The History and Discovery of The Dna Scientist James Watson

Select an individual – an artist, scientist, musician, writer, or other creative figure – and discuss his or her creative process.

Use primary materials, interviews, and secondary works to support your ideas.

What factors contributed to their creative success?

Can you identify any particular social

or personal elements that may have

been important?

the Welfare System in United States

1. Reform the welfare system: Library

. This alternative is identical to the last paper,

except that the focus is welfare reform. That is, you must come up with three inter-

related proposals to reform the welfare system. You must support these reforms with

evidence, footnote your sources, etc. Here are some web sources that should be helpful

in finding information about welfare.

a.The Bureau of the Census

b.Institute for Research on Poverty (University of Wisconsin)

c.Brookings Institute

d.Bureau of Labor Statistics

e.Urban Institute

f.Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Global Inequalities Food and Hunger

12 point, Times New Roman font, and 1” margins, 7-FULL pages , double spaced ,

I attached detailed paper instructions in the files, please read it carefully!!!!!!!

PAPER INSTRUCTIONSFor this PAPER you will explore the websites for various organizations that deal with issues of this course – development and underdevelopment, global inequalities, and the struggle for social justice. You should explore at least fivewebsites. At least one of these sites should be considered “pro” global capitalism/conservative. Below are some suggestions, but you are not limited to these suggestions.

Morality and Social Responsibility & Cultural Genogram

Philosophical perspectives and theories on morality contribute to an understanding of the deep-rooted human need to question the role human beings play in society. Whether your views align with those of Aristotle, Kant, or Mill, you can explore the reasons behind your inherent motivation to act responsibly. At the outset of your life, you develop habits of thought based on what you are exposed to, where you live, with whom you live, and your experiences. In this Application Assignment, you critically examine these experiences as well as theoretical perspectives on morality and assess how they impact your moral and cultural identity. You also assess how these experiences influence your concept of social responsibility.

  • Read the articles by Brink (2014), Johnson (2014), and Kraut (2014) in this week’s resources. Summarize the key points of each theory. Does one theory resonate with you more than another? Why or why not?
  • Make connections to your own culture. Consider whether these three theories are reflected in your own culture.
  • Review the Cultural Genogram: Dimensions of Culture document in this week’s Resources. Think about the ways different dimensions of culture inform your moral identity (e.g., how your national, ethnic, and/or gender identity informs your moral identity).
  • Consider how different dimensions of culture inform your concept of social responsibility.

Psychopathology Social Work

A diagnosis is powerful in the effect it can have on a person’s life and treatment protocol. When working with a client, a social worker must make important decisions—not only about the diagnostic label itself but about whom to tell and when. In this Discussion, you evaluate the use and communication of a diagnosis in a case study.

To prepare: Focus on the complex but precise definition of a mental disorder in the DSM-5 and the concept of dimensionality both there and in the Paris (2015) and Lasalvia (2015) readings. Also note that the definition of a mental disorder includes a set of caveats and recommendations to help find the boundary between normal distress and a mental disorder.

Then consider the following case:

Ms. Evans, age 27, was awaiting honorable discharge from her service in Iraq with the U.S. Navy when her colleagues noticed that she looked increasingly fearful and was talking about hearing voices telling her that the world was going to be destroyed in 2020. With Ms. Evans’s permission, the evaluating [social worker] interviewed one of her closest colleagues, who indicated that Ms. Evans has not been taking good care of herself for several months. Ms. Evans said she was depressed.

The [social worker] also learned that Ms. Evans’s performance of her military job duties had declined during this time and that her commanding officer had recommended to Ms. Evans that she be evaluated by a psychiatrist approximately 2 weeks earlier, for possible depression.

On interview, Ms. Evans endorsed believing the world was going to end soon and indicated that several times she has heard an audible voice that repeats this information. She has a maternal uncle with schizophrenia, and her mother has a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder. Ms. Evans’s toxicology screen is positive for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The evaluating [social worker] informs Ms. Evans that she is making a tentative diagnosis of schizophrenia.

UN Human Trafficking Report Article

Throughout the semester, you will find and then analyze articles that exemplify any 10 concepts (or 5, if you’re doing Service Learning) from our list of options, which are drawn primarily from Best’s book. If there is a concept that you want to explore that isn’t on this list, please consult with me to see if we can make it a possibility!

An article can only be used once, and are ideally from this calendar year. Articles should be found in newspapers; in news magazines such as Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News and World Report; or on online news sites such as,, and

Note that you can select a troubling condition of interest to stick to all semester, or you can switch it up constantly and have each of your analyses be on different troubling conditions. Whichever approach you choose, I recommend that you find a troubling condition, or multiple troubling conditions, that you’re passionate about and want to learn more about during your internet searches for articles!

For each analysis, please be sure to explain/define the concept and make clear connections between the concept and the article. Quoting should be kept to a minimum, and each analysis should be about 1.5-2 pages double-spaced. Check out this sample analysis to get a sense of what’s expected for each of these analyses.

Racial Discrimination

  1. How did racial hierarchy adapt once racial discrimination became illegal?
  2. What is the “new Jim Crow”?
  3. According to Alexander, what is the public perception about who represents the majority of drug users and dealers? What is, in fact, the reality? What primary reason does she offer for the misconception?
  4. Explain the meaning of this finding, “Studies consistently indicate that drug markets like American society generally, reflect our nation’s racial and socioeconomic boundaries.” By citing these studies, what larger point is Alexander trying to prove?

Leadership and Conflict Management

Assignment Content

  1. Conflict may occur in many different aspects of people’s lives, and how individuals respond to conflict may differ depending on the situation. This assignment provides the opportunity to apply what you have learned about team leadership and conflict resolution and management to a situation you may have encountered in your own life.Review the Microsoft® PowerPoint® resources to enhance your presentation.Consider a time you encountered a workplace situation in which there was conflict within a team.Create a 6- to 8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on leadership and conflict management. Include the following:

    • Provide a brief summary of the conflict situation.
    • Describe the response of leaders to the situation, and based on their response, determine the leadership theory that they most likely employ. Provide a justification for your determination.
    • Describe how leaders can contribute to conflict resolution in this situation.
    • Describe methods of conflict resolution and management that either were utilized, or could be utilized in this situation.

    Include detailed speaker notes for each slide.Submit your assignment.

Various Forms of Post Marital Residences

Marriage Questions

Choose one of the following:

1.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of the major forms of post-marital residence: neolocalpatrilocal, and matrilocal residence. (750-1250 words)

How would a couple’s life be better (and worse) depending on which residence patterns they followed?

Ultimately, what does it mean to be married in your culture?

How does this differ from what you have noticed marriage means in other cultures?

2.Discuss cases of marriage resistance (such as the Cantonese example in your text) and also more recent rising numbers of unmarried men and women in the U.S. and across the world. (750-1250 words)

What are the advantages of remaining single?

What are the advantages of being married?

Go to the following website of Unmarried Equality and discuss their current “key facts

Strategic Ignorance and Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Response

11 or 12 point Times New Roman or Calibri font only


One-inch margins on all sides

Numbered pages in upper right corner

Proper Citations Required (You may use footnotes, endnotes, and in-text citations)

Your name, course number, and date on a separate cover sheet.

Separate works cited page

(Response papers that do not meet these guidelines will be penalized)


This paper should not merely be a summary of the reading itself. Rather, the paper will be graded based on the following inclusions:

  1. An overview of the author’s main arguments (Approximately 3 or more pages)
  2. What overall argument is the author making? What specific examples does the author focus on in the reading?
  3. How is this argument being made? (e.g., What kind of data is being used by the author to support her argument?)
  4. How does this argument support or refute arguments made by other authors in the section?