Schizophrenia Clinical

Clinical Case Study Presentation

Diagnosis, Symptom and Illness Management Presentations (35 Points)

Due on 08/16/2019 (Friday) @ 11:59PM

Pick a Topic from the list of Diseases discussed weeks 11-15. You are to do a power point presentation using the following headings below. Present a typical patient with this disease process and how they would present to the office and how you would work up, diagnose and treat. Pictures are encouraged. You will be graded on professionalism and content. Slides need to have Voice Over (Your voice giving the presentation on each slide) Max 20 slides and Max 10 Minutes. Upload to Moodle.

This may be done in groups of 2 students or individually, both students must have their own voice included in the presentation. The voice of students should be 50/50 divided among the slides. Each student must submit final presentation individually and if done in group, the second person submitting please disregard the Turn it in score as it will say 100% and just add note with submission though Moodle of your partners name. (Group members must have same professor)

mental health disorders

A 38-year-old woman presents to the office with complaints of weight loss, fatigue, and insomnia of 3-month duration. She reports that she has been feeling gradually more tired and staying up late at night because she can’t sleep. She does not feel that she is doing as well in her occupational a secretary and states that she has trouble remembering things. She does not go outdoors as much as she used to and cannot recall the last time she went out with friends or enjoyed a social gathering. She feels tired most of the week and states she feels that she wants to go to sleep and frequently does not want to get out of bed. She denies any recent medication, illicit drug, or alcohol use. She feels intense guilt regarding past failed relationships because she perceives them as faults. She states she has never thought of suicide, but has begun to feel increasingly worthless.Her vital signs and general physical examination are normal, although she becomes tearful while talking. Her mental status examination is significant for depressed mood, psychomotor retardation, and difficulty attending to questions. Laboratory studies reveal a normal metabolic panel, normal complete blood count, and normal thyroid functions.➤ What is the most likely diagnosis?➤ What is your next step?➤ What are important considerations and potential complications ofmanagement?

Knee Injury

Knee Injury
Case Studies
A 15-year-old gymnast has noted knee pain that has become progressively worse during the past several months of intensive training for a statewide meet. Her physical examination indicated swelling in and around the left knee. She had some decreased range of motion and a clicking sound on flexion of the knee. The knee was otherwise stable.
Routine laboratory values
Within normal limits (WNL)
Long bone (femur, fibula, and tibia) X-ray
No fracture
Arthrocentesis with synovial fluid analysis
Bloody (normal: clear and straw-colored)
Mucin clot
Good (normal: good)
Fibrin clot
Small (normal: none)
White blood cells (WBCs)
<200 WBC/mm3 (normal: <200 WBC/mm3)
<25% (WNL)
100 mg/dL (normal: within 10 mg/dL of serum glucose level)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee
Blood in the joint space. Tear in the posterior aspect of the medial meniscus. No cruciate or other ligament tears

Testicular Cancer

Case Studies
A 21-year-old male noted pain in his right testicle while studying hard for his midterm college examinations. On self-examination, he noted a “grape sized” mass in the right testicle. This finding was corroborated by his healthcare provider. This young man had a history of delayed descent of his right testicle until the age of 1 year old.
Routine laboratory studies
Within normal limits (WNL)
Ultrasound the testicle
Solid mass, right testicle associated with calcifications
HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)
550mIU/mL (normal: <5)
CT scan of the abdomen
Enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes
CT scan of the chest
Multiple pulmonary nodules
Diagnostic Analysis
At semester break, this young man underwent right orchiectomy. Pathology was compatible with embryonal cell carcinoma. CT directed biopsy of the most prominent pulmonary nodule indicated embryonal cell carcinoma, compatible with metastatic testicular carcinoma. During a leave of absence from college, and after banking his sperm, this young man underwent aggressive chemotherapy. Repeat testing 12 weeks after chemotherapy showed complete resolution of the pulmonary nodules and enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes.
Critical Thinking Questions
1. What impact did an undescended testicle have on this young man’s risk for developing testicular cancer?
2. What might be the side effects of cytotoxic chemotherapy?
3. What was the purpose of preserving his sperm before chemotherapy?
4. Is this young man’s age typical for the development of testicular carcinoma?

Health Systems & Tools for Non Communicable Diseases in Low & Middle Income Countries

Rsearch your topic, evaluate selected sources, and organize your sources using the Source Organization worksheet template.

During Week 2, you chose a career interest topic and created your project plan. This week’s assignment is to conduct research to locate, identify and carefully vet at least three (3) credible sources. Reviewing the directions for the Week 7 assignment now will be helpful before you begin to research.

In the Week 3 lesson, you read about Location and Access, the third step of the Big 6 research model. Essentially, this step helps you find and select the most relevant sources that support your project topic. Instead of randomly choosing a source that could work, select the best possible source from those available using the evaluation process presented in the Weeks 2 and 3 lessons. You will share your scholarly sources and write a robust summary as you complete the Source Organization Worksheet template.

Requirements for the Source Organization worksheet include: ·

· Download the template here: Source Organization Worksheet Template (in Word) or Source Organization Worksheet Template (in Excel)

· One (1) source must be scholarly, peer-reviewed and from the Trefrey library

· Other sources must be credible and appropriate for college research

· Robust source summaries must include an explanation of the contents of the source and the relevance of the source to your project’s topic.

· In the document complete Part I, explain the process of locating your sources and Part II the source information.

· Once the worksheet is complete, copy and paste it into the text box (not as an attachment). All sections of the template must be completed.

Criminal Justice Research Article

Locate a recent criminal justice research article from a recognized, peer-reviewed, professional journal or government publication.

Note: Non-peer-reviewed newspaper articles or articles from popular magazines, such as Time or Newsweek, are not acceptable.

Write a 700 word paper in which you address the following:

  • Identify the purpose of the research study, problem, and questions.
  • Describe the design of the study.
  • Identify an operational definition used by the researchers.
  • Identify whether the research study is a quantitative or qualitative design. Explain your answer.
  • Identify the methodology, population, sampling methods, and return rate, if applicable.
  • What were the findings of the study?
  • Describe the author’s conclusions and recommendations.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

the planning and implementation stages of the project

Assignment Content

  1. In this week’s assignment you work through the planning and implementation stages of the project. This will require you to determine goals, resources needed, and consider change management.
  2. Define an improvement goal and explain how you would measure the change.
  3. Create a project plan. Consider:

    • Resources needed
      • Supplies and equipment
      • People
    • Timeframe for implementation
    • Data collection mechanisms
    • Change and leadership theories to ensure success

    Format your assignment as one of the following:

    • 18- to 20-slide presentation
    • 15- to 20-minute oral presentation
    • 875-word paper
    • Legal-sized infographic
    • Another format approved by your instructor

Procedure for Disciplining Employees

The purpose of this assignment is review Human Resources policies and procedures within the company you are conducting your internship. You will compose a minimum 500-word research paper to discuss your findings.

( I was conducting my internship at a Chinese restaurant) you just need rough the paper and I will put restaurant info by myself later after I received this paper from you)

A minimum of three external sources from textbooks and/or peer-reviewed journals is required.

Explain the procedure for hiring employees. Discuss:

  • How openings are advertised
  • Procedures for interviewing
  • Selection process
  • Company forms that are completed upon hire
Explain the procedure for training employees. Discuss:

  • Is training formal (i.e. – classroom) or informal (on-the-job)
  • Who is responsible for training hourly employees
  • How long is new hire training.
Explain the procedure for disciplining employees. Discuss:

  • How discipline is administered
  • Procedures for terminating employees

The Rothschild Family

you can write the paper( for instance) on a person ( Napoleon ) , event( Armenian Genocide )or set of people, , ( The Ottomans) no broad topic like the First World War . or Second World War ….

The research paper is of your choice as long as it covers the period that is being cover in the course. The paper will be 10 pages in length, double spaced, using 12 point font, submitted online. This should be similar to any paper you would write for other classes – including a title page, an introduction, body of text, a conclusion, and references/bibliography. APA or MLA format is acceptable.

Proper Citation of Sources.

When writing papers which use information from researched sources, it is necessary to provide complete and correct documentation to show the source of all words and ideas which are not those of the student. Failure to cite a source implies that the information used is the original work of the paper writer – a form of stealing known as “plagiarism.” In the college class, plagiarism is grounds for failure, no matter how well written the rest of the paper may be.

Do not use first person or contractions when writing. Also, remember that a successful term paper is not one that is written at the last moment, rather it is one that has been thought out, written, edited, and edited some more (you may consider turning in a rough draft or talking with me prior to the due date if you are unsure about how to approach writing the paper). Make sure you proofread! Nothing detracts from a paper (or grade) worse than a poorly written, mistake-filled paper.

Family Life Cycles

Family Life Cycles

In a 4-5 page paper discuss each of the family life cycles. Do you think most couples today follow the same cycle as those 20 years ago? Why or why not? How important is each stage? Provide a minimum of three examples for each. Based on cultural trends and evolving values of new generations, what changes in marriage do you predict in the next 15 years? What evidence do you have to support this viewpoint? Your paper should be a 4-5 page paper citing specific examples and providing detailed analysis incorporation reading and textbook material. If outside sources are used, proper citation of the source should be included