Credential Society and Religion Role in Social Change

Compare and contrast the approaches taken by the three major sociological paradigms (i.e., functionalism, conflict theory, and interactionism) in their explanation of the causes of racial prejudice and discrimination.

Explain the high divorce rate from the functionalist, conflict, and interactionist perspectives. Moreover, provide solutions to help reduce the high rate of divorce that flows from each perspective.

•Explain what a credential society is and why it develops in a society. Moreover, discuss which social class of people benefit and which social class of people are placed at a disadvantage due to the situation of a credential society. Give examples to support your argument.

Discuss how Weber differed from Marx in his explanation of religion’s role in social change. Moreover, explain the link that Weber made between Protestantism and capitalism.

•Compare the functionalist and conflict perspectives on the distribution of power in the U.S. Which perspective more accurately describes the distribution of power in the U.S. today? Provide concrete examples to support your position.

•Discuss the three essential features of capitalism as well as the three essential features of socialism. Does a pure form of capitalism or socialism exist in the world today? Why or why not? Do recent events around the world suggest the emergence of a new economic and social form, one which blends capitalism and socialism? Describe the likely

ODP and Efforts on Terrorism

In your opinion, why does the ODP focus its preparedness efforts on terrorism? Should preparedness activities funded by the ODP be for all hazards? Why or why not?

Other than the media and risk managers, where do you get your information about hazards, risks, and disasters? How do you determine the credibility of the information you receive?

Why is evacuation planning so difficult? Consider communication and community response. What kinds of things can go wrong during an evacuation? What do you think can be done to minimize these potential setbacks?

Collective Action Problems and Federal System Discussion Response

Please respond to each of the five short response questions posted below. Your answers should be short, focused, and complete, ranging from one to three paragraphs. Please make sure to answer each specific part of every question. Successful answers will provide details and context that support your arguments and explain your position to the readers. You may also want to provide real world examples taken from the readings, lectures, group discussions, or your own independent thinking.

For example, in your answer on collective action you may find it useful to talk about specific examples of collective action problems that governments solve. In your response to the questions on federalism you may wish to identify and discuss historical examples of conflict or cooperation between the national and state governments. These illustrations can be from the course materials or your own ideas. Providing this context and being able to apply the material to YOUR OWN understanding of politics really shows us that you have mastered the material.

Each answer will be worth 20 points, for 100 points total. The Question Set is due on Canvas at 11:59 pm on Mondays April 13th. You should write plan on uploading your response as a docx file or PDF to this Question Set #1 assignment tab.

Starbucks Organizational Growth and Hierarchy of Authority

Just do an interview (can make one up) from the questions in the second attached document and apply it to the short discussion post from the stuff in the first attached document.


Applying Theoretical Interventions for Clients


Respond to, two of your colleagues’ postings separately in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Be sure to support responses with specific references to the resources.

Use colleagues resources for response

Evaluating Counterterrorism Spending

By reading

Mueller, J., & Stewart, M. G. (2014). Evaluating counterterrorism spending. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 28(3), 237-48. Discuss the Intelligence situation in the US.

300-500 words only.

I need this done quick. Like 3-4hrs.

Negotiations & Agreements in Hospitality Sports Entertainment & Event Management Questions

Explain how each side approaches the negotiation.

2. How does each side set their Aspiration Level and Reservation Price? How does Ted set an anchor?

3. Does either side have a BATNA entering the negotiation? Explain.

4. What tactics are being used by each side? How do the tactics advance each sides strategy?

5. What type of creative solutions are presented and how do these ideas move the negotiations forward?

6. What is your opinion of these negotiations?

7. What did you learn from Sluggers Come Home?

Race and Gender

The topics of Race and Gender have two short videos. Please review the two on each subject as one. The third is the movie “A Bug’s Life” You can access it on the Internet. Besides being funny and entertaining, it is also filled with a lot of information on Diversity!!!! Please do not wait till the last minute to watch and review these. You can even start this weekend. Enjoy!!!

On Gender


1. Gender and Sports—-https:/…

2. Why gender equality is good for everyone-men included———…

Please watch topic # 2


On Race


1. What is race?——…


2. The Origins of Race——…



A Bug’s Life

Cultural Pluralism US Government Not Prioritizing Human Agenda

What is the reason for the United States government not prioritizing human rights in its agenda?

I will attach the supplemental readings/textbook chapters that you need for this assignment in the attachments.

Technology Concentration and Performance

Answer two of the following questions, and respond to at least one other student’s post afterward for a total of at least 400 words. This assignment is due by Sunday, August 23rd, at 11:59PM.

1. In Chapter 4, Sternheimer discusses the concerns about technology raised by the communications scholar Neil Postman, who was fond of saying “technology giveth and taketh away.” What were Postman’s main concerns about technology’s impact on our ability to think? According to Sternheimer, in what ways was Postman “partly right”? Given that she was writing in 2013, does her argument (and/or Postman’s) hold up in 2020? In your mind, what has the internet age done to our critical thinking skills, especially in regards to our current pandemic?

2. Discuss some of the scientific studies on television that have been conducted over the years. What were some of their key findings, and what seem to be some of their insights and limitations? Specifically, what links do these studies find between ADHD (and even autism) and television? Do we see similar issues surrounding internet access?

3. What problems does Sternheimer find with linking media to violence, and what approaches does she suggest as an alternative? What role might media play in making the public think that violence (and youth violence in particular) may be more common than it appears? (Think about current media coverage of “rioting” for example). Finally, what factors does Sternheimer suggest are better indicators for violence?