Stratification and Social Inequality
Stratification and social inequality.
Analyze the different social stratifications
Explain sexual and racial discrimination
Critique inequalities in gender and age and their impacts on society
Analyze poverty and its effects on society
Step1 Read the assignment guidelines below
In this assignment you will provide an in-depth analysis of issues associated with social stratification, social inequality, and discrimination. Use a word document that highlights the concepts you learned in this module. Your completed assignment should include the concepts of social stratification, social inequality, and social class in America. This paper does not need to be in a essay form. but should include a reference list. Be sure to address each section separately.
Requirements Details
Cover page Title your name date
One to two page discussion
of issues associated with social stratification Your discussion should include
A definition for stratification
The formation of social ranking development of social classes caste and
slavery systems
how have power, prestige, privilege wealth and other desirables effect
individual life-chances?