Therapeutic Itinerary of Elderly People

1Rev Bras Enferm. 2021;74(3): e20200788 8of

ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the therapeutic itinerary of elderly people with diabetes mellitus registered at Family Health Strategy units. Methods: qualitative and descriptive study carried out with 15 elderly people with diabetes mellitus between February and April 2019 by applying semi-structured interviews with the participants. Data were submitted to analysis of Minayo’s operational proposal. Results: in the folk care subsystem, the use of medicinal herbs, healers, and faith was emphasized by the participants. In the professional care subsystem, Family Health Strategy units were the services with the strongest bond to elderly people, but these patients still had to resort to the private healthcare network. Family proved to be the main source of support in the popular care subsystem. Final considerations: nursing must acknowledge the different types of knowledge, coping strategies, beliefs, and the culture of elderly people with diabetes mellitus to guarantee the delivery of comprehensive care. Descriptors: Aged; Diabetes Mellitus; Nursing Care; Primary Health Care; Family Health Strategy.

RESUMO Objetivo: descrever o itinerário terapêutico de pessoas idosas com diabetes mellitus cadastradas em unidades de Estratégia Saúde da Família. Método: estudo qualitativo, descritivo, realizado com 15 pessoas idosas com diabetes mellitus, entre fevereiro e abril de 2019, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram submetidos à análise da proposta operativa de Minayo. Resultados: no subsistema de cuidado folclórico, foi evidenciado o uso de plantas medicinais, de benzedores e fé. No subsistema de cuidado profissional, as equipes de Estratégia Saúde da Família são os serviços de maior vínculo com as pessoas idosas que, porém, ainda precisam recorrer à rede privada de saúde. A família mostra-se como principal fonte de apoio no subsistema de cuidado popular. Considerações finais: faz-se necessário que a enfermagem reconheça a pluralidade de saberes, estratégias de enfrentamento, crenças e cultura das pessoas idosas com diabetes mellitus, para garantir um cuidado integral. Descritores: Idoso; Diabetes Mellitus; Cuidados de Enfermagem; Atenção Primária à Saúde; Estratégia Saúde da Família.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir el itinerario terapéutico de personas ancianas con diabetes mellitus registradas en unidades de Estrategia Salud de la Familia. Método: Estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, realizado con 15 ancianos con diabetes mellitus entre febrero y abril de 2019 utilizando entrevistas semiestructuradas. Datos sometidos a análisis de la propuesta operativa de Minayo. Resultados: En el subsistema de cuidado folclórico, fue evidenciado el uso de plantas medicinales, de curanderos y fe. En el subsistema de atención profesional, los equipos de Estrategia Salud de la Familia son los de mayor vínculo con los ancianos que, aún, precisan recorrer la red privada de salud. La familia se muestra como fuente de apoyo principal en el sistema popular. Consideraciones finales: Es necesario que la enfermería reconozca la pluralidad de saberes, estrategias de enfrentamiento, creencias y cultura de los ancianos con diabetes mellitus para garantizar una atención integral. Descriptores: Anciano; Diabetes Mellitus; Atención de Enfermería; Atención Primaria de Salud; Estrategia de Salud Familiar.

Therapeutic itinerary of elderly people with diabetes mellitus: implications for nursing care

Itinerário terapêutico de pessoas idosas com Diabetes Mellitus: implicações para o cuidado de enfermagem

Itinerario terapéutico de personas ancianas con diabetes mellitus: implicancias para la atención de enfermería


Francine Feltrin de OliveiraI

ORCID: 0000-0002-5105-7053

Margrid BeuterI


Maria Denise SchimithI

ORCID: 0000-0002-4867-4990

Marinês Tambara LeiteII

ORCID: 0000-0003-3280-337X

Carolina BackesI

ORCID: 0000-0002-2504-9105

Eliane Raquel Rieth BenettiI

ORCID: 0000-0003-1626-5698

Larissa VenturiniI

ORCID: 0000-0002-5401-3849

I Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

II Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Palmeira das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

How to cite this article: Oliveira FF, Beuter M, Schimith MD, Leite MT, Backes C,

Benetti ERR, et al. Therapeutic itinerary of elderly people with diabetes mellitus: implications for nursing care.

Rev Bras Enferm. 2021;74(3):e20200788.

Corresponding author: Francine Feltrin de Oliveira


EDITOR IN CHIEF: Antonio José de Almeida Filho ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Priscilla Broca

Submission: 08-11-2020 Approval: 11-01-2020



2Rev Bras Enferm. 2021;74(3): e20200788 8of

Therapeutic itinerary of elderly people with diabetes mellitus: implications for nursing care Oliveira FF, Beuter M, Schimith MD, Leite MT, Backes C, Benetti ERR, et al.


Aging is a process marked by individual rhythm and evolution and is influenced by biopsychosocial factors. Noncommunicable chronic diseases are not intrinsically related to aging, but when people get old they become more likely to develop some diseases, including diabetes mellitus (DM). This disease is a public health problem. In 2017, Brazil occupied the fourth place in the global ranking of a number of people who live with DM(1), and global projections indicated that approximately 463 million people in the age group from 20 to 79 years had this morbidity in 2019 and that this number can increase to 700 million people in 2045. Additionally, it is estimated that one out of five people older than 65 years has DM(2).

Studies have shown that, when present in elderly people, DM interferes with quality of life, since it increases the risk of impair- ment of the motor function, the incidence of sarcopenia, and the chances of developing the frailty syndrome, characteristics that are not observed in people with the same chronological age who do not have DM. This suggests that the disease leads to early biological aging(3-4).

Therapeutic itinerary (TI) is one of the central concepts of socio- anthropological health studies(5) and aims to interpret the process by which people or social groups choose certain forms of health treatment. The initial studies on TI originated from the expression “illness behavior” and were based on the logic of individual con- ducts in the search for health services, guided by cost-benefit(5). The concept expanded its analytical scope from the 1980s onwards, especially with the studies by Arthur Kleinman, who began giv- ing more emphasis to the different medical notions of health and disease and their interaction with the healthcare system(5).

When faced with the establishment of a disease, people seek different therapeutic resources, which offer different trajectories in the attempt to solve the problem that bothers them(5). One of the paths to obtain assistance is primary health care, which materializes as the Family Health Strategy (FHS) and is the first level of health care(6). The Brazilian National Health Policy to Elderly People (Política Nacional de Saúde da Pessoa Idosa – PNSPI, in Portuguese) considers FHS the main gateway to access health services, and it is the care organizer and coordinator(7). Conse- quently, FHS(8) teams are given the responsibility to follow the population with DM. They also have to promote care practices that take into account people’s individuality and complexity.

Given the nature of nursing interventions, it becomes relevant that nurses know the knowledge of elderly people with DM and the trajectory taken by them in their attempt to obtain care, considering the sociocultural context in which they are inserted and their experience with the disease. Therefore, acknowledg- ing the specificity of the aging process and the care possibilities regarding elderly patients with DM’s beliefs and own ways to understand life, health, and disease contributes to nursing care in gerontological follow-up.

Aiming to elucidate the TI of elderly people with DM, the pres- ent study adopted the healthcare system proposed by Kleinman as a guide(9). This author intended to clarify the influence of the social and cultural matrix on the understanding of the process of health, disease, and care based on the interaction of three subsystems: folk, professional, and popular. The first admits

inclusion of nonprofessional healing specialists, such as healers and prayers. The professional subsystem represents scientific care, including traditional medical systems. The popular seg- ment encompasses the family sphere and social and community networks(9). People circulate in these subsystems based on the interpretation of their health or disease status and seek actions that can provide treatment or healing. These subsystems are responsible for the development of different therapeutic realities designed as sociocultural constructs, linked to beliefs about the disease and the experience with the symptoms, leading to the establishment of a systemic and interconnected relationship(9).

From the information above, it can be inferred that the number of studies on the healthcare practices of elderly people with DM who follow their TI is still limited, which justified the development of the present study. This limitation calls for the need to design studies that can deepen the knowledge of gerontological nurs- ing in primary health care for professionals to understand the care strategies and the trajectories taken in the different care subsystems. Given this context, the following question was asked: What is the TI put into practice by elderly people with DM who receive care by means of the FHS? It is expected that knowing the TI of elderly people with DM allows to expand the knowledge on the subject to provide professionals with resources to nursing practice and actions oriented toward elderly people to guarantee care comprehensiveness.


To describe the TI of elderly people with DM registered at FHS units.


Ethical aspects

The proposal was approved by the Research Ethics Committee at the Federal University of Santa Maria. The ethical principles involved in human research were observed, in conformity with Resolution no. 466/2012. Data were produced after the partici- pants signed free and informed consent forms. Each interview was identified with the letter “I” followed by a number that indicated its position in the sequence of interviews (I1, I2, etc.).

Study type

This is a qualitative and descriptive study. Its methodological details were based on the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research checklist(10).

Methodological procedures


The present study was carried out with elderly people with DM registered at FHS units in a municipality in the South Region of Brazil between February and April 2019. The authors opted to choose two FHS units in the same municipality to be the study setting because these places held the multiprofessional residency



3Rev Bras Enferm. 2021;74(3): e20200788 8of

Therapeutic itinerary of elderly people with diabetes mellitus: implications for nursing care Oliveira FF, Beuter M, Schimith MD, Leite MT, Backes C, Benetti ERR, et al.

of a federal university and developed a work oriented toward the elderly population with noncommunicable chronic diseases.

Data source

The sample was 15 elderly people with DM. This number of participants allowed information repetition and data saturation(11). Participant selection occurred with the collaboration of nurses and community health workers at the health units, who helped find elderly patients with DM. After that, the main researcher went to these patients’ houses in person to invite them to participate in the study. Once the invitation was accepted, a new visit was scheduled, according to the patients’ day and time availability and at the place that was most convenient for them.

The participants were elderly people with DM who were intentionally selected after meeting the following inclusion criteria: having preserved cognitive capacity as per evaluation in the Mini-Mental State Examination(12); having an established DM diagnosis for at least two years; and being registered at a FHS unit. This two-year period was chosen because the authors understood that it would be enough for the elderly people to have explored the possibilities available in the healthcare systems and, consequently, for them to be able to describe a proper TI.

Data collection and organization

Data collection occurred by interviewing the participants using a semi-structured script. The interview had two parts: the first had questions related to the characterization of the participants, and the second had five open-ended questions formulated by the re- searchers which allowed to obtain a description of the TI of elderly people with DM. These questions were: (1) Can you tell how you found out that you that DM?; (2) Who helps you when you need care?; (3) What type of bond do you have with these people?; (4) What services do you seek for treatment or care?; and (5) Have you ever sought or have you been seeking any alternative form of treatment?. All the interviews were carried out in the participants’ houses, privately, observing secrecy and privacy during data col- lection. The interviews had an average duration of 60 minutes and had their audio recorded after the participants authorized it. Before the data collection step, a pilot test was conducted with three elderly people with DM whose data were not included in the study.

Data analysis

Data analysis was grounded on Minayo’s operational proposal(13), for which the following steps are recommended: data ordering, data classification, data analysis, and report drafting. The inter- views were transcribed and exported to the NVivo® software to facilitate data ordering and classification.


The participants of the present study were 15 elderly people with DM, of whom six were men and nine were women. Their age ranged from 61 to 74 years, and their average level of education was incomplete middle school. Twelve participants lived with

their partners and three were widows or widowers. Regarding profession, 13 were retired people, one received the Continuous Provision Benefit, and one had no financial sources and was waiting to reach the minimum age to receive this benefit. The DM diagnosis time was between five and 23 years.

To understand the TI dimension of elderly people with DM, data were organized into three thematic categories:

Folk practices and their implications for the care of elderly people with DM

The information on use and preparation of medicinal herbs originated in the social relationships with friends, neighbors, and relatives, who made up a support network that contributed to the treatment for DM, which is a development found in the folk subsystem.

[…] I have a liana called monkey liana. It was the husband of my cousin, from the colony, who sent it to me […] my brother taught me. You get a piece of liana and put it in one liter of water and boil it. And then you drink it over the day, it is very good. (I7, 62 years old)

The participants reported success in the use of teas to control glycemia and vouched for the hypoglycemic effect of medicinal herbs because of the result they obtained in the self-monitoring of capillary glycemia.

[…], but if you drink java plum tea, you can measure and you will see, your glucose will be lower. I ran a test a couple of days ago, I skipped metformin, which I take daily, for a few days, and I drank the tea only and felt nothing, it was all the same. (I6, 68 years old)

It was observed that some participants interrupted their medica- tion to validate the effectiveness of the tea. In addition to drinking teas, other care practices were adopted by the elderly people with DM in their TI, including faith and prayers chanted by healers.

I have a lot of faith, I always pray. If faith does not heal, it soothes or controls the disease […] I feel good and it gives you strength in life, we get stronger spiritually and it impacts our life and our body. (I8, 65 years old)

These practices emerged as care elements and were used with a broad perspective to seek a better health condition and support in the coping with the disease.

There is a healer here in the city, in the neighborhood […] she says a prayer with everybody in a room and then she gets close to everyone’s head. We went there to see if this disease can be healed […] I have always gone to these places believing that I was going to get better […] we get well and feel better. (I11, 64 years old)

The therapeutic care entrusted to the ritual of submitting to the procedures of a healer was mentioned as a help to control and heal the disease, and consequently offered the feeling of well-being. The finitude perception was identified in the accounts of the participants, who asked God for longer survival.

We think: why this inside me, this disease? Will I go before the due time? I have to help myself. They work and they are all well, I have



4Rev Bras Enferm. 2021;74(3): e20200788 8of

Therapeutic itinerary of elderly people with diabetes mellitus: implications for nursing care Oliveira FF, Beuter M, Schimith MD, Leite MT, Backes C, Benetti ERR, et al.

to get well too, I do not want to depend on anyone, and may God help me! (I10, 66 years old)

The way people experience the development of DM, com- bined with the losses inherent in aging, affects the subjective dimension of care, which encompasses emotions, desires, and the confrontation with finitude and death.

Mental Health Discussion

Module 05 Discussion –

3 hours

Initial Post

There are times when a nurse must provide care for a client who is agitated and verbally or physically aggressive. The client may be psychotic, but the nurse must, in each case, remain in control of his/her own feelings, and intervene in the most appropriate manner.

After watching a segment regarding a violent client at Bellevue Hospital, answer the questions below. It’s not necessary to critique the staff in the video, just think of how you might respond.

Violent Client at Bellevue Hosptial Video

  • Describe a time when a client was rude or verbally abusive to you. How did you react?
  • What skills were necessary to maintain a professional, caring, therapeutic relationship?
  • How did you best communicate with this client?
  • What did you learn from this experience?

Power Analysis Response

According to Gray and Grove (2021). Power is the probability that a statistical test will detect an effect when it actually exists. Power is the inverse of type II error and it is the probability of retaining the null (Gray & Grove, 2021, p.636). Greenland et al. (2016) explains that every method of statistical inference depends on a complex web of assumptions about how data were collected and analyzed. And how the analysis results were selected for presentation. The full set of assumptions is embodied in a statistical model that underpins the method.

This model is a mathematical representation of data variability, and thus ideally would capture accurately all sources of such variability. The power of a test to detect a correct alternative hypothesis is the pre-study probability. That the test will reject the test hypothesis (e.g., the probability that P will not exceed a pre-specified cut-off such as 0.05). The corresponding pre-study probability of failing to reject the test hypothesis when the alternative is correct is one minus the power. Also known as the Type-II or beta error rate (Greenland et al., 2016)

null hypothesis

According to Shreffler (2021), a type I error occurs when in research when we reject the null hypothesis. And erroneously state that the study found significant differences when there indeed was no difference. In other words. It is equivalent to saying that the groups or variables differ when, in fact, they do not or having false positives. A concept closely aligned to type II error is statistical power. Statistical power is a crucial part of the research process that is most valuable in the design and planning phases of studies. Though it requires assessment when interpreting results. Power is the ability to correctly reject a null hypothesis that is indeed false.  Unfortunately, many studies lack sufficient power and should be presented as having inconclusive findings (Shreffler, 2021).

Shreffler (2021) also mentions that Power is the probability of a study to make correct decisions or detect an effect when one exists. The power of a statistical test is dependent on the level of significance set by the researcher, the sample size, and the effect size or the extent to which the groups differ based on treatment. Statistical power is critical for healthcare providers to decide how many patients to enroll in clinical studies. Power is strongly associated with sample size; when the sample size is large, power will generally not be an issue. Thus, when conducting a study with a low sample size, and ultimately low power, researchers should be aware of the likelihood of a type II error. By limiting type I and type II errors, healthcare providers can ensure that decisions based on research outputs are safe for patients (Shreffler, 2021).


Gray, J., & Grove, S. K. (2021). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (9th ed.). Elsevier.

Greenland, S., Senn, S. J., Rothman, K. J., Carlin, J. B., Poole, C., Goodman, S. N., & Altman, D. G. (2016). Statistical tests, p values, confidence intervals, and power: A guide to misinterpretations. European Journal of Epidemiology31(4), 337–350.

Shreffler, J. (2021). Type i and type ii errors and statistical power. StatPearls [Internet].

Cryptocurrency Liquidity And The Importance Of It

The liquidity value of a collectible is determined by how quickly one can sell the asset and at what price. The levels of liquidity will often depend on how many users that particular platform has. In contrast, those with low liquidity are in a precarious financial position. Even if you have many assets, they may not be easily convertible into cash due to low demand. A liquidity risk refers to a situation in which someone can’t easily liquidate their assets and pay off their debts.

More popular cryptoasset pairs like Bitcoin – Tether (BTC/USDT) or Ethereum – Tether (ETH/USDT) have better liquidity than lesser known pairs. As a rule of thumb, bigger exchanges will have more liquidity than smaller ones, and more popular cryptoassets will have more liquidity than less popular ones. She is a financial therapist and is globally-recognized as a leading personal finance and cryptocurrency subject matter expert and educator.

As a result, anytime you sell or purchase, there will always be market participants prepared to do the opposite. People can initiate and exit positions in highly liquid markets with little slippage or price fluctuation. In recent years, due to better adoption and high returns, volume has increased and What is Crypto Liquidity frequency too which helps in enhance liquidity. The more crypto assets become usable in day-to-day life, the better it would perform on the exchanges. Higher trading volumes allow users to easily buy or sell the cryptocurrency of their choice without much difficulty because of the available liquidity.

Increased Accuracy For Technical Analysis

These tokens provide decentralized exchanges with the essential liquidity they require. The term “liquidity” refers to the ease with which one can swap a crypto token for another. Such ease is essential to the DeFi ecosystem because of the numerous financial activities carried out in it.

If the amount you wish to purchase is more than a fraction of one percent, it suggests the pair is illiquid compared to your position size. This material should not be considered as a basis for making investment decisions or as a recommendation to participate in investment transactions. Trading digital assets may involve significant risks and can result in the loss of invested capital. Therefore, brokers try to provide a high level of liquidity that is attractive to potential clients.

There are certain countries that ban either cryptocurrency trading or the use of cryptocurrencies in dealings. Anyone looking to own cryptocurrencies would have to privately find a seller, or rely on peer-to-peer platforms. Volume refers to the amount of coins that have been traded in exchanges usually in the past 24 hours timeframe. Essentially, the volume reflects the market activity of a specific coin; a higher volume indicates that more people are buying and selling the coins.

Crypto Liquidity Importance

There are two major ways of measuring the liquidity of crypto assets and exchanges. The most common way is by calculating the number of coins traded in a single market during a given period of time–twenty-four hours is the most used timeframe for crypto assets. Greater trading volume equates to more trading activity and indicates a highly liquid market. In simple terms liquidity shows how quickly and easily an asset can be bought or sold.

Importance Of Liquidity In Cryptocurrency

This financial institution covers traders’ asks and bids, so there is always an available match between them. In other words, market makers provide market liquidity by covering the spreads between asks and bids. Liquidity in the cryptocurrency market, as you know by now, is the ability to convert coins to cash or other coins traded in the digital assets landscape. Trades with liquidity pool programs like Uniswap don’t require matching the expected price and the executed price. AMMs, which are programmed to facilitate trades efficiently by eliminating the gap between the buyers and sellers of crypto tokens, make trades on DEX markets easy and reliable. Liquidity pools are designed to incentivize users of different crypto platforms, called liquidity providers .

The third issue with liquidity mining is the possibility of rug pulls, one among many crypto scams. DeFi rug pulls can always happen easily, and this usually affects newly launched tokens. All of the above points are not only applicable to altcoins but also to Bitcoin. The more widespread the network and currency becomes, the more liquid BTC markets will be.

Crypto Liquidity Importance

There is an opportunity for fraud in a highly centralized liquidity pool. For example, one of the developers in the pool can hijack the pool’s resources. As a result, you must select your liquidity pool carefully and conduct adequate due diligence before depositing your crypto. The order book also presents some challenges, one of the most significant of which is a lack of transparency.

The best practical way is to look at the 24 hours trade volume in the sites like coinmarketcap. In a liquid market, the prices are bound to be fair and equal for all the market participants. One of the most important reasons that contribute to this fairness of price is the large volume of buyers and sellers. A marketplace with high trading activity will ensure or rather force the sellers to sell at competitive prices and the buyers will naturally bid at higher prices.

What Is Liquidity?

To put that in the context of cryptocurrency, it is easier for a buy order placed on Bitcoin to be executed because there are more people ready to trade BTC. Meanwhile, when buying Tron , the total amount of traders looking to purchase this asset is significantly lower. The most-traded pair in the forex market is EUR – USD, which accounts for 28% of the total forex transactions. This is why it has the lowest spread as many people are willing to sell and buy at the same time. Liquidity in cryptocurrency allows for price stability and decreased volatility, as well as assists in the analysis of trader activity.

How to Tell if a Crypto Project Is a Scam – Crypto Briefing

How to Tell if a Crypto Project Is a Scam.

Posted: Thu, 06 Oct 2022 02:14:10 GMT [source]

It’ll be almost impossible to find someone selling the exact car you want who wants to exchange it for your artifact. To express it more simply, the process of yield farming is similar to placing your money into an old-fashioned savings account. Over time, you will earn interest on that investment; with yield farming, the benefits accrue in the form of tokenized rewards. The decentralized finance ecosystem has grown with extraordinary speed since the early days of cryptocurrency. At the end of 2019, there were fewer than 100,000 users of DeFi; by the middle of 2022, the number of unique addresses that had traded a DeFi asset had grown to 4.85 million. A creator of a liquidity pool might shut it down at any time and walk away with the assets that you’ve invested.

Given a large number of market participants, buy and sell orders are fulfilled much faster. Traders can quickly enter or exit a trade, which can sometimes be challenging in the fast-paced digital currency market. LiquidityHigh liquidity indicates a vibrant and stable market where participants can trade quickly, easily and at fair prices. Considering the same, majority crypto exchange development processes are focused on reinforcing exchange platforms with features that help improve liquidity.

Better And Fair Prices For Everyone

If one person pays one USDT for one NEWCOIN, then the market price for NEWCOIN is now one dollar per coin, making the market cap of the NEWCOIN 10 billion dollars. If no one else trades it, i.e., the liquidity remains practically zero, NEWCOIN’s astronomical price will remain. This dynamic is exacerbated by how DEXs algorithmically determine the price ratio between assets in a trading pair. They can be called smart contracts containing locked crypto tokens provided by platform users. They are supported by other code snippets such as Automatic Market Makers , which help balance liquidity pools using mathematical formulas. DeFi activities, including lending, borrowing or exchanging tokens, are based on smart contracts.

Crypto Liquidity Importance

And you must always work with a trading company that can offer you a liquidity provider. If you have done this, you are good to start your trading in the crypto market. Which means that the larger the quantity you want to trade with is, the more important it is to use a liquid exchange.

Advantages Of Liquidity Pools Over Order Books

A good way to think of each crypto exchange is to see them as individual “islands“. This is because each and every crypto exchange has its own “population” of buyers and sellers. 1) The liquidity provider should be regulated by a reputable financial institution. Therefore, you can ensure that they will provide you with fair prices and will be held to high standards. It is debatable just how liquid cryptoassets are, and much of this can depend on which cryptoasset is being discussed.

  • Without a smart contract audit, they could use this to do something bad, like take control of the pooled funds.
  • Anyone looking to own cryptocurrencies would have to privately find a seller, or rely on peer-to-peer platforms.
  • A liquid market accelerates and simplifies the process to buy and sell cryptocurrencies.
  • As mentioned in section 1, market stability is one of the reasons that investors prefer a high liquid market over a low one.
  • It will be very difficult to fix the situation afterward.And it is important to choose a quality liquidity provider.
  • The most common way is by calculating the number of coins traded in a single market during a given period of time–twenty-four hours is the most used timeframe for crypto assets.

Asymmetric information means that one party in a transaction might have private information or knows something about an asset that the other party doesn’t. In addition, volatility-over-volume measures use volatility to measure liquidity instead of returns. We observe some changes in the frequency domains of liquidity clustering. However, the BTC/LTC pair always appears in the same cluster, showing the complementary nature of assets under different scenarios.

Follow 5 Easy Steps To Jump Into The Crypto Market

There are many other exchanges that are currently work-in-progress and due to launch in the near future. But if we are talking about brokers who decided to create a crypto exchange, then here the concept of a liquidity pool becomes different. And the process itself becomes different because here traders do not need to create a buy order. Market makers act automatically, accept payments and instantly fulfill the request. It is created by liquidity providers from assets that have a low user base. A liquidity pool is a pool of crypto tokens secured under a smart contract.

Thus,while building your own cryptocurrency exchange platform, have a keen look at liquidity. High liquidity ensures high stability and invulnerability to large swings in the market due to large trades. For example, whales can significantly influence, or in worse scenario, manipulate prices in illiquid markets with little market activity. A single buy or sell order could lead to large fluctuations in cryptocurrency prices, thereby resulting in increased volatility and risks for the cryptocurrency market. Conversely, a large number of participants and orders in the liquid market efficiently help cater large orders and maintain relatively stable prices.

Therefore, it becomes highly volatile thereby scaring away the rest of the investors and traders too. Crypto assets hire Liquidity Management companies to avoid such situations. For any economic activity to take place in DeFi, there must be a cryptocurrency that needs to be supplied in some way. On centralized exchanges, this role is fulfilled by order books and market makers. Technical analysis is defined as the study of past prices of cryptocurrencies and the use of technical indicators and charting patterns to envisage cryptocurrency prices.

Many companies are trying to jump on the bandwagon of accepting cryptocurrencies as a form of payment. Such activities have caused Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to be more liquid. He started trading forex five years ago, and not long after that, he picked up interest in the crypto and blockchain systems.

Therefore, you still need to analyze your tokens thoroughly before providing liquidity. The story behind decentralized finance is an exciting and interesting one, and the field itself has spawned numerous innovative ideas, one of which is liquidity mining. This obviously increases the trading speed which enriches the user experience.

On the other hand, if you believe that gold’s price is likely to decline, you might be able to take advantage of a decline in gold’s price by placing a short CFD position. Many e-commerce sites and popular brands started accepting bitcoins as the mode of payment. This wide adoption is also considered as the factor to adopt cryptocurrencies. Liquidity ensures that even if several people are making large trading orders. Financial crisis can have a significant impact on liquidity as market players rush to the exit to cover their financial obligations or short-term liabilities. An example of this is Dogecoin – it has increased over 1000% within a short time.



Instructions: Answer three (3) of the following six (6) questions. You can use primary and secondary sources to develop your answers. Be sure to follow pertinent bibliographical rules and formats. Your answers will be evaluated by their clarity, concision and subject matter coherence. Your answers should not exceed 15 pages, 8 x 11 paper, double space. The answers must be turned no later than on July 29th, 2021

1. What are the similarities and differences between the philosophical hermeneutics of H.G. Gadamer and the legal hermeneutics of E. Betti. Pay particular attention to the importance each gives to the relationship between the phenomenon of understanding and interpretation, and the role played by language.

2. Discuss the diverse interpretative theories for Constitutional adjudication. Pay particular attention to Scalia’s textualism vis-à-vis originalism, and the politico-philosophical underpinnings to this hermeneutical approach. Use District of Columbia v Heller , 554 US ___ (2008) as case example of this interpretative approach.

3. “The limits of my language are the limits of my world”, stated Wittgenstein in his early work Tractatus Logicus-Philosophicus . Discuss the interplay between meaning and intent with regards to hermeneutics. Pay particular attention to the philosophical conception of language and the limits the law tries to impose on it.

4. How are we to understand Derrida’s claim that deconstruction, if there is such a thing, is justice?

5. What are the core arguments in favor of a moral reading of the law according to Dworkin. Pay particular attention to the underling principles of liberalism and to the relationship between law and politics for purposes of interpretation.

6. Make your own question and answer it.

Ethics In Justice And Security

In criminal justice, process and procedure is important. If proper discretion is not used, lives are affected. And departments within criminal justice, like the police, are affected as well. If improper discretion is used at any point during the process. There are consequences. And one of those consequences is the use of a federal consent decree to hold those in criminal justice accountable.

It requires departments to reform for the good of the department. And the communities they serve. These decrees require all individuals in a given department to examine themselves, particularly their processes, procedures. And, in many cases, ethical standards. Examples provided in Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice illustrate the importance you must place on procedural justice as an employee in criminal justice.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that defends your opinion regarding the following questions:

  • What are procedural justice and federal consent decrees? Give examples of their use in current policing. Such as use of force policies. In major cities like Los Angeles and smaller cities like Ferguson, Missouri.
  • Do federal consent decrees impact the principle of procedural justice positively or negatively? Include reasoning. And examples to support your opinion in your explanation. cite 2 references

 breach in a sales contract case

The case analysis should consist of the following three headings:

1. Overview/Summary

2. Opinion/Legal Analysis

3. Relevance to Business Environment

Find a recent lawsuit, legal news story, or article using an Internet

centering on a breach in a sales contract case. News-feed websites such as MSN or CNN, or search engines such as Yahoo or Google may be useful. Major publications such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, etc. You may also use your hometown newspaper websites as a resource. To complete the case analysis, you should research the assigned topic to provide a measure of information about the topic’s significance to the current business environment.

The Overview/Summary section should thoroughly address the facts and background

of your chosen case or legal dispute and the legal issue (or law) in question.

The Opinion/Legal Analysis section should demonstrate your critical thinking and

analysis of the subject matter as it relates to the legal principles and concepts covered

in the textbook. You should provide a thorough explanation and discussion of the legal principles as they apply to the issue in question.

The Relevance to Business Environment section should discuss the topic’s

application to the current business climate and offer an insight-building summary,

recommendations, findings, and conclusions. Feel free to draw on your own professional

experience as well.

Additionally, please address the following questions for the breach of contract case discussed above:

·      Discuss which legal remedies that might be available in this case and why they are applicable here.

·      Discuss whether there are any equitable remedies available in this case and why they are applicable here.

The assignment should be presented in APA format and be a minimum of 500 words (2

pages or more), pages to be double-spaced, typed in 12-point font.

voluntary clustered sample

Hello class,

Recently, one of my administration guys put out a survey that he came up with. The sample was based off voluntary clustered sample by him placing the survey into selective people mail boxes asking them to respond. This was an improper sample because he only done this for his district. Therefore, the only response he got were the ones that he knew had strong feelings in reference to his survey. Instead, he should have placed this survey across the city. That way he could get a good randomized sample on the survey instead of getting his select few. Now we all knew this was done on purpose so that he could persuade the right people about his survey. However, his survey was decided to be faltered because he did not allow the entire city to place their opinions in the matter.If he would have used simple random sample across the five districts then he could’ve gotten a proper sample from a non selected group and could have produce better results.

the forms of intellectual intangible property protection

the forms of intellectual intangible property protection


  • Identify and explain the forms of intellectual intangible property protection, how long they last and what remedies one can seek for an infringement of one’s intellectual property pursuant to the chapter reading.
  • Research and provide one case law example of a business dispute involving intellectual property within the last two years.  Use the Legal Database Resource link below. Summarize the facts, the law in dispute and the outcome decided by the court.  Did you agree with the decision, why or why not?
  • Legal Database link:
  • Please substantiate all your answers and provide and cite your sources and research following Strayer Writing Standards.

vagueness and ambiguity

Discussion 1


In this week’s reading, Beatty compares and contrasts vagueness and ambiguity in written contracts. These problems are similar to some prior contract law material we have covered. For this discussion, respond to the following:

· What does it mean for a contract to be vague or ambiguous? What are the risks of vagueness or ambiguity?

· Why aren’t contracts clearer?

· What is your perspective on contract litigation? Is so much litigation over contracts necessarily a bad thing?

· Are all contracts required to be written to be enforceable? Why or why not? Should verbal contracts be enforceable at all?



Discussion 2


A maxim of law is that there is no right without a remedy. Your readings this week discuss remedies for breach of contract. Choose one of the equitable remedies from your book, and research a case online that discusses that remedy. You may research the case itself, or a news story about the case. Post your source at the end of your discussion. Discuss how the court or reporter defined the remedy sought and the elements for proving that remedy.