Nuclear Energy and Global Climate Crisis Article

You will need to find two articles on the topic. You will need to create a new document in your word processing software. The first step to completing this assignment is to create a title page in APA format.

After you read the articles you selected, write a four paragraph essay, at least 350-400 words, containing the following guidelines:

  • Include an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement containing both viewpoints.
  • Include one body paragraph with supporting details for one viewpoint on your select topic.
  • Include one body paragraph with supporting details for the other viewpoint on your select topic.
  • Include a conclusion paragraph with a final opinion.
  • Use standard American-English vocabulary, spelling, and grammar. No slang, jargon, or contractions. Consult this guide to help with grammar and mechanics.
  • Write in third person. This standard of writing gives your paper a level of objectivity. Eliminate usage of the following pronouns, I, me, us, you, your, my, me, our, yours, and we.
  • You need to have a total of *at least two* references.
  • You will need to find two articles on your topic in the “Featured Viewpoints” section. Choose one viewpoint that argues one way (for) and one viewpoint that argues another (against).
  • Any information that you paraphrase or quote from your articles needs to be cited in APA format. Write a reference page using APA format.
  • word count

Elderly Fall Prevention

Development of a Fall Prevention Program

The project will outline the goals and interventions, marketing plan, and estimated cost of the program.

Safety for elders is always an overriding concern for healthcare delivery agents since without a safe environment the elder will be injured and therefore their health will decline. Considering the environment and the lack of safety could potentially result in a fall. Fall prevention programs are always being developed for the safety of the elder in different environments. The following assignment will enlighten you as to the elements of a good, evidence-based fall prevention program.


  1. You will be taking information that is already established and through the use of critical thinking, you will develop a fall prevention program for a facility in South Florida. The name of the Fall Prevention Program will be developed by yourself.
  2. Furthermore, you will develop by yourself:
    1. how to institute the program
    2. the goals and interventions (such as resources needed, training required and how much it will cost)
    3. a marketing plan
    4. an estimated cost
  3. Due to the need to integrate the program into the corporate structure of the institution, you will also need to plan how to present it to the Administrative team with items such as initial rollout, benefit to the institution and the cost which should be nominal so that you will be able to sell it to the A-Team.

Diversification in Workplace & Unethical Behavior

The paper will focus on the current issues facing social responsibility and managerial ethics in an organization setting.

Attached Topic Proposal

The signature assignment for this course will require research, academic writing, critical thinking, and analysis on a current issue facing the areas of managerial ethics and social responsibility. Through this assignment, you will demonstrate your ability to conduct academic research. The signature assignment requires a minimum 20-page (not including cover page, abstract, table of contents, and references), double-spaced, APA formatted academic research paper. Please note that this course requires you to focus your research based on existing research literature from peer-reviewed articles.

The academic research paper will include the basic components of a non-empirical research paper which requires the following:

  • An introduction
    • Identification of the contemporary managerial ethics issue to be addressed;
    • A purpose statement;
    • Significance of the issue under study;
  • A literature review; and
  • A conclusion
    • Recommendations
    • Managerial implications

Language and Gender

Each member, write your description and analysis into a paper that is 3-5 pages, double spaced, 12 point font. This paper should not only contain your data and individual analysis but the conclusions the group has drawn. DUE MONDAY, FINALS WEEK // UPLOAD FILE TO CATALYST

Sample Individual Paper (excerpt)

Gender is a social construct. The idea that people who are born with one set of genitals or another automatically come equipped with all of the societal expectations and habits built into them has been proven to be incorrect, and has also been proven to be damaging. We are creatures of infinite variance and beauty, and restricting ourselves to an arbitrary set of boxes does not work to our advantage. However, this binary concept is worked deep into our core from a young age, impressed upon us from every angle, including from one of the most basic tools we use to communicate with each other: Our language. Language influences our idea of gender, and therefore can affect our actions in hundreds of subtle and not­so­subtle ways.

Over the last few weeks, I participated in a group study to attempt to suss out some of the ways gender can alter behaviors. In particular, we studied the interactions between men and women. We recorded a number of ten minute conversations between men and women of different ages, relationships, and doing different activities, and came up with some common differences between them.

In our conversations, men and women spoke, on average, for . . . . [end of excerpt from 3.5 page 8 paragraph double spaced paper]

Vision of A Psychology Career


State your research question and explain why it is important.

Evaluation of Sources

Use your notes from the preparation study in Unit 5 to write up a critical evaluation of at least three peer-reviewed scholarly articles based on:

  • Relevance.
  • Credibility and authority.
  • Timeliness.
  • Sources.
  • Audience.
  • Bias and point of view.
Synthesis of Literature Into a Cohesive Review

In the preparation study in Unit 6, you should have identified at least three key themes, or focuses of inquiry, that are relevant to your research question and present in each article. These themes may be based on:

  • Related aspects of research questions.
  • Related or differing conclusions.
  • Other factors or ideas the studies have in common.
  • Other points of contrast between the studies.

Public Relation Campaigns on Measles and Vaccination

Assignment: Research secondary sources for a public relations campaign.

Description: Imagine you work in Public Relations for the Massachusetts Department of Health. Department leadership wants to communicate to state residents about the importance of getting a vaccination against measles. It wants to reduce the number of adults in Massachusetts who are not vaccinated by 10 percent. Your first step is to identify existing research that defines the risks associated with measles, describes the benefits of getting vaccinated against measles, and counters arguments that vaccinations can cause health problems.

Process: Step 1 is to review secondary research sources that might be ripe for gathering data to support the messaging behind the public relations campaign.

Step 2 is to select your five top resources (i.e., the materials that will be most useful in helping to develop the public relations campaign) and create a brief write-up about each.

How to Reduce drug related crimes?

The research problem is finding an effective way to reduce drug related crimes This study can include quantitative research and data that will help with finding a way to reduce drug related crimes. Write a 350-word research proposal that includes the following:

  • Develop a testable hypothesis and describe its implication to the field of criminal justice.
  • Include at least four peer-reviewed references.
  • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Social Media Impact on Society

English 1101 Research Paper Guidelines

TOPIC: What type of impact has Social Media had on Society

1. From the approved list, select a topic that you would like to research. This list will be provided by the instructor.

2. Submit a research paper proposal. The guidelines and an example of the proposal have been provided by the instructor.

3. Conference with the instructor about the topic and obtain approval to research the topic.

4. Begin searching Galileo, Credo, and the Internet for information on your topic. Your final paper must include four (4) to five(5) sources.

5. After finding information, on your topic, print, read, annotate, take notes and summarize the information. Be sure to write down bibliographic information for the information used.

6. Type your research paper.

7. The research paper must contain at least three (3) to four (4) pages of content. This does not include the Works Cited page.

8. For your sources, you can only use one website.

9. The research paper must contain at least one in-text citation from each source used.

Telemedicine Consultation & Health Care Delivery

Assignment Content

  1. This assignment is designed to help you understand the differences between qualitative and quantitative research designs, as well as select the appropriate method for the research question you have been working on throughout the course.
    Step 1: Restate your Week 1 research question and select the type of research (quantitative or qualitative) that is most appropriate for it.
    Step 2: Summarize the major steps in that type of research.
    Step 3: Determine the specific type or approach (i.e., quasi-experimental, phenomenological, etc.) you would employ and explain why that is the best selection.
    Step 4: Explain potential data.
    Step 5: Explain how analyzing and interpreting that data can inform your research question.
    Format your assignment as one of the following:

    • 18- to 20-slide presentation
    • 15- to 20-minute oral presentation
    • 875-word paper
    • Another format approved by your instructor

    Cite at least one peer-reviewed resource in APA format.

current eating and behavior patterns

This project is designed to help you analyze your current eating and behavior patterns then create an ideal meal plan that fulfills your personal nutrition needs.

Step # 1 Data Collection

  1. Record (on paper) everything you eat and drink for 3 new days of input (you are welcome to include more days-since this is a condensed course, I chose 3).
  2. Record time for meal/snack and where you ate it.
  3. Record why you ate it/how you were feeling (hungry, bored, social, stressed).
  4. Include everything you consume: drinks, snacks, candy, alcohol, etc.
  5. Be as specific as possible about the amount that you eat. Ex. 2 cups of penne pasta, 20 oz coke.
  6. Type above and include with the project.

Step # 2 Computer Analysis – Using Diet and Wellness Plus Program

  1. Enter your foods by day and meal.Note: Some foods may not be available but can be entered as custom foods (note:custom foods may not be included in the MyPlate report).
  2. Required Reports include:
    1. Food Log Reports:3 days of food input (food, amount, total calories- 3 pages)