Personal Identity & Artificial Intelligence Philosophy

Personal Identity & Artificial Intelligence Philosophy

1. Summarize Searle’s argument of the Chinese Room. How does it questions the

possibility of strong AI?

2. What is the philosophical significance of Locke’s story of the Cobbler and the


reply to the following question in 250-350words.

Theocrats and Libertarians Euthanasia

 Theocrats and Libertarians Euthanasia


Peter Wenz is clearly troubled that “living wills” might not accurately reflect what a patient in extremis might want. However, he also reports suspicions about the relevance and appropriateness of accessing a patient’s wishes through remembered conversations from better times. Why the rumpus about “What Terri would have wanted”?

Instructions: 400-600 words

Reference: Chapter 2 (p. 33-53)

Violence in The Name of Religion What Is Facism

Violence in The Name of Religion What Is Facism

Violence in the name of Religion

Read one of the CHOOSER selections and:

a)Suggest a question for open-ended class discussion based on that reading. Try to avoid factual questions and aim for something that could be answered in a variety of ways. Either/or questions are often useful, but only if you could imagine somebody reasonably taking either side of the issue.

b)Write 300-500 words answering the question that you proposed. Use specific textual evidence to support your position.

Use of the LSD in the Cultural Revolution

 Use of the LSD in the Cultural Revolution

Q1/Why did Ram Dass find more appeal in the Yogic path, rather than in LSD?

Q2/What did you find most compelling, or interesting about these two icons of the 60’s cultural revolution?

Philosophy Descartes on The Nature of The Human Mind

Philosophy Descartes on The Nature of The Human Mind

1. Discussion 1 post and 2 reply

Hi, welcome to this week discussion!

What is due?

Please choose one topic (see below) and post at least one reflection and two comments to your peers’ reflections.


This assignment is meant to assess your capacity to understand and reflect autonomously on the contents that you studied, and your capacity to engage with different opinions and views in a respectful and fruitful way, collaborating with your peers for an inclusive learning environment.


Please write:

1) One post on the chosen prompt, 100 to 200 words

2) At least two comments on your peers’ posts, 50 to 100 words each. One of the comments can be your reply to a comment you received. Comments can be on any topic, not necessarily the prompt you have chosen.

Please be sure that your posts are on topic, and your comments are respectful and constructive. See the rubric for details.

IMPORTANT: This is a group discussion; be sure that you post in your group, not in the general discussion. Only if you post in your group your submission will be graded.


1) Do you think that dream and reality are distinguishable? Why?

2) Explain how Descartes passes from radical skepticism to the foundation of the Cogito. Can you identify a weak point in his argument?

3) What are the ethical implications of skepticism about other minds?

4) Share your thoughts on any of the additional materials and how it relates to the topics of this week.

2. reading summary 200-250words


a Philosophy of Economic Life

a Philosophy of Economic Life

Please answer following questions by read the Powerpoint.

Question 1: By read Lecture Notes 1.1 Write a response: Do you think Schumacher has shown that we have not solved the problem of production?

Question 2: By read Lecture Notes 1.2 Write a personal reaction to Chapter 1.2.

Question 3: By read Lecture Notes 1.3 Write a personal reaction to Chapter 1.3.

Question 4: By read Lecture Notes 1.4 Write a personal reaction to Chapter 1.4.

Question 5: By read Lecture Notes 1.5 Write a personal reaction to Part 1.5.

Question 6: By read Lecture Notes 2.5 Write a personal reaction to Chapter 2.5.

Question 7: By read Lecture Notes 3.2 Write a personal reaction to Chapter 3.2.

Question 8: By read Lecture Notes 4.5 Write a personal reaction to Chapter 4.5.

Question 9: By read Toward a Philosophy of Economic Life Write a brief response on the idea of wisdom.

Here is the Powerpoint…

Practical and Theoretical Philosophical Principles

 Practical and Theoretical Philosophical Principles

Replying to Thought Experiments and Case Studies

For the purposes of our class the response paper is 5 pages. There are four key areas you should cover in those 5 pages (homework is 3 pages) Below is geared to the 5 page paper. For homework, it is 20% shorter.

Find and describe the elements of the thought experiment. What is it trying to do? What is the point? Interpret any key terms and show why they are necessary to your interpretation of what is happening.

Set out the relevant practical and theoretical philosophical principles at stake and apply them to the problem.

Solve the problem set out in the thought experiment.

Reflect on the significance of your solution. What 3 abstract general points about the world have now been elucidated?

* most important point. At least a page.Rubric. If you represent all four points sequentially in your paper you will earn some kind of “B” grade (so long as you are also close to 5 pages, i.e., within a half-page under or a full page over). To get a high “B” or an “A-“ or “A” grade you will have to do well on the reflection bullet.

you need to use one of the thought experiment in the book. they are plenty.

you can access the book with the link below. you will need to create a account and borrow the book for free.…

please make college level and not extremely professional just easy to comprehend. thank you.

Descartes Radical Skepticism & Self Discovery

Descartes Radical Skepticism & Self Discovery

1. Discussion 1 post and 2 reply

Hi, welcome to this week discussion!

What is due?

Please choose one topic (see below) and post at least one reflection and two comments to your peers’ reflections.


This assignment is meant to assess your capacity to understand and reflect autonomously on the contents that you studied, and your capacity to engage with different opinions and views in a respectful and fruitful way, collaborating with your peers for an inclusive learning environment.


Please write:

1) One post on the chosen prompt, 100 to 200 words

2) At least two comments on your peers’ posts, 50 to 100 words each. One of the comments can be your reply to a comment you received. Comments can be on any topic, not necessarily the prompt you have chosen.

Please be sure that your posts are on topic, and your comments are respectful and constructive. See the rubric for details.

IMPORTANT: This is a group discussion; be sure that you post in your group, not in the general discussion. Only if you post in your group your submission will be graded.


1) Do you think that dream and reality are distinguishable? Why?

2) Explain how Descartes passes from radical skepticism to the foundation of the Cogito. Can you identify a weak point in his argument?

3) What are the ethical implications of skepticism about other minds?

4) Share your thoughts on any of the additional materials and how it relates to the topics of this week.

What is Philosophy

What is Philosophy


  • Watch the Video below. It is a good introduction to philosophy.
  • You must respond to all the four prompts listed and give at least 2 examples.
  • The assignment is to be 1 page in length (approx. 325 words) using standard 12″ font size with 1.5 spacing.
  • You may use bullet lists sparingly for only part of your essay.
  • Since this is a graded assignment, look at the Rubric below for the criteria that will be used to grade the assignment.


  • What is Philosophy?
  • List & discuss the three major branches and their definitions for Philosophy; (Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Ethics).
  • Discuss the two major types of arguments used and their differences; (Deductive and Inductive reasoning). Give an example for each type to illustrate the difference.
  • Define the following technical terms discussed in the video; (Skepticism, Relativism, Empiricist, Rationalist, Divine Command Theory).

Ethical Relativism and Theory of Virtue Ethics

 Ethical Relativism and Theory of Virtue Ethics

Submit as a single Word document:

Part I

Define the following ethical perspectives in your own words. A minimum of three sources must be utilized and cited properly with in-text citations and a reference list. Avoid using direct quotes. If you summarize or paraphrase information in your own words, you must cite sources to provide credit for the ideas and concepts.

A = Rule utilitarianism
B = Kantian ethics
C = Act utilitarianism
D = Care ethics
E = Social contract ethics
F = Subjective relativism
G = Cultural relativism
H = Divine command theory
I = Act utilitarianism

Part II

Determine which ethical perspective above is primarily reflected in each of the ten arguments below and explain why. A minimum of three sources must be utilized and cited properly with in-text citations and in the reference list. Avoid using direct quotes. If you summarize or paraphrase information in your own words, you must cite sources to provide credit for the ideas and concepts.


  1. Although many societies have practiced human sacrifice, human sacrifice was not considered wrong, even though we believe it is wrong in our culture. Therefore, human sacrifice within those cultures was not really wrong.
  2. Same-sex marriage is right because the Constitution offers equal protection under the law and society has agreed to follow the laws set forth in that document.
  3. “And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you.” (Leviticus 11:7–8)
  4. Your neighbor runs into her house screaming, blood dripping down her arm. Five minutes later a man with a bloody machete comes running down the street and stops and asks you where she went. You answer honestly “in her house.”
  5. Margarita spoke with her family and they all agreed that they would let her take the medication that would allow her to die peacefully instead of in pain.
  6. Souerette watched over the children in the daycare meticulously. She knew which children she could trust alone because of their behaviors with each other.
  7. He does not have the right character and temperament to be a state governor. He avoided service by faking a medical condition, he rarely tells the truth, he eats and drinks too much, and he has little patience with people.
  8. Patient autonomy and free choice are morally correct.
  9. I believe that it is perfectly fine to lie about some things.
  10. Wearing a mask when engaging with the public is the right decision because it protects the welfare of those in your community.

additional. :

no need to try and structure as an essay.  Just a title page.  Then, you can number your response to each question.  A few sentences for each should be ok.

you want to identify which perspective is being invoked in each argument and you want to take 2-4 sentences to explain support your identification.  That means defining the principles and explaining how the sample statements demonstrate the thought process of a Utilitarian, Kantian, Virtue Ethicist, etc.