SummeECONOMICSr -Assessment 2 – Portfolio/ Report – (July-August 2020)

Submission Date: 23/08/2020

Assignment Guidelines

1. Task 1

a. You are expected to select any two from the following macroeconomic concepts in
relation to Oman
1. Employment.

2. Inflation.

3. International Trade.

b. You are required to maintain a Portfolio/Scrap Book consisting of news from
internet sources (e – papers / magazine articles / or any other information from
secondary sources) to highlight the efforts of the Omani Government towards
Oman’s macroeconomics development.
You need to note the following:
* Articles and news should be limited to the period January-August 2020.
* At least (10) news should be provided for each area.
* Source and date of news as well as a relevant commentary should
be provided below every piece of news.


2. Task 2:
You are required to submit a short written report of around 700 to 1000 words, summarizing your findings on the current economic developments in Oman in the selected areas and relating the findings to your knowledge of the macroeconomics concepts.
Report Structure:
* Inroduction.
* Discussion (news summary linked to the macroeconomics concepts}.
* Conclusion.
* References.

3. Both tasks (the portfolio + the report) should be in PPT format and should be
Submitted in the specific turnitin link in MOVE on or before the given date.

4. The assignment grading is based on the following criterion:
Scrap Book 50%
Evidence of collection (15 %).
Sources reviewed (15 %).
Relevance of data (10 %).
Relevance of commentary (10%]
Written Report 50%
Coverage of key issues (10 %).
Understanding of data collected (15 %).
Linking data to economic concepts (15 %).
Summary of findings (10 %).


5. To achieve higher Grades students have to show evidence of:
relevant news collection.
understanding of articles collected through relevant commentaries.
understanding the macroeconomic concepts through an appropriate and reflective report linking the collected data to the relevant macroeconomics concepts.
ability to draw up a meaningful conclusion.

6. The Marking Rubric Distributes the Marks as Follows:

* Information and Research 20%

* Understanding of Issues 20%

* Detailed Discussion of Tasks 35%

* Presentation and Structure 15%

* References 10%

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