Evidence-Based Behavior Change

incorporate all of the information you have gathered from the community—including the population itself, health data, interviews/conversations with interested community members, and your community assessment, including your Windshield Survey—as well as what you have gathered from scholarly literature to propose measureable interventions. Measureable interventions mean that the results can be measured through some data that could be collected (Stanhope, 2020). This requires thinking in terms of actions and then measuring results. An evaluation of interventions is important to see whether or not they are effective in solving a health care problem. Remember, you will need to use the data you gathered to determine whether or not a problem exists in your community and to then determine whether your interventions might be effective

  • Identify one evidence-based behavior change that would promote health in your selected population.
  • Suggest one specific culturally sensitive, evidence-based, measureable intervention to address the health problem for your selected population.
  • Think in terms of measuring outcomes. What outcomes would you expect to see once the intervention(s) are in place? Be specific

Dying for Attention

Dying for Attention

1. Watch the video a. Episode 9: Munchausen by Proxy: Dying for Attention (13:16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGw3d6dzHuM


2. Search one of the cases mentioned in this video and answer the following questions:

a) Name 3 legal and/or ethical issues- refer to your course materials for this information.

b) Provide an explanation of how this case applies to the issues you chose

c) If you were the nurse caring for the patient and was involved in the case, what would you do? Find one journal article to support your action(s).

d) Complete your activity on this page

Advocacy and Cultural Competence

1) Minimum 1 full-page and Minimum 10 slides with speaker notes (all slides!) (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per part.


Part 1: Minimum 1 page

Part 2: minimum Minimum 10 slides with speaker notes (all slides!) You should include speaker notes on all slides that expand and deepen the information. Therefore the information must be relevant and complementary. See requirement




2)¨******APA norms

All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph

Bulleted responses are not accepted

Don’t write in the first person

Don’t copy and paste the questions.

Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph



3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)



4) Part 1: Minimum 3 references per part not older than 5 years- must be exclusively based on peer-reviewed articles

Part 2: Minimum 6 references per part not older than 5 years- must be exclusively based on peer-reviewed articles

All references must be consistent with the topic-purpose-focus of the parts. Different references are not allowed.



5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX



6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering:


Part 1, 2.doc




Part 1: Advocacy and Cultural Competence



Place: Coral gable hospital

Population: Elderly


Go to the link https://www.thinkculturalhealth.hhs.gov/clas/standards (Links to an external site.).

View the National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Standards (CLAS) categories aimed at equity and quality care (HHS, n.d.). Notice how these standards overlap with many of the expectations and standards in professional nursing practice!

1. In what ways are you and your peers using these standards in your areas of nursing practice

2. Discuss one nursing action you might incorporate to improve cultural competence in your organization.


Part 2: Healthcare Policy (Graded)


Minimum 10 slides with speaker notes (all slides!) You should include speaker notes on all slides that expand and deepen the information. Therefore the information must be relevant and complementary. See requirement


Don’t use images. Use the speaker note to provide substantial and objective information


In this assignment, you will assess the impact of health legislation on nursing practice and communicate your analysis to your peers. GovTrack.us provides a list of federal health bills that are currently in process in Congressional Committees.


You are educating your peers through this presentation regarding a federal bill you believe may be of interest to nurses.


Go to https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/subjects/health/6130


Choose a health-related federal bill of interest.


Topic: Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act


1. Develop a summary in your own words. Include the bill number and name.

2. Address how this bill might impact professional nursing practice standards if passed? If not passed?

3. How might the bill impact your own nursing practice?

4. How might you communicate your concerns about or support for this bill based on nursing practice, standards, or patient outcomes?

5. How might this bill impact your community?


Applying Ethical Principles

Develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health care professional by applying ethical principles. Describe the issues and a possible solution


. Access the Ethical Case Studies media piece to review the case studies you will be using for this assessment.

  • Select the case most closely related to your area of interest and use it to complete the assessment.
    • Note: The case study may not supply all of the information you need. In such cases, you should consider a variety of possibilities and infer potential conclusions. However, please be sure to identify any assumptions or speculations you make.
    •  Include the selected case study in your reference list, using proper APA style and format. Refer to the Evidence and APA section of the Writing Center for guidance.
    • Summarize the facts in a case study and use the three components of an ethical decision-making model to analyze an ethical problem or issue and the factors that contributed to it.
  • Identify;
  • which case study you selected and briefly summarize the facts surrounding it. Identify the problem or issue that presents an ethical dilemma or challenge and describe that dilemma or challenge.
  •  who is involved or affected by the ethical problem or issue.
  • Access the Ethical Decision-Making Model media piece and use the three components of the ethical decision-making model (moral awareness, moral judgment, and ethical behavior) to analyze the ethical issues.
    • Apply the three components outlined in the Ethical Decision-Making Model media.
    • Analyze the factors that contributed to the ethical problem or issue identified in the case study.
    • Describe the factors that contributed to the problem or issue and explain how they contributed.
    • Apply academic peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to an ethical problem or issue as evidence to support an analysis of the case.


  1. Discuss the effectiveness of the communication approaches present in a case study.

    • Describe how the health care professional in the case study communicated with others.
    • Assess instances where the professional communicated effectively or ineffectively.
    • Explain which communication approaches should be used and which ones should be avoided.
    • Describe the consequences of using effective and non-effective communication approaches.
  2. Discuss the effectiveness of the approach used by a professional to deal with problems or issues involving ethical practice in a case study.
    • Describe the actions taken in response to the ethical dilemma or issue presented in the case study.
    • Summarize how well the professional managed professional responsibilities and priorities to resolve the problem or issue in the case.
    • Discuss the key lessons this case provides for health care professionals.
  3. Apply ethical principles to a possible solution to an ethical problem or issue described in a case study.
    • Describe the proposed solution.
    • Discuss how the approach makes this professional more effective or less effective in building relationships across disciplines within his or her organization.
    • Discuss how likely it is the proposed solution will foster professional collaboration.

Staffing Ratio in Nursing


Staffing Ratio in Nursing


Amisadai Mederos

Denver College of Nursing

NUR415: Policy, Finance, and Quality in Nursing and Healthcare

Dr. Anita Harris

July 18, 2021


Staffing Ratio in Nursing

The staffing ratio can be considered to be both nursing shortage and budgetary restrictions. The nursing shortage is associated with high patient-to-nurse ratios. And this leads to the experience of burnout, dissatisfaction. And higher mortality and failure in the rescuing process as compared to the facilities with lower patient-to-nurse ratios. Healthcare organizations with low income as a result of the low reimbursement from the insurance firms. And cash received from the patients are unlikely to employ many nurses. To meet the healthcare demands of the growing number of patients.

Inadequate capital implies that the facility will only employ nurses that they can afford to pay (Halter et al., 2017). The increase in the number of patients in the facility. Sometimes does not translate to high profit thus making it hard for the facilities to meet the demands. For a high number of nurses to help in caring for the growing number of patients.

the rate of in-hospital mortality

The patients in the understaffed hospitals are facing an increase in the rate of in-hospital mortality. Rise in the risk of infection. Rise in post-operative complications. And higher reported cases of falls. Understaffed hospitals experiences lead to medical errors. Absence of engagement, and missed nursing care processes. The inadequate nursing staff also leads to dissatisfaction by the nurses. And this leads to poor adherence to the standards of practice thus exposing patients to more falls, medication errors. And some preventable deaths (Dewanto & Wardhani, 2018).

The understaffing in the facilities leads to an increase in the workload, burnout, and dissatisfaction by the nurses. The majority of these nurses also suffer from mental problems. As a result of the experience while handling a large number of patients without a break. Therefore, a majority of them chose to search for a good working environment where the physical. And mental well-being of the healthcare providers is being considered. This leads to an increase in nurse turnover hence affecting the retention process by the management (Dewanto & Wardhani, 2018).

The increase in medication error as a result of the poor staffing implies that many patients spend most of their time in the hospital while being treated for other infections that they acquired while in the facility. The increase in the number of stays in the hospital leads to an increase in medication costs. This leads to dissatisfaction for both patients and nurses since the goal of promoting quality healthcare delivery is not achieved (Halter et al., 2017).

The importance of introducing the issue of staff ratios in the research

The quality issue is poor nursing staffing that affects the patient care quality. The nursing staffing ratios and patient maximums are of focus concerning healthcare quality. The advocates for enforced ratios argue that patient safety and healthcare quality suffer when nurses are caring for too many patients. The existence of many patient or issues of nurse staffing ratios has an impact on healthcare access (Halter et al., 2017). The mandatory nurse staffing ratios have adverse financial impacts for healthcare facilities while at the same time limiting patient care access.

As a result of the financial challenges for example the costly and poor allocation of resources, most of the healthcare facilities are forced to high less experience and educated registered nurses and offset any quality and safety improvements. This leads to greater inequity in the provision of healthcare services, less access to local healthcare, and reduction in patient choice (Dewanto & Wardhani, 2018).

possible relationship between the increase in nurse staffing and better patient healthcare outcomes

The cross-sectional studies have shown a possible relationship between the increase in nurse staffing and better patient healthcare outcomes. Nevertheless, in any case, a financially constrained healthcare facility makes the tradeoffs by restricting the access to the healthcare services or through a diversion of the funds from other beneficial uses on the balance, the mandated nurse staffing ratios might not benefit the clients (Dewanto & Wardhani, 2018). Mandating healthcare facility to meet the minimum nurse staffing ratios with no sufficient resources leads to unintended and severe adverse impacts in the facilities.

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has recognized the association between nurse staffing ratios and patient safety. According to the AHRQ, the presence of the nurses at the bedside is important in ensuring that there is an increase in the ability to promote the safety of the patients. Therefore, it can be logically argued that the assignment of the increase in the numbers of patients compromises the ability of the nurses to ensure that there is safe healthcare (Dewanto & Wardhani, 2018).

healthcare facilities

One of the major attempts that have been made and are still tried up to date to help in addressing the issue of staffing ratio is targeting the reduction of the nurse turnover. Many healthcare facilities are making attempts to ensure that there is an improvement in nurse retention. Job satisfaction is an important aspect in making sure that the numbers of nurses in healthcare facilities are maintained or improved. The absence of satisfaction in the workplaces leads to a high turnover rates and this is negatively affecting the patients and nurses in general (Dewanto & Wardhani, 2018). Nurses suffer from the increase in workload and burnout while patients suffer from the absence of poor or absence of quality healthcare services.

The lack of satisfaction among workers in the facilities is associated with an increase in anxiety, fatigue, and physical and mental distress. Some healthcare facilities are also lacking inspirational approaches to ensure that the workers feel that they are cared for. According to Herzberg’s theory of motivation, there is a need to have both extrinsic and intrinsic factors to ensure that the hygiene and the satisfaction of workers are achieved. Various interventions have been adopted to help in the promotion of nurse retention approaches. These interventions are aimed at promoting the satisfaction of the nurses within the working facilities for example increase in salary and other financial benefits (Alrawahi et al., 2020). However, many healthcare facilities are taking the route of ensuring that there is availability of healthcare providers to address or off healthcare services to the growing population of patients in the facilities.



Alrawahi, S., Sellgren, S. F., Altouby, S., Alwahaibi, N., & Brommels, M. (2020). The application of Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation to job satisfaction in clinical laboratories in Omani hospitals. Heliyon, 6(9), e04829. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04829 Dewanto, A., & Wardhani, V. (2018). Nurse turnover and perceived causes and consequences: a preliminary study at private hospitals in Indonesia. BMC nursing, 17(2), 1-7 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-018-0317-8 Halter, M., Pelone, F., Boiko, O., Beighton, C., Harris, R., Gale, J., … & Drennan, V. (2017). Interventions to reduce adult nursing turnover: a systematic review of systematic reviews. The open nursing journal, 11, 108.


Nursing Multidimensional Care



Postoperative Care and Stroke Assessment

NUR2755 Clinical Simulation Prepwork

Day 1


Directions : Complete the following questions utilizing your textbook for the course and any other necessary outside resources. Sources need to be cited using APA (7th Edition) format.


Part I. Post-Surgical Care

1. List 8-10 nursing assessments that are often performed in the postoperative period.












2. List 3 nursing diagnosis relevant to the postoperative period, in order of priority, using full format (“r/t”, “s/t”, “aed”, etc.).





3. List 6 goals for the postoperative period using the SMART goal format.







Part II. Cerebrovascular Accident

4. What is a cerebrovascular accident (CVA)?




5. A CVA results in brain damage secondary to decreased delivery to the brain.


6. Label the parts of the brain on the following diagram. In the area below, identify the primary functions of that area of the brain.
































7. There are three cerebral arteries that branch from the carotid arteries (internal and external). What are they and to which area of the brain do they supply blood?

8. When a patient is suspected to have suffered a stroke, what are the initial steps of care? (Procedures, imaging studies, labs, medications, etc.)






9. Compare and contrast the two major classifications of stroke. (What is the cause of neurological deficits in each? Who is primarily at risk for each type of stroke?


  Ischemic Hemorrhagic
Primary cause of neurological deficit:    
Risk factors:    
Incidence & Prevalence:    

(Medications, nursing care, medical treatments, etc.)




10. Atrial fibrillation is a major risk factor for ischemic stroke. Why?






11. What is the goal systolic blood pressure (SBP) following a stroke? Why?





12. If an ischemic stroke is suspected, tPA (Alteplase) should be given within _________________ (hours/minutes).


13. In a patient diagnosed with ischemic stroke, what are some contraindications to giving tPA (Alteplase)?






14. When looking at the prognosis of the two major types of stroke, which tends to be worse?

1) Ischemic

2) Hemorrhagic


Why do you think this type of stroke has a worse prognosis?


















Postoperative Care


and S

troke Assessment



Clinical Simulation Prepwork







Complete the following questions utilizing your textbook


for the course and any other necessary outside

resources. Sources need to be cited using APA (7



Edition) format.



Part I.


Surgical Care




List 8

10 nursing assessments that are often performed in the postoperative period.














































List 3 nursing diagnosis relevant to the postoperative period,

in order of priority

, using full format

(“r/t”, “s/t”, “aed”, etc.).

















List 6 goals for the postoperative period using the SMART goal format.


























Postoperative Care and Stroke Assessment

NUR2755 Clinical Simulation Prepwork



Directions: Complete the following questions utilizing your textbook for the course and any other necessary outside

resources. Sources need to be cited using APA (7


Edition) format.


Part I. Post-Surgical Care

1. List 8-10 nursing assessments that are often performed in the postoperative period.












2. List 3 nursing diagnosis relevant to the postoperative period, in order of priority, using full format

(“r/t”, “s/t”, “aed”, etc.).





3. List 6 goals for the postoperative period using the SMART goal format.






the use of the holistic caring process to address general noise pollution in the hospital

Write an executive summary that demonstrates the use of the holistic caring process to address general noise pollution in the hospital. The summary should be approximately 3-5 pages in length and include:

  1. A summary of the holistic intervention you recommend be implemented in the hospital to combat general noise pollution. It should address the following:
  2. Briefly describe the intervention. Be sure to support your recommendation using at least three evidence-based research articles.
  3. Provide a statement of how this intervention could be incorporated into a patient’s therapeutic care plan.
  4. Describe how this intervention would reduce general noise pollution in the hospital.
  5. Describe how you would evaluate this intervention over time.
  6. Assessment of the problem, challenges, and outcomes associated with hospital noise pollution. Include the following:
  7. A description of general noise pollution in the hospital setting.
  8. At least two sources of noise pollution in the hospital setting.
  9. At least two health effects of noise pollution on patients.
  10. At least two health effects of noise pollution on staff.
  11. Discussion of the evidence-based, holistic caring interventions for addressing noise pollution in the hospital setting. Include the following:
  12. At least one recommendation for acceptable sound levels in the hospital.
  13. At least one evidence-based, holistic, mind-body intervention that promotes health and well-being in the hospitalized patient.
  14. At least one evidence-based, holistic, environmental intervention for addressing noise pollution.

franchise agreement with The Massage Garage (“TMG”)

Dylan enters into a franchise agreement with The Massage Garage (“TMG”) , a national massage chain located primarily in shopping malls and airports. Dylan’s franchise is located in the Syracuse New York Airport. His agreement with TMG provides that TMG will not license another franchisee at a location closer than 12 miles from Dylan’s location. The agreement also identifies Dylan’s location as “Syracuse, New York Airport.”

Eighteen months later, Dylan is doing well with his business, but learns that TMG is planning on licensing a franchise to Warren in the Carousel Mall in Syracuse. The mall is 13 miles by car from Dylan’s storefront, but only 11.5 miles from the Eastern most edge of the Syracuse Airport.

Dylan writes to TMG, protesting and stating that this is a violation of his franchise agreement. He states that the 12 mile rule means the shortest distance from his location, the Syracuse Airport to the other location, the Carousel Mall, which is 11.5 miles. TMG responds by sending him a copy of a brochure they send to all potential franchisees prior to contracting which states that “You have location protection. We will not open another Massage Garage location closer than 12 miles from your storefront.”

Dylan also has an email he got from TMG just before they signed the agreement. The email promises that if Dylan takes a TMG franchise, and is still in business a year later, that TMG will give him a right of first refusal on any new TMG franchise opportunities within 15 miles of your franchise. TMG never contacted Dylan before granting the new franchise to Warren.

Dylan files suit to enjoin TMG from granting Warren the new franchise and to get a declaratory judgment that he has a 15 mile right of first refusal on future franchises.

Discuss both side’s arguments

IRAC Paper

Cases/Statutes need to be US

Issue ;

1 – Will dylan succeed in his suit against TMG and get a declaratory judgment that he has a 15 mile right of first refusal on future franchises.

2 – What rights does Tmg have

3 – What rights does Warren have?

The below pattern should be ussed for each issue: 1. Issue(s), 2. applicable law (including cases/statutes), 3. Application to the case (applies the statutes/cases to the case at hand), 4. Conclusion (summarizes the application and draws conclusion to the issues) 2 US cases and 2 US statutes need to be used in this The applicable law sections should include a summary of each case and statute you are using. Each section should include 1 case and 1 statute. If statutes or cases are applicable to multiple issues they can be repeated. But each issue needs at least one supporting case and statute or 2 case or 2 statutes.

process server to serve a lawsuit

Question 1 : Alicia owns a flower shop. Alicia has an employee, Sarah, who she hires to work at the cash register and handle customer payments and orders. One day, unbeknownst to Alicia, Sarah takes and keeps $20 from the cash register. Has Sarah committed any crimes? Discuss all of the possible crimes and why.

Question 2 : Sally Stawks is an individual who really does not like Brian Blawg, a popular online food blogger and influencer who also blogs on Youtube and has amassed over 1 million subscribers to his site.  One day, after watching a restaurant review of Brian’s on his Youtube channel that Sally does not like, she responds to his Youtube video by writing a comment that says, knowing it is false, that Brian has a history of being physically abusive towards his girlfriends.  As a result, Brian is immediately unfollowed by half of his 1 million subscribers.  Brian wants to sue both Youtube and Sally in court, but is having problems locating Sally’s physical address where he can get a process server to serve her with a lawsuit.  Based on your readings, what would you advise Brian is his best course of action to pursue a lawsuit against both

1) Youtube and  2) Sally, and 3) what are the chances of Brian succeeding against either Youtube or Sally, and why?  .

Employment Law Scavenger Hunt

The employer/employee relationship is at the heart of business.  For employers, it is essential to understand the scope and breadth of laws related to that relationship and to be able to find basic information to use prior to consulting experts.

1.  The Society for Human Resource Managers (SHRM) is the major national professional association for human resource professionals.

​a.  Provide a screen shot of their home page.

​b.  Find their Young HR Professionals page and provide a screen shot of it.

​c.  Does SHRM have a student membership category?  If so, how much is the basic student     membership fee?

2.  Find the U.S. Department of Labor Website.

​a.  Provide a screen shot of the DOL home page.

​b.  Find the Forms page and Wage and Hour division section and tell me what number is the form called Application for Authority to Employ Full-Time Students at Subminimum Wages in Retail or Service Establishments or Agriculture Under Regulations 29 C.F.R. Part 519.

​c.  Provide screen shot of the Meet the Secretary of Labor page.  Who is the Secretary of Labor?

3.  Find the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) agency website.

​a.  Provide a screen shot of the OSHA home page.

​b.  What is the full address of the Houston South Area OSHA Office?

​c.  Provide screen shot of OSHA Website’s Law and Regulations page.

4.  Find the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website.

​a.  Provide a screen shot of the EEOC home page.

​b.  Name 2 types of damages that are listed as remedies under Employers/Small Business section.

​c.  Who is the Chair of the EEOC and who is their General Counsel?

5.  Find the Texas Workforce Commission website.

​a.  Provide a screen shot of the Texas Workforce commission home page.

​b.  Provide a screen shot of the Programs for People with Disabilities.

​c.  At what website are Job Seekers instructed to search for jobs?