• Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation or choose one of interest to you.
  • Review community, state, or federal policy evaluation and reflect on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program or policy described.

* I live in Houston, Texas, so a policy that affects this area is needed.

The Assignment: (2–3 pages)

Based on the program or policy evaluation you selected, complete the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template. Be sure to address the following:

  • Describe the healthcare program or policy outcomes.
  • How was the success of the program or policy measured?
  • How many people were reached by the program or policy selected?
  • How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?
  • At what point in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted?
  • What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?
  • What specific information on unintended consequences was identified?
  • What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.
  • Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not?
  • Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not?
  • Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after 1 year of implementation.

gun violence effects in a community

  1. Has your community been directly affected by gun violence/mass shootings? Discuss the affects you have noted.
    My community has not dealt with any mass shootings, but gun violence and shootings are common in the metro area. We don’t have frequent shootings, but they have increased in recent years. Suicide by gun is also most common method for suicide in my community.
  2. Discuss what you believe to be the greatest risk factor(s) in your community that could be associated with a potential for violence.
    Risk factors in my community are drug use and gun availability due to it being a big hunting community. Also being a farming community, the stress of farming and middle age men is a risk factor for suicide.
  3. What are your thoughts about the Predictive Firearm Violence Risk Scale?
    The Predictive Firearm Violence Risk Scale is a scale that developed to determine future firearm violence in an area or from an individual (Bakes, 2017). The scale goes over different criteria and determines points for each criterion based on severity. Serious fighting with in the past 6 months, friend weapon carrying, community environment, and firearm threats are all areas assessed in the 10-point SaFETy score. Each 1 point was associated with an increase in the risk for future firearm violence (Bakes, 2017).
  4. Will you use this scale in your practice? Why or why not?
    I think this is a good starting point scale to use during an assessment of a patient after determining accessibility of firearms for the individual. This determines risky behavior that may lead to firearm violence (Goldstick, et al., 2017).
  5. What type of changes has your community made to help improve safety?
    My community has incorporated gun safety classes as well as education for safe gun storage. There is also more education on mental health and suicide that has helped people assess accessibility to different methods of suicide. With guns being number one method in our community, gun education has been a huge topic for safety.
  6. What are your thoughts about the Columbine shooter’s mother’s TED Talk?
    I can not image grieving the loss of a son to suicide after not knowing he was dealing with a mental illness as well as dealing with a community mass shooting and guilt he caused before his suicide. I think it is amazing that she took this experience and is educating people regardless of the attacks and guilt she has felt from the actions of her son. Getting information out to the public on mental illness and the ways that it can contribute to violence and risky behavior is vital to ending mass shooting and suicides. It is true that many times loved ones do not know that someone close to them is dealing with mental illness and contemplating suicide. Being aware of the warning signs and actions displayed by the individual can help prevent suicide and other violence towards others (Parekh, 2018).

Response 2

Gun Violence and Mass Shooting

The United States of America represents one of the world’s developed countries that the rate of gun violence has substantially elevated. Within the gun violence, mainly homicides, contribute to disparities in life expectancy between white and minority group African American (Ludwig, 2017).
This discussion aims to elaborate on gun violence, mass shooting, and to answer the following questions:
1. Has your community been directly affected by gun violence/mass shootings? Discuss the effects you have noted.
2. Discuss what you believe to be the most significant risk factor(s) in your community that could be associated with violence.


The Assignment: (2-3 pages)

In preparation of filling this role, develop a 2- to 3-page role description for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role description should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps:

Planning and requirements definition
Design of the new system
Post-implementation support
Nurse works in Houston, TX

the correlation between global disease surveillance and domestic disease surveillance

Examine how nurses and nursing organizations may improve policies to encourage the judicious use of antibiotics in humans?

2. Identify the correlation between global disease surveillance and domestic disease surveillance, and the significant role of the family nurse practitioner.


Prepare a two to three page written assignment that includes the following:

  • Describe the importance of the code of ethics in nursing
  • Identify the American Nurses Association Standards of Practice for the licensure you are obtaining LPN
  • Conclusion
  • Use at least two credible resources to support your findings. For example, one of the resources could be the ANA Standards of Practice, and another resource could be the ANA Code of Ethics. These resources must be integrated into the body of your paper using at least two in-text citations. Be sure to use proper APA format and style.

Deontology Theory and Utilitarianism Theory Comparative

Ethics and Duty

Address the following in a 1–2-page paper:

  1. Explain deontology and the role of the categorical imperative in determining one’s ethical duty.
  2. Illustrate your understanding of this ethical theory with a concrete example of an ethical dilemma.
  3. Discuss an ethical theory that would take a different approach
  4. Be sure to explain and discuss any key ideas with supporting citations to the textbook and online lectures in correct APA format. Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.
  5. Review and comment on the posts of other students and the instructor by the end of the week.

The Trolley Dilemma

write 600 words based on the instructions below

Directions: Respond to one of the questions from the list provided below. The response must be 2-pages, with 1-inch margins, 12-point font, and double-spaced. You must cite in accordance with a standard citation style and include a bibliography page. The bibliography page does not count toward the 2-page requirement.

  • Interpret the trolley problem from the perspective of either Kant or Mill.
  • Using Beauvoir’s discussions of an ethics of ambiguity, interpret one real world example not explicitly discussed in class. For this question, you may use an outside news source, and must include your source in the bibliography page.
  • How does the ethics of care relate to our discussions of Kant or Mill? Which approach to ethics did you find more persuasive?

Values in Tension Ethics Away from Home Philosophy

Philosophy Assignment

I will post the assignment soon

Thank You for helping

Require quality work

Philosophical Response to Rainbow Curve

Name of the book: Michael Boylan, Rainbow Curve

What you need to do in order to fulfill this assignment is:

5 pages is required

• Create a summary sheet on the fictive piece that includes: characters, plot, themes, and evaluation.

• Isolate a single passage in the book that you feel is pivotal to the theme of the book (this passage can be consecutive,

• Briefly go through the scene highlighting character, plot, and tropes (metaphors, motifs, description, etc.)

• Try to discern a particular point of view within the passage that mirrors the book

• Decide whether you agree or disagree with this point of view

• Set out the relevant practical and theoretical philosophical principles at stake and apply them to the problem.

• Use 3 philosophical principles to help you create a positive or negative reaction to the author’s theme (in the small and the large realm). If it is positive, think of bringing up objectors and refute them. If it is negative, engage in a dialog with the author—ending up by rejecting position. The theme should be readily understandable from the scene you have chosen.

• Reflect on the significance of your position. What abstract general points about the world have now been elucidated? * most important point. At least a page.

the Objectification of Mans Species Life

Please kindly read and follow the instructions very carefully as this worth a very high percentage of my final grade.

Instructions before you write.

First, choose your author. I chose “Estranged Labour”.…

Second, select one of the arguments that your author presents. For example, you could choose one of the social contract arguments from Hobbes, Locke, or Rousseau; you could choose the argument against censorship from Mill, or the argument for women’s equality from Wollstonecraft, or the argument that capitalism dehumanizes workers, or the argument that women or African-Americans bear a special burden in society from Beauvoir or DuBois.

Next, try to formulate the question that the author you have chosen is trying to answer. If you know what the author’s conclusion is, you should be able to state explicitly (maybe even more explicitly that the author ever did) a question that the argument seems to be trying to answer. The question might be: on what is the legitimacy of the sovereign (or the government) based? Or, what is the most rational form of social contract? Or, does capitalism dehumanize workers? Or, should women be granted the same rights as men? And so on.

Decide your own view concerning your chosen argument. Try to write out your own view in a single sentence, called a thesis statement. This thesis statement should be a direct and clear answer to the question you have just formulated. You may find that you agree with one of our authors. That’s fine; you will therefore be backing them up, adding your support to their argument. You may also chose to disagree with one of our authors, in which case you should try to provide a clear alternative answer to the question.

Only now should you begin writing your paper.

Once you begin writing:

Paragraph One: Introduce the topic, your chosen author, and your main thesis. What question do you take yourself to be answering? With what author will you be engaging primarily? What is that author’s main view concerning the question you are discussing? And what view will you be taking on the question?

Paragraph Two and Three (and perhaps Four): The argument from your chosen author (with which you will later agree or disagree). Paragraph Four or Five: Consider an objection to your author’s view. If you disagree with your author, then this objection should be your own. If you agree with your author, then this objection should be from another author or from an imagined objector

Paragraph Five or Six: Imagine a reply from the original author (or from yourself, if you agree with the original author).

Last Paragraph or Two: Evaluate the debate and explain your own view. Why do you agree or disagree with the original author? What are the reasons you have for agreeing or disagreeing with the chosen author? Which argument is stronger?

This will likely be at least six or seven paragraphs. Remember, though: I am more concerned that you demonstrate progress toward the course goals (the spirit of the assignment, one might say) than if you follow the letter of the assignment.