Energy Sources Lap Report

 Energy Sources Lap Report

Student Instructions

For each assignment, you will use the M.U.S.E. link to complete the lab.

In this lab, you will see the impacts associated with coal-fire or nuclear power plants for electricity generation. This will help you write a scientific paper that focuses on energy sources.

Energy Sources

Everything people do in their daily lives involves the consumption of resources. One resource in particular is energy. Electricity is one of the most important energy resources consumed. Electricity is also one of the highest in demand. Traditionally, fossil fuels have dominated the U.S. energy mix. Examples of fossil fuels include:

  • Coal
  • Natural gas
  • Oil

However, it is well-known that fossil fuels emit carbon into the environment. This is harmful to the environment because fossil fuels are contributing to global warming. Fortunately, alternative energy sources are becoming more efficient and popular. Examples of alternative energy sources include:

  • Solar
  • Wind
  • Hydro
  • Geothermal

Analyze energy sources, to write a scientific paper that addresses:

  • The 2 primary sources of electricity generation are coal and nuclear power plants. Which of these sources is better for human sustainability?

Using the M.U.S.E. link, review the background information and gather your data.

Review this video for a detailed overview of this assignment: . Then you will use the Lab 4 worksheet for assignment instructions and data collection. Be certain to compete both Part 1 and Part 2 of the worksheet.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Assignment Specific Grading Criteria:

Unit 4 Individual Project Grading Criteria Max Points
Table in Part 1 is filled out completely using simulated data from MUSE 5
Purpose describes the overall lab in 2-3 sentences 5
Introduction is a 1 paragraph about energy usages and the main factors on coal and nuclear energy resources. This may include common perceptions about these resources and environmental concerns. Introduction may also discuss human energy demands. This is not a summary of the actual lab. 5
Hypothesis is a one sentence prediction that relates directly to the data collected in Part 1. 5
Methods include a summary of using the simulation to collect data. 5
Results summarize in sentence form the data contained in Part 1. Table from Part 1 should either be included in this section or referred to. 5
Discussion is 1 paragraph that explicitly relates data (Table 1) to hypothesis, making connections between human energy usages, long-term sustainability, and the two energy resources compared in the lab. 5
Uses proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar to write clearly and effectively. 5

Environmental Management of Albertas Oil Sand

Environmental Management of Albertas Oil Sand

Read the instruction carefully.

You have to pick an environmental issue that a community, city or province is presently facing in Canada. The issue may be of national significance but it should be discussed from a provincial, city or local community perspective. This is to ensure that you do not pick up a topic that is too broad in scope (I am looking for brevity and depth rather than a high-level overview).

Given that environmental issues are often related to multiple other dimensions, e.g., social, economic, political (governance), and ethical, you have to set the context by highlighting all those aspects (as applicable). In addition, while making recommendations on how to tackle the issue, please limit the number of recommendations to your top two recommendations (you may make only one recommendation if you like) but do provide rationale for your recommendations.


  1. The issue (including potential impacts): what is at stake? Why should we care?
  2. Underlying causes: What is/are causing this issue? Provide brief historical overview ifrelevant.
  3. Actions (past/present/future): What has been done to address the issue so far? What can we do now? What are some of the short- and long-term priorities? This about all relevant stakeholders including government, businesses, NGOs, community groups, individuals…
  4. Challenges: What are the key challenges to addressing this issue (why is it difficult to solve)?
  5. Recommendations: What are your top recommendations (provide justifications)?


The essay will have a length of no more than 1600 words excluding references. Use 12-point Times Roman font throughout with a line spacing of 1.15. Use a consistent style for layout and citations. Submit the document in MS Word format (do not send a document in PDF or any other format).

Provide “in-text” citations; this means mentioning the source whenever you use facts and figures from a published source next to where you quote the information in the document. Also list all quoted sources at the end of the document in the “Reference” section. Do not mention any source not used in your paper (I want you to add a reference, not a bibliography). Use any of the common citation styles consistently (e.g., Chicago, APA, MLA etc.).


Please do not copy and paste sections from existing articles or reports. I expect you to do a thorough research, think about the issue critically, and then write up the report in your own words.

Ecological Footprint

Ecological Footprint

This is a link to a fun “quiz” to make a rough calculation of your personal ecological footprint based on your own lifestyle. It will calculate how many earths it would take to support 7 billion people all trying to live like you do. After you take the quiz “for real”, you can play around with your inputs to see how it affects your results. Answer the following questions in discussion board.

1) What aspects of your lifestyle were taken into consideration?

2) How precise was your data input, given the options? How might that impact your results?

3) What was the biggest surprise about your ecological footprint?

4) Run the quiz two more times after you do it “for real” the first time. The second time, try to pretend that you’re perfect (if you can figure out what “perfect” is in this model). Did you get it down to one or less Earth? For the the third time, make a few adjustments to your original answers that seem “doable.” How did this change your results?

write the answers in a simple language

Deforestation and Impacts of Humans

Deforestation and Impacts of Humans

Based on the topics covered throughout this course, choose a specific (national or global) environmental issue impacted by the human population. Explain the issue and the impacts of humans. Give examples of how the issue affects the biological processes and ecological systems. Then, suggest sustainable practices that can be used to mediate the impacts of this issue. Be sure to include citations of reliable, scientific references to support your explanations.

Include a title page with your name, the title of the assignment, and the University.

Topics to choose from are:


Sustainable economic growth

Sustainability in our future

Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management

 Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management

Select a single radiation producing object (can be anything) that is a part of your life (social, personal, outside, inside, etc) and tell me what the object is that you selected. Then, explain what type of radiation is produced by the object (such as x-ray, gamma ray, radio, etc), state if the radiation is ionizing or non-ionizing. I will give extra credit if you state the electromagnetic spectrum frequency of the object you select. Finally, state one method that can be implemented to protect yourself (or anyone else) from the radiation produced by the object. If the object has protection already built into it, you can explain what that protection is as your method of protection. Example: I select a microwave oven as my radiation producing object. Microwave ovens produce non-ionizing radiation at a frequency of 2450 MHZ. One protective method used by the microwave oven is that it will automatically shut off the radiation when you open the oven’s door.

Radiation Safety Report

The executives at Acme Manufacturing Co. were impressed by your first report, and they have asked you and BSCI to return for more work. BSCI has been contracted by Acme Manufacturing Co. to conduct a study to determine employee exposures to radiation. In addition, your company has been contracted to determine the effectiveness of engineering controls, including shielding. After conducting a field assessment, prepare a written report for Bob Sanders (CSP) to present to the Board of Directors. During your field investigation, you find the following field observations:

Test Equipment and Repair Facility

The company has an on-site test equipment and repair facility. Much of the test equipment contains a radiation source. Normal practice inside the facility is to limit the time of exposure of employees working on this equipment as a method of control. However, the company is looking at the possibility of installing lead shields or increasing the distance from the source, thus increasing employee time working on equipment. Based on the following information determine the employee’s exposure:

Location Employee Distance (Initial) Distance (Proposed) Intensity (Initial) Intensity at proposed distance
Bench #3 Rita Ray D’Ashun 0.5 ft. 2 ft. 110 mrem/h Unknown
Bench #5 Robert Long 1 ft. 3 ft. 137 mrem/h Unknown
Bench #6 Paul Row 0.75 ft. 1.5 ft. 102 mrem/h Unknown

Based on this information, determine the employee’s actual exposure rate to the radiation source. Show your work (either in the report or as an appendix).

The second option under consideration is to install lead shields in order to reduce the employee’s dose rate. Using the information provided in the table above, determine the intensity at the same distances listed above if a 5 cm lead shield was placed between the source and the detector. [µ for lead, (662 keV gamma ray) = 1.23 cm-¹]

Radar Testing Facility

As part of your assessment, you have been asked to evaluate the estimated power density levels for both near and far fields. When there is no gain listed in the problem, always defer to a gain of 10. Recall that 1 watt = 1,000,000 µW(microwatts). You have conducted your assessment and measurements with the following data:

Location Diameter (cm) Antenna Power (watts) Distance (r) from Antenna (cm) Power Density (Near Field) (µW/cm²) Power Density (Far Field) (µW/cm²)
Radar Unit #1 48 in 50,000 150 ft.
Radar Unit #2 26 cm 110,000 150 ft.

Laser Laboratory

Acme Manufacturing is currently considering constructing a laser laboratory, which will contain Class III, IIIA, and IIIB lasers. Identify the safety control measures that the client must consider before proceeding to the design phase of the project.

Respond to the details in each section, and format your report in APA style. Include at least each of the following in your report for this unit:

§Introduction-briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).

§Report details-briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).

§Conclusions and recommendations-briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).

§Appendix-Measurements and calculations (show your work).

§At least one page (double-spaced) in length (not including the reference page and appendices).

Prepare your report in a word-processing application (i.e., Word) using APA formatting for all references and in-text citations.

Environmental Science Dust Bowl Tragedy of The Commons

 Environmental Science Dust Bowl Tragedy of The Commons

After watching the videos write a one-page single-spaced paper explaining how the Dust Bowl is a “tragedy of the commons”. Include background information on the Dust Bowl, the short term gains versus the lack of foresight of the long term interests of the Great Plains. Also, include the technical solutions that have been implemented to solve the issues that arose due to the Dust Bowl. Explain if these technical solutions have solved the commons problem. One source that must be used in your paper is the Tragedy of the Commons article by Garrett Hardin that can be found in Session 2.

Aspects of Lifestyle And Ecological Footprint

Aspects of Lifestyle And Ecological Footprint

This is a link to a fun “quiz” to make a rough calculation of your personal ecological footprint based on your own lifestyle. It will calculate how many earths it would take to support 7 billion people all trying to live like you do. After you take the quiz “for real”, you can play around with your inputs to see how it affects your results. Answer the following questions in discussion board.

1) What aspects of your lifestyle were taken into consideration?

2) How precise was your data input, given the options? How might that impact your results?

3) What was the biggest surprise about your ecological footprint?

4) Run the quiz two more times after you do it “for real” the first time. The second time, try to pretend that you’re perfect (if you can figure out what “perfect” is in this model). Did you get it down to one or less Earth? For the the third time, make a few adjustments to your original answers that seem “doable.” How did this change your results?

Up to 10 points for your original post. You receive 1.25 points each for replies to other students (maximum of 2.5 points for replies). Maximum score = 12.5 points

Phosphorous on Aquatic Systems Effects

Phosphorous on Aquatic Systems Effects

Historically, detergent companies added water-soluble phosphorous to their products to make your laundry bright.  Based on what you read about phosphorous, why do you think many communities have banned the use of these detergents?  What term is used to describe the effects of increased phosphorous levels on aquatic ecosystems?

Population Mini Report Scavenger Hunt Activity

Population Mini Report Scavenger Hunt Activity

The PDF file has all the requirement for the report. Write the report according to the Excel file.

2 pages report.

The exercise was about finding 6 items on campus. these items were leaves, wood and other things from the nature.

First, half of the class went to find these things. Who ever found these 6 items survived other than that you are died.

Second, All of the class went to find these things. Also, Who ever found these 6 items survived other than that you are died.

finally, we have been separated for Two groups.

Group A have Two mins to find these things.

Group B have Three mins to find these thing.

And Who ever found these 6 items survived other than that you are died.

Effect of Resource Availability on Survival Rates Paper

Effect of Resource Availability on Survival Rates Paper

The PDF file has all the requirement for the report. Write the report according to the Excel file.

The exercise was about finding 6 items on campus. these items were leaves, wood and other things from the nature.

First, half of the class went to find these things. Who ever found these 6 items survived other than that you are died.

Second, All of the class went to find these things. Also, Who ever found these 6 items survived other than that you are died.

finally, we have been separated for Two groups.

Group A have Two mins to find these things.

Group B have Three mins to find these thing.

And who ever find these 6 items survived other than that you are died.