Building an Effective Team Essay

I’m trying to study for my Management course and I need some help to understand this question.


Develop a 4–5-page plan for building an effective team with representatives from different functional areas that will work together to develop a new business model and growth strategies for an expanding business.

The ability to build and lead high-performing, collaborative teams is a critical skill in any size organization.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:


Perhaps you have heard the saying that there is no I in the word team. This can be especially true for business professionals who have learned that the key to successful projects is often the result of effective teamwork. Therefore, teamwork has become an important element in dynamic, successful organizations that meet or exceed their goals.

More challenging is the implementation of true collaboration in the teamwork environment. Although teamwork is desired and necessary, organizations still tend to recognize and reward individuality over team participation. Those who are tasked with leading the development of teams must find ways to encourage and support each individual to grow and function as a team. Team development is about composing and managing teams as well as inspiring and enabling their members.

In today’s rapidly changing business world, organizations rely heavily on the ability of employees to work on multiple teams that vary in duration, have a constantly evolving membership, and successfully manage change. Understanding the challenges involved in teamwork can help organizations avoid chaos and achieve their desired results.


Functional Areas

Use the following resources to research functional areas for your assessment:

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