatory)

You can read more detailed instruction in the same posted MS Excel file


This week, you will use role theory to apply to your chosen case study. In other words, your theoretical orientation—or lens—is role theory as you analyze the case study.

Use the same case study that you chose in Week 2. (Remember, you will be using this same case study throughout the entire course). Use the “Dissecting a Theory and Its Application to a Case Study” worksheet to help you dissect the theory. You do not need to submit this handout. It is a tool for you to use to dissect the theory, and then you can employ the information in the table to complete your assignment.

To prepare:

  • Review and focus on the same case study that you used in Week 2.
  • Review the websites and guides for developing PowerPoint skills found in the Learning Resources.
  • Record presentation using CaptureSpace.

By Day 7

Submit a narrated PowerPoint presentation using Kaltura Media that includes 11 to 12 slides.

  • Each slide should be written using bullet points, meaning no long paragraphs of written text should be in the slides.
  • Include a brief narration of less than 30 seconds for each slide (i.e., the narration takes the place of any written paragraphs, while the bullet points provide context and cues for the audience to follow along).


Background working on master’s fdegree, career oriented, divorced, mother, outgoing, both introvert and extrovert, strong-willed, independent, wear my heart on my sleeve, giver not much of a taker, emotionally, determined, like challenges, realistic not much of optimistic, leader, team player, honest, vocal, observant, bashful




Career Inventory Instructions


STEP I: Directions for taking the O*NET Interest Profiler


1. Click on the link: O*NET Interest Profiler. Follow the directions (click “Next”) and take the O*NET Interest Profiler.



2. Once you have completed the O*NET Interest Profiler, record your numeric results for each of the 6 Holland codes. Print the results.


3. Read the Explore the Job Zones information to determine your preferred job zone. You may print the information.



4. Select your preferred Job Zone and click “Next.”




5. Read the Interest Profiler Potential Careers. Explore any careers that may interest you. If there are no careers that interest you, click the “Find More Careers” option.

I am interested in business owner, counselor, probation officer, school teacher(special education





6. Make sure that you can identify the following from Step I:


· Your primary interest area (highest score),

· Your secondary interest area,

· Your current job zone,

· Your future job zone, and

· Identify at least 2 occupations and their O*NET-SOC Code matching your primary interest area.


7. Save the information from this assignment to complete the Who Am I self-reflection paper.



STEP II: Take the Value Sort found below:


1. Value Sort Step 1: What I Value Most…


From the list of values (both work-related and personal) found on the next page, select the 10 that are most important to you as guides for how to behave or as components of a valued way of life. Feel free to add any values of your own to this list, but only identify 10 values when making your final selection. Write down or circle the 10 values.


In your post answer the following:

  1. Discuss the difference between the mentalist’s and the radical behaviorist’s perspectives regarding feelings, states of mind, and unobservable mental events. Is there a special thing called the mind?
  2. Provide a recent example of a situation where you were exposed to, or considered, a mentalistic explanation for your own or someone else’s behavior. How could you shift your thinking to a behavior analytic perspective?

Attributes of an Exemplary Discussion Contribution or Response:

  • The discussion contribution or response clearly addresses the content issue(s) presented by the question.
  • The discussion contribution or response includes the appropriate level(s) of critical analysis.
  • The discussion contribution or response includes pertinent course and disciplinary concepts, theories, or materials, and applies them correctly.
  • The discussion contribution or response provides validation and support by including relevant examples and supporting evidence, as appropriate.
  • The discussion contribution or response stimulates fellow learners to clarify, extend, and strengthen their dialogue.
  • The discussion contribution or response is concise, clearly organized, and well structured.
  • The discussion contribution or response uses grammar, usage, and mechanics expected of graduate level composition and expression.
  • All citations and references adhere to APA 6th edition style.
  • The discussion contribution or response fosters collaboration with fellow learners and communicates in a manner that respects the dignity and integrity of fellow learners and the instructor.
  • The discussion response meaningfully supplements and extends consideration of the topic by including one of more of the following: new information, questions, constructive or corrective feedback, or alternative viewpoints.


Understanding who you are and how you might behave in a certain situation requires you to take a step back and consider how you established your own personal values and ethics. The helping professions, including psychology, require you to interact with individuals whose experience may be quite different from your own, presenting frequent ethical dilemmas.

This week’s assigned readings will provide some good insights into moral and ethics development. For this task, prepare a reflection paper as you discuss your professional and personal outlook on ethics and ethics in psychology, and reflect on what you read.

Consider the following questions as you prepare your reflection paper:

  • What event or personal example (taken from your life experience, observation of others, or even literature or film) has impressed you personally from an ethical perspective?
  • Before beginning this course, what thoughts have you had about right and wrong professional behavior (ethics) in psychology? Where does this conception of professional ethics come from?
  • After visiting the American Psychological Association’s website, and reviewing psychology subfields, which subfields do you believe are most compatible with who you are as a person? Which ones might present an ethical challenge to you?
  • Which subfields do you believe are most compatible with who you are as a person?
  • What subfields do you believe might present an ethical challenge for you?

Length: 3-5 pages


The purpose of this discussion is to apply concepts in social psychology to examine the extent to which influential social psychological experiments  and studies from the past remain relevant to human behavior today.

Learning Objectives 3d and 5c

*Please  note:* This discussion forum is “post first.” In other words, you will  not see the posts of your classmates until after you post. When you  post, your classmates’ posts will be revealed so you can read them and  compose your reply.

Step 1:  Select a social psychological experiment or study from the list below,  or search the web and identify one that compels you.  If you decide to search the web and identify one not on the list below, please make sure the experiment or study was conducted by a university, college, or credible entity.

Robbers Cave Experiment (1954)

A Class Divided Experiment (1968)

Asch Conformity Study (1951)

Bobo Doll Experiment (1961 – 1963)

The Marshmallow Test Experiment (1972)

The Stanford Prison Experiment (1971)

The Milgrim Experiment (1961)

The Car Crash Experiment (1974)

The Violinist in the Metro Study (2007)

The BBC Prison Study (2002)

The Case of Kitty Genovese (1964)

The Halo Effect Study (1977)

Step 2:  Conduct web research to explore what happened in the experiment or  study, the findings of the experiment or study, and the flaws and/or  criticisms of the experiment or study.

Step 3:  Based on your textbook readings and web research, compose a post that responds to the following:

  • Explain  the study or experiment you selected, describing what happened in the  experiment or study.  Also, explain any conclusions drawn based on the  experiment or study.  Next, identify flaws and/or criticism of the  experiment or study.
  • Based  on this module’s readings, select at least *two* concepts in social  psychology and explain how the dynamics associated with both concepts  influenced the participants in the study or experiment you selected.
  • Explain  the ways in which the findings from the study or experiment you  selected are relevant today or are no longer relevant today.  In your  explanation, try to avoid opinion only; instead, conduct web research to  include relevant statistics or a more recent study that replicated the  findings of the study or experiment you selected.
  • Include the links from your sources.


The threat of public stigma, as well as self-stigma, can prevent individuals from receiving the mental health treatment they need. In this Assignment, you analyze the influence of stigma on experiences with and treatment of mental illness.

To prepare: Watch the TED Talk by Sangu Delle and then review the readings for this week. Focus on Delle’s examples illustrating Corrigan’s model about the stages of stigma and the hierarchy of disclosure. Consider Delle’s experience against that model.


Submit a 3-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Briefly explain Corrigan’s model of the stages of stigma and his recommendations and hierarchy about recovery.
  • Explain whether Delle’s experience follows that model. Use specific examples to argue your perspective. If you agree, identify which stage of recovery Delle is in.
  • Analyze Delle’s reports about his own experiences with both types of stigma. Provide specific examples, and in your analysis consider the following questions:
    • Does one type of stigma predominate in his talk?
    • Which of Delle’s personal values or beliefs were challenged by his internalizations about his own illness and help-seeking?
    • What strengths does he exhibit?
    • What was the primary benefit of his diagnosis?
    • Do you think his experience would be different if his culture was different? Explain why or why not?