health care system
health care system
This is your first discussion. Please follow the syllabus and rubric showing initial post and two responses are needed . Each posting should be substantive to make a total of 5 points. All posting should be written in or pasted on the discussion board. Only references may be attached and you need to adhere to the APA format throughout.
Initial post and response to peers should be completed in a timely fashion
Discussion Question #1:
Using all of the foundational readings and your understanding of the structure of our health care system and the place of nurses and nurse practitioners in it,
Readings: Mason et. al. Chap 16, 17, 18, 23
Complete Discussion Question
Be able to synthesize the forces in the U.S. Healthcare system that shape healthcare policies.
Look at the news, CNN, and social media to identify issues as there are tons of issues that are evolving on a daily basis.