Prepare a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation, with speaker notes, that examines the significance of an organization’s culture and values. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice-over or a video. Refer to the Topic Materials for additional guidance on recording your presentation with Loom. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning, and an additional slide for References at the end.

1. Outline the purpose of an organization’s mission, vision, and values.

2. Explain why an organization’s mission, vision, and values are significant to nurse engagement and patient outcomes.

3. Explain what factors lead to conflict in a professional practice. Describe how organizational values and culture can influence the way conflict is addressed.

4. Discuss effective strategies for resolving workplace conflict and encouraging interprofessional collaboration.

5. Discuss how organizational needs and the culture of health care influence organizational outcomes. Describe how these relate to health promotion and disease prevention from a community health perspective.


Purpose of organizational mission, vision, and values is accurate and clearly outlined.

A detailed explanation of why organizational mission, vision, and values are significant to nurse engagement and patient outcomes is presented. Sound rationale is provided for support. The significance is clearly established.

An explanation of factors leading to conflict in a professional practice is clearly presented. How organizational values and culture influence the way conflict is addressed is described in detail. Strong rationale and evidence are provided for support.

Effective strategies for resolving workplace conflict and encouraging interprofessional collaboration is discussed. Strong support and rationale are provided to support each strategy.

How organizational needs and the culture of health care influence organizational outcomes is clearly discussed. How these relate to health promotion and disease prevention from a community health perspective is described in detail. The relationship among these is established. Rationale and evidence

system development and critical infrastructure

An agency has focused its system development and critical infrastructure data collection efforts on separate engineering management systems for different types of assets and is working on the integration of these systems. In this case, the agency focused on the data collection for two types of assets: water treatment and natural gas delivery management facilities. Please identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities. Chapter 6 discusses the concept of correlation. Assume that An agency has focused its system development and critical infrastructure data collection efforts on separate engineering management systems for different types of assets and is working on the integration of these systems. In this case, the agency focused on the data collection for two types of assets: water treatment and natural gas delivery management facilities. Please identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.

As indicated above, identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.


Reflect on your overall practicum experience in this course. Then, address the following in your Practicum Journal:

  • Explain whether your therapeutic theory has changed as a result of your practicum experiences. Recall the theories you selected in Week 1.
  • Explain how you integrated the therapeutic approaches from this course in your clinical practice. Include how this helped you achieve the goals and objectives you developed in Week 1.
  • Explain how you might impact social change through your work with clients who have mental health issues.
  • Support your approach with evidence-based literature.


Write a 4 pages paper on psychological and law analysis. The other article by Rose Rosenthal, R., Clark, S. E., &amp. Marshall, T. E. (2009). Lineup Administrator Influences on Eyewitness Identification Decisions nthal, Clark, &amp. Marshall. “Lineup Administrator Influences on Eyewitness Identification Decisions” is a&nbsp.psychological&nbsp.article, which focuses on the administrator of the&nbsp.line-up&nbsp.and their behavior or techniques used to&nbsp.influence&nbsp.the eyewitness evidence. In both articles, there is an emphasis on the weaknesses and other factors of the&nbsp.eyewitness&nbsp.evidence. I intend to summarize the main factors affecting eyewitness&nbsp.evidence&nbsp.and the recommendation made to resolve the issues.

Main factors affecting eyewitness&nbsp.evidence The eyewitness serves as an important function in the delivery of justice and, if the proper procedures&nbsp.are used, they can&nbsp.correctly&nbsp.confirm&nbsp. identity of a criminal. Articles in both case studies show that, in most cases, eyewitness evidence is the largest source of wrongful convictions. The reliability of the&nbsp.eyewitness&nbsp.evidence& the techniques used by the systems.


An essay exposing your reasons to agree or disagree with the Healthy People 2020 National Agenda. The essay should be written in English (2 pages), using APA format.


The public health nurse has been asked to provide an educational activity at the local assisted living facility regarding influenza, its identification, treatment and prevention for the residences. Compose a written lesson plan including the following elements: a detailed content outline, a description of the teaching method as to exactly what will be planned, and an evaluation plan. Use a matrix (or chart/table) format. Show how each content component will be presented and evaluated. Be creative as to the method of presenting the material. Limit the written plan to 2-3 pages and add a final page with the references. Cite references using APA style


Planning for our patients during times of transitions (for example: hospital to home, home to rehabilitation facility) involves collaboration with a number of healthcare professionals. Please address the following questions:

  • How does your facility promote interprofessional collaboration during times of patient transitions?
  • What is the role of the nurse in patient transitions?
  • What gaps can you identify in this process related to quality of care? (If you are not currently in practice, please use a previous role or clinical experience in your answers.)


Benchmark – Electronic Health Record Implementation Paper
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

2.3:        Develop leadership skills to collaborate on interprofessional teams in the provision of evidence-based, patient-centered care.

5.2:     Apply professional, ethical, and regulatory standards of practice in the provision of safe, effective health care.

One way informatics can be especially valuable is in capturing data to inspire improvements and quality change in practice. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) collects data related to adverse events and safety concerns. If you are working within a practice setting to implement a new electronic health record (EHR) system, this is just one of the many considerations your team would need to plan for during the rollout process.

In a paper of 1,250-1,500 words, address the following questions related to the advanced registered nurse’s role during this type of scenario:

1) What key information would be needed in the database that would allow you to track opportunities for care improvement?

2) What role does informatics play in the ability to capture this data?

dissemination of evidence

Hi all,

This week we are to discuss dissemination of evidence and how we each personally would do this. “The main objective of dissemination is to increase and promote the spread of knowledge regarding evidence-based interventions, with an intention of enhancing its greater application and patient outcomes” (Joseph, 2019, para 1). Dissemination is simply getting the word out to people or large groups. For example, if I want to feel connected to my audience, I may initiate a zoom meeting. These days, “snail mail” is not the fastest way to get the word out about something in a fast manner. Email is the optimal way Walden University communicates with their students as well as via phone call. Many text to communicate what is going on. Some are fans of this while others are strictly against it. Depending on my audience and the message I am trying to convey, text/email or zoom would be the two routes I would go. The barriers to snail mail are just that it can be really slow or look like junk mail and sit on the intended recipients counter for days. Mail can also be delivered to the wrong recipient such as a neighbor or another street address entirely. Amidst the COVID crisis, President Trump as well as governors for each state get on television and have a live feed and this is the most effective way for them to get policy changes and statistics regarding the pandemic out to the public. “Increasing knowledge in the nursing field ensures that nursing remains up-to-date, improves the quality and cost-effectiveness of care (Lippincott Solutions, 2014).

In the nursing world we have nurse associations and quarterly state board of nursing newsletters sent out and that can convey information as well. Goals of disseminating evidence include increasing the reach of information, increasing people’s motivation to use and apply evidence, and increasing people’s ability to use and apply evidence (United States Department of Health & Human Services, 2012). In doing this, we keep nursing the trusted profession it has always been with knowledge that helps us care for our patients better.


Initial Post:

Art is a range of human activities that are often diverse and creates auditory and visual artifacts that express technical, conceptual, and imaginative ideas. Ideas and creativity and the nature of art concepts have changed over the years (Arnold, 2013). Arts help in building the community by providing a rich and nourishing spiritual meal that is often underrated. Music is one of the significant forms of art that highly influence society. Arts include a combination of instrumental and vocal sounds, beauty and expression, melody, rhythm, and melody according to societal standards. Music is a powerful way to reach the heart and ears of humans, and therefore musicians should use this art to create awareness about social issues. The video is a good demonstration of how Elaine and Benoit have changed the community. The community in Orlando was culturally impoverished, and the couple created a custom of performing music. The neighborhood felt an intimate experience and promoted creativity.

Musicians and artists often chose to utilize, humanize, and invigorates public spaces. Places with strong art expressions break the trend of sameness and blandness, which give communities a stronger sense of identity (Arnold, 2013). Therefore, a song focused on social issues will be more effective in public places than private venues. In public forums, art presentation is the type of messages exhibited is accompanied by fewer restrictions as their creative vision is into the civic decision-making process.

Benoit and Elaine are a perfect example of how art can build a society and change the community perspective. If given a chance, I would create a public venue that will be used for dances. The site would be based on genuine enthusiasm and support on developing talents. The dance venue’s goal would be to encourage more people to participate by providing financial incentives promoting social cohesion and cultivating a healthy relationship. Moreover, the priority of the venue would be to address themes and social injustices issues. The dance art initiative will focus on racial equality. This will reflect on the ideas of performances, which will ensure that racial equality is well comprehended and become a societal norm.
