Registration and Search Gantt Chart Microsoft Project
I’m studying and need help with a Management question to help me learn.
This assignment requires you to use Microsoft project
You are the project manager for a company website portal (similar to the Modda Customer Portal, described in the class). You are now detailing the project plan schedule – using the MS Project Gantt Chart – for the “Register and Search” feature.
To do that, please use the activities, activity durations and the resources, as well as the rest of the information provided below. You also need to derive the task dependencies.
Note that the activities span multiple SDLC phases: planning, design, development, and testing.
Hint: for guidance/reference, please feel free to use the Modda POC.mpp example (also available as a PDF)
Assignment Details: please represent the Gantt chart using the information outlined below.
Project Name: Registration and Search (in the Gantt chart, this should be the parent of all your tasks) Project Start Date: 10/21/2019
Resources (Note: please observe what tasks each resource may be assigned to):
- 3 Business analysts (BA1, BA2 and BA3) for requirements, low fidelity prototypes and test cases
- 1 UX designer for: review low-fidelity prototypes and develop the high-fidelity prototype (UX1)
- 3 developers / designers for design, build and unit test (Dev1, Dev2 and Dev3)
- 1 Solution Architect (SA1) for design and code reviewTasks / activities:
• Plan Search
o Planning/Requirements
Google-type search requirements
- Identify stakeholders (1 day)
- Conduct requirements meetings (3 days)
- Create low-fidelity prototype (4 days)
- Review and finalize requirements (3 days)
Drill-down search requirements
- Identify stakeholders (1 day)
- Conduct requirements meetings (2 days)
- Create low-fidelity prototype (3 days)
- Review and finalize requirements (4 days)
Content Management (create / edit / remove and publish website content)