Gall Bladder Epithelial Cell Muscular Organ Digestion Process Discussion
I’m studying and need help with a Biology question to help me learn.
i need 700 words
add in text citations and references
answer all 4 questions
Cells and Tissues: Gall bladder epithelial cell
short paper (with figures). Include with your entry a typed paper that answers the following questions with proper citations and references.
- How are organelles distributed in this cell?(i.e. are there more peroxisomes, less mitochondria, etc.)Why do you see this?Remember: “form follows function.”
- In what type of tissue(s) and organ(s) would you find you find this cell?What is its role there?
- Each type of cell in the body only uses a small part of its genome to function.For instance, red blood cells produce a lot of hemoglobin and are therefore “expressing” the alpha-hemoglobin and beta-hemoglobin genes.Are there certain genes that are expressed (turned on) in this cell?How do these genes help the cell’s function?
- If this cell starts to divide uncontrollably, what type of cancer could happen? (If you can’t find this exact cell, consider the organ it is in) OR Name and describe a disease that involves this type of cell.
No matter what form your assignment takes you need to use and cite references.Part of your grade will be creativity.