Descartes Radical Skepticism & Self Discovery
1. Discussion 1 post and 2 reply
Hi, welcome to this week discussion!
What is due?
Please choose one topic (see below) and post at least one reflection and two comments to your peers’ reflections.
This assignment is meant to assess your capacity to understand and reflect autonomously on the contents that you studied, and your capacity to engage with different opinions and views in a respectful and fruitful way, collaborating with your peers for an inclusive learning environment.
Please write:
1) One post on the chosen prompt, 100 to 200 words
2) At least two comments on your peers’ posts, 50 to 100 words each. One of the comments can be your reply to a comment you received. Comments can be on any topic, not necessarily the prompt you have chosen.
Please be sure that your posts are on topic, and your comments are respectful and constructive. See the rubric for details.
IMPORTANT: This is a group discussion; be sure that you post in your group, not in the general discussion. Only if you post in your group your submission will be graded.
1) Do you think that dream and reality are distinguishable? Why?
2) Explain how Descartes passes from radical skepticism to the foundation of the Cogito. Can you identify a weak point in his argument?
3) What are the ethical implications of skepticism about other minds?
4) Share your thoughts on any of the additional materials and how it relates to the topics of this week.