Reliability And Decision Theory


Reliability And Decision Theory

.Develop a decision tree for the case described.

  • Explain the process of developing a decision tree, draw the decision tree (include the decision tree in an appendix showing chance nodes, probabilities, outcomes, expected values, and net expected value).
  • Defend your final decision based on your decision tree.

Case for consideration—An operations manager for a cereal producer is faced with a choice of:

  1. A large-scale investment (A) to purchase a new cooker which could produce a substantial pay-off in terms of increased revenue net of costs but requires an investment of 3,750,000 Saudi Riyal. After extensive market research it is thought that there is a 40% chance that a pay-off of 9,375,000 Saudi Riyal will be realized, but there is a 60% chance that it will be only 3,000,000 Saudi Riyal.
  2. A smaller scale project (B) to refurbish an existing cooker. At 1,875,000 Saudi Riyal, this option is less costly but produces a lower pay-off. Again, extensive research data suggests a 30% chance of a gain of 3,750,000 Saudi Riyal but a 70% chance of it being only 1,875,000 Saudi Riyal.
  3. Continuing the present operation without change (C) which cost nothing, but produces no pay-off.

Annotated Bibliography

To receive full credit, do the following on your Annotated Bibliography

  • Identify at least one scholarly book or at least two scholarly articles.
  • List sources in alphabetical order by the author’s last name.
  • Include all proper citation information (using MLA citations; Chicago-Style is okay too).
  • Provide a brief summary of what the book/article is about, and then provide an evaluation of the text (how is it helpful for your research?). This should be at minimum 100 words, not including the citation. You do not need to have read the entire book or article to complete this assignment, but you do need to have at least read the introduction, an abstract, and/or a book review to do this well enough to meet the requirements of this assignment.



BBA311 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Case Study Task brief & rubrics
Students are required to develop an individual report addressing the specific tasks set out in the guideline below.
Task briefing:
CASE STUDY CONCEPT: Zara’s Unique Business Model is Driven by Its Supply Chain Capabilities.
Zara changes its clothing designs every two weeks on average, while competitors change their designs every two or three months. It carries about 11,000 distinct
items per year in thousands of stores worldwide compared to competitors that carry 2,000 to 4,000 items per year in their stores. Zara’s highly responsive supply
chain is central to its business success. The heart of the company and its supply chain is a huge, highly automated distribution center (DC) called “The Cube”.
Company Business Model
Agents for the company are always scouting out new fashion trends at clubs and social gatherings. When they see inspiring examples, they quickly send design
sketches to the garment designers at the Cube. New items can be designed and out to the stores in 4 – 6 weeks, and existing items can be modified in 2 weeks.
Zara has 12 inventory turns per year compared to 3 – 4 per year for competitors. Stores place orders twice a week and this drives factory scheduling. Such shortterm focused order cycles make forecasts very accurate, much more accurate than competitors who may order every two weeks or every month.
Clothing items are priced based on market demand, not on cost of manufacture. The short lead times for delivery of unique fashion items combined with short
production runs enable Zara to offer customers more styles and choices, and yet still create a sense of urgency to buy because items often sell out quickly. And
that particular item or style may not be available again after it sells out. Zara sells 85 percent of its items at full price compared to the industry average of selling
only 60 percent of items at full price. Annually there is 10 percent of inventory unsold compared to industry averages of 17 – 20 percent.
Manufacturing and Supply Chain Operations Make Zara Unique in Its Industry
Zara buys large quantities of only a few types of fabric (just four or five types, but they can change from year to year), and does the garment design and related
cutting and dyeing in-house. This way fabric manufacturers can make quick deliveries of bulk quantities of fabric directly to the Zara DC – the Cube. The company
purchases raw fabric from suppliers in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece. And those suppliers deliver within 5 days of orders being placed. Inbound logistics from
suppliers are mostly by truck.
Zara can deliver garments to stores worldwide in just a few days: China – 48 hrs; Europe – 24 hrs; Japan – 72 hrs; United States – 48 hrs. It uses trucks to deliver
to stores in Europe and uses air freight to ship clothes to other markets. Zara can afford this increased shipping cost because it does not need to do much
discounting of clothes and it also does not spend much money on advertising.
An Agile Supply Chain
Stores take deliveries twice per week, and they can get ordered inventory often within two days after placing their orders. Items are shipped and arrive at stores
already on hangers and with tags and prices on them. So items come off delivery trucks and go directly onto the sales floor. This makes it possible for store
managers to order and receive the products customers want when they want them, week by week.
Zara stores respond practically in real-time as styles and customer preferences evolve. It is a great business model for success in the high-change and hard to
predict fashion industry. It means about half of the clothing the company sells, which includes most of its high margin and unique fashion items (but not its lower
margin basic items), is manufactured based on highly accurate, short-term (2 – 6 week) demand forecasts.
A fast-moving and finely tuned supply chain like Zara’s requires constant attention to keep it running smoothly. Supply chain planners and managers are always
watching customer demand and making adjustments to manufacturing and supply chain operations.
Zara is a clothing and fashion retailer that uses its supply chain to significantly change the way it operates in a very traditional industry. No other competitor can
copy its business model until it first copies its supply chain. And since supply chains are composed of people, process, and technology, even the latest and greatest
technology is not a competitive advantage all by itself. People must be well trained, and processes must be put in place that enable people to apply their training
and their technology to best effect.
CREATE A FINAL REPORT showing Zara’s supply chain model and describing the supply chain challenges you encountered. Explain why successful solutions to
those challenges provides such a competitive advantage for Zara:
Explain the supply chain principles and best practices to solve the challenges that Zara encountered. What were the biggest challenges and how did Zare
solve them?
• Identify places in Zara’s supply chain model (facilities, vehicles and routes) where they used new technologies. How do these technologies produce the
performance capabilities that Zara shows in their results?
• Show how a supply chain with these capabilities makes it possible for Zara to use its fast fashion business model. If Zara competitors were to emulate
Zara’s business model, what supply chain capabilities would they need?
• What can Zara do to lower the carbon footprint of the supply chain and being more sustainable?
• Use data to illustrate your report.
• Wordcount: 2500-3000 words
• Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.
• Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
• Text alignment: Justified.
• The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.
Week 3 – Via Moodle (Turnitin).
Deadline: 17th October 2021 at 23:59 CEST.
Weight: This task is a 30% of your total grade for this subject.
It assesses the following learning outcomes:
• Outcome 1: Assess the impact of supply chain management decisions on a particular company and its internal processes, customer services and profit
• Outcome 2: Appraise the important role of logistics and supply chains in 21st century organizations.
Exceptional 90-100 Good 80-89 Fair 70-79 Marginal fail 60-69
Knowledge &
Student demonstrates
excellent understanding of
key concepts and uses
vocabulary in an entirely
appropriate manner.
Student demonstrates
good understanding of the
task and mentions some
relevant concepts and
demonstrates use of the
relevant vocabulary.
Student understands the
task and provides minimum
theory and/or some use of
Student understands the task
and attempts to answer the
question but does not
mention key concepts or uses
minimum amount of relevant
Application (30%) Student applies fully
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in
Student applies mostly
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in
Student applies some
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in
class. Misunderstanding
may be evident.
Student applies little relevant
knowledge from the topics
delivered in class.
Misunderstands are evident.
Critical Thinking
Student critically assesses
in excellent ways, drawing
outstanding conclusions
from relevant authors.
Student critically assesses
in good ways, drawing
conclusions from relevant
authors and references.
Student provides some
insights but stays on the
surface of the topic.
References may not be
Student makes little or none
critical thinking insights, does
not quote appropriate
authors, and does not
provide valid sources.
Student communicates
their ideas extremely
clearly and concisely,
respecting word count,
grammar and spellcheck
Student communicates
their ideas clearly and
concisely, respecting word
count, grammar and
Student communicates
their ideas with some
clarity and concision. It
may be slightly over or
under the wordcount limit.
Some misspelling errors
may be evident.
Student communicates their
ideas in a somewhat unclear
and unconcise way. Does not
reach or does exceed
wordcount excessively and

Bradburn Corporation report

Bradburn Corporation report

Bradburn Corporation was formed 5 years ago through a public subscription of common stock. Daniel Brown, who owns 15% of the common stock, was one of the organizers of Bradburn and is the current president. The company has been successful, but it currently is experiencing a shortage of funds. On June 10, 2014, Daniel Brown approached the Topeka National Bank, asking for a 24-month extension on two $35,000 notes, which are due on June 30, 2015, and September 30, 2015. Another note of $6,000 is due on March 31, 2016, but the company anticipates no difficulty in paying this note on its due date. Brown explained that Bradburn’s cash-flow problems are due primarily to the company’s desire to finance a $300,000 plant expansion over the next 2 fiscal years through internally generated funds.

The commercial loan officer of Topeka National Bank requested the financial reports (balance sheet and income statement) for the last 2 fiscal years. See the Excel template for these reports.

Using this Excel template, provide the following information. Be sure to include formulas for the cells that are labeled formulas. Be sure all amounts are linked to the proper cells:

  1. Compute the following items for Bradburn Corporation:
    1. Current ratio for fiscal years 2014 and 2015.
    2. Acid-test (quick) ratio for fiscal years 2014 and 2015.
    3. Inventory turnover for fiscal year 2015.
    4. Return on assets for fiscal years 2014 and 2015. (Assume total assets were $1,688,500 at 3/31/13.)
    5. Percentage change in sales, cost of goods sold, gross margin, and net income after taxes from fiscal year 2014 to 2015.
  2. Identify and explain what other financial reports and/or financial analyses might be helpful to the commercial loan officer of Topeka National Bank in evaluating Daniel Brown’s request for a time extension on Bradburn’s notes.
  3. Assume that the percentage changes experienced in fiscal year 2015 as compared with fiscal year 2014 for sales and cost of goods sold will be repeated in each of the next 2 years. Is Bradburn’s desire to finance the plant expansion from internally generated funds realistic? Discuss.
  4. Should Topeka National Bank grant the extension on Bradburn’s notes considering Daniel Brown’s statement about financing the plant expansion through internally generated funds? Discuss.

Final Individual PowerPoint Narrated Presentation

Final Individual PowerPoint Narrated Presentation

The presentation should have a clear, attractive cover slide to display the title “ENTR510 Final Individual PowerPoint Narrated Presentation“, your name, your professor’s name, and the date.

  • The presentation should include the following slides.
    • A slide summarizing the deliverable in bullet-point format
  • One or more slides briefly describing the entrepreneurs you used to address the assignment.
  • A single slide presenting your major recommendations for the problem adressed/solved, in bullet point format
  • A slide should summarize, in bullet point format, the strengths and weaknesses of the good/service based on what you learned in this Course Project. ( File below has the information that was used during the course)
  • The presentation should conclude with a slide summarizing, in bullet point format, three to five lessons about entrepreneurship that you learned from completing the Course Project. (What’s App Co founder Jan Koum)
  • Individual Course Project Assignments Crafting a Personal Entrepreneurial Strategy


    Section 1: Begin to research and discover the entrepreneurial mind. How does it work differently from those that are not entrepreneurial?

    Section 2: Ask questions and think about your own entrepreneurial process. What does this mean, and how is it applied?

    Section 3: What are the considerations when you are the entrepreneurial leader? Do you have what it takes?

    Section 4: How do you begin to build an entrepreneurial team? What must you know about yourself or about others on the team?

    See the Grading Rubric for Individual Course Project located below to complete this assignment.


    Opportunity Recognition

    Section 1: How does an idea differ from a good opportunity?

    Section 2: How does experience help people create opportunities, and where do most good opportunities come from? Why is learning by trial and error not good enough?

    Section 3: List the idea sources most relevant to your personal interests, and search for them online.

    Section 4: What conditions and possible societal and economic changes could drive future opportunities?

    Section 5: Evaluate your best idea against the summary criteria in Exhibit 5 of the text.

    Section 6: What is its potential? What has to happen for it to be made into a high-potential business?

    See the Grading Rubric for Individual Course Project located below to complete this assignment.


    Resource Requirements and Entrepreneurial Finance


    Section 1: Entrepreneurs think and act ingeniously when it comes to resources. What does this mean, and why is it so important? How will you go about farming resources and attaining financing?

    Section 2: Identify at least four creative bootstrapping resources that you will use in your entrepreneurial venture.

    Section 3: How will you use technology as an increasingly important gateway to controlling resources?

    Section 4: How will you go about selecting outside advisors, a board, consultants, and the like, what are the most important criteria, and why?

    See the Grading Rubric for Individual Course Project located below to complete this assignment.



    Week 8: Final Individual PowerPoint Narrated Presentation (100 points)


    The presentation should have a clear, attractive cover slide to display the title “ENTR510 Final Individual PowerPoint Narrated Presentation”, your name, your professor’s name, and the date.

    • The presentation should include the following slides.
      • A slide summarizing the deliverable in bullet-point format
      • One or more slides briefly describing the entrepreneurs you used to address the assignment.
      • A single slide presenting your major recommendations for the problem adressed/solved, in bullet point format
    • A slide should should summarize, in bullet point format, the strengths and weaknesses of the good/service based on what you learned in this Course Project.
    • The presentation should conclude with a slide summarizing, in bullet point format, three to five lessons about entrepreneurship that you learned from completing the Course Project.
    • You may choose your own PowerPoint theme, backgrounds, and slide layouts for your presentation.
    • Slides should be professional in appearance, easy to read, visually engaging, and free of errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting.
    • You are encouraged to add appropriate images to your slides to create visual interest. Images used should be public domain or otherwise appropriately licensed for use in a student presentation. The DVU Online Library has a list of suitable image sources under royalty-free websites in the Library Resources area.
    • It is necessary to add audio to narrate your PowerPoint presentation.
    • For more information on how to use PowerPoint, go to the Modules page, then: Introduction and Resources > Technology and Resources > Course Resources > Access Student Resource Center. This page will list information and instructions on how to use Narrated PowerPoint and WebEx.
    • Any sources used in your presentation should be cited using APA format. At a minimum, the textbook should be cited. Include a references slide as the last slide in your deck, containing a list of all references in APA format. (You do not have to use hanging indent format, because this is difficult to do on a slide, but all other APA formatting rules should be followed.)

    See the Grading Rubric for Final Individual PowerPoint Narrated Presentation located below to complete this assignment.



The ‘Wild West’: The Life and Death of a Myth

Wild West Readings


Paul Christensen, “The ‘Wild West’: The Life and Death of a Myth”

Kevin Britz, “Boot Hill Burlesque”: The Frontier Cemetery as Tourist Attraction in Tombstone, Arizona and Dodge City, Kansas.”

1.According to Britz, how did the memorializing Dodge City and Tombstone differ? (In other words, how did they differ in recreating their past?) What was the overall goal of these two towns in highlighting their history?

2.Why did Boot Hill hold such significance to these two towns? What were some of the problems with memorializing Boot Hill?

3.How does the “Frontier Myth” relate to the Wild West – according to Christensen?

4.What function do myths provide to a nation and its citizenry? Why are they necessary in other words? How does all this fit into the West being settled?













components of an information system

components of an information system

Describe the four components of an information system. Why is it important to consider each of them when designing and installing an information system?


  • In a formal 400-500 word essay
  • Your essay should include an introductory paragraph and a conclusion.
  • Follow APA format for structure. An APA template is attached here. Support your essay with 2 to 3 credible references beyond the course materials. Please note Wikipedia, Investopedia and similar websites are not credible academic reference

 statistics and data in graphical form

Write at least 150 words. 2. Identifying and comparing data on a chart Some texts include statistics and data in graphical form. To understand this information, first identify: · the title of the chart · the title of each axis (horizontal and vertical) · the label of each category, represented by a column, row or line in the chart · the units of measurement for each axis (e.g. time, numbers, percentages, distances) · the values for each category · the legend (the colour or pattern assigned to each category in the chart) You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The bar chart below gives information about the percentage of the population living in urban areas in different parts of the world. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. 3. IELTS Writing Task 1: Describing a Process or an Object Although interpreting and presenting data is the most common task type for Task 1 of the Writing module, two other tasks are possible. In one, you are given a diagram and asked to describe a process or to explain how something works. In the other, you have to describe an object or a series of events. Source:
You might be required to describe an object and how it works or describe and compare two or more objects. This type of task is less common. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The diagrams below give information about the manufacture of frozen fish pies. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. 4. Writing about graphs When writing about graphs, look at the visual information overall without focusing on the details. You will usually be able to identify three or four main trends or patterns. Circle or draw arrows on the graph to highlight the key features and patterns. Consider: upward and downward movements, highest and lowest points and the start and end points for the range of information shown. Identifying key trends will help you structure your writing. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The graph below gives information about how much people in the United States and the United Kingdom spend on fuel. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. 5. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The table below shows the results of surveys in 2005, 2010, and 2015 about McGill University. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. 6. IELTS Tip If you are presented with two figures which appear to show a cause and effect relationship, it is helpful to take note of this. It will enable you to highlight the information more effectively. However, you should be cautious about expressing a cause-and-effect relationship too directly. This is because IELTS Writing Task 1 does not ask you to interpret the graph or refer to anything outside of it. If you use a cause and effect expression (e.g. causes, leads to), use a hedging expression to make the claim less sweeping (e.g. appears to cause, may lead to). You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The graph shows the impact of vaccinations on the incidence of whooping cough, a childhood illness, between 1940 and 1990 in Britain. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

leadership style

leadership style

During the last seven weeks, you have been asked about how you would coach and develop team members whom you supervise. How did this course change and/or reinforce your views and assumptions about your management/leadership style?

How have your perceptions of your professional strengths and challenges changed?

What have you learned about yourself over the course of the EMBA Practicum that will help you achieve your daily objectives?

Considering both strengths and areas for improvement, what have you learned about yourself over the course of this class that will help you achieve your short- and long-term goals

54-year-old man with S/S: shortness of breath, chest pain and fever

MSN 572 Week 8 Diagnostics Assignment

Scenario: Cardiovascular: body system
54-year-old man with S/S: shortness of breath, chest pain and fever.

You can use CHF or Heart failure for shortness of breath
Ischemic heart disease or myocarditis for chest pain
Endocarditis for fever

Diagnostics Assignment (lab and radiology)

Each group will be assigned a body system and the signs/symptoms presenting with that system. From this, each group member of the group will formulate at least one different, primary care differential diagnosis with lab and radiology (as applies) workup and plan for that differential. For the lab and radiology that you include, you will need to provide interpretation, to include what the high/low values are as well as common indications that occur with highs/lows. Your differential and diagnostic workup and treatment must be supported by peer-reviewed, recent references and resources pointing to best practices. There must be a minimum of three references per differential. All of this should be laid out in APA style and presented in a format of your choosing.

Each member will outline or narrate their work-up for their differential. The workup should include the appropriate lab work or other diagnostics with rationale and interpretation, and a treatment plan (including any medications, education, follow-up plan) with supporting references. The group must submit all workups in one document. If a student drops from the course midterm, the remaining group members must still present a minimum of three differentials for the case.

Note: Please see the rubric in the course for weighting of each section. Rubric is on top of the
sample that I attached.