Environmental Science Shaping Current Circumstances

Environmental Science Shaping Current Circumstances

In this project, you will select a major global issue to study. You’ll learn more about the history of your chosen issue, and explain how this history can inform how the issue is approached today. You’ll create a presentation (8-12 slides) to share your findings.

Directions (also attached)

During your first meeting, Dr. Turner was so impressed by your enthusiasm that she asked you to create part of the presentation for the United Nations.

Use the following directions to guide your historical analysis and develop your presentation.

  1. Choose the issue that you want to investigate for your presentation. Select one issue from the following list to research:
    • Climate change
    • Pollution
    • Deforestation
  2. Research your issue.
    • Read and analyze the resources about your chosen issue in the the Primary and Secondary Sources for United Nations Briefing PDF document (attached. These resources provide important historical context for current discussions about these issues that you’ll want to discuss in your presentation.
    • Note: You can do some of your own research to add to the resources provided. If you decide to do so, make sure that you choose reliable sources.
  3. Present your issue. For this project, create 8–12 slides with speaker notes. To learn more about creating a presentation, refer to the Supporting Materials section. Remember to cite your sources.

    In your presentation, Dr. Turner has asked you to do the following:

    • Describe your chosen issue.
    • Describe your research approach.
      • How did you analyze primary and secondary sources on the issue? What questions did you ask about the documents?
      • How did you identify the facts to make your point? What did you learn from the documents about the history of your issue?
    • Analyze your issue.
      • What is the history of the issue? Describe the issue based on your analysis of the primary and secondary sources that you researched.
      • How have historians described and interpreted this issue in the past? How has this changed over time? (Note: Be sure to discuss multiple perspectives and focus on how these perspectives changed over time.)
      • How did various groups present the issue throughout history (including social, economic, and political interests)? Have these presentations changed or remained the same over time?
    • Relate your issue to the present.
      • How does the history of your issue relate to current circumstances?
      • What are the similarities and differences between past and present?
    • Explain how history informs current discussions about the topic.
      • How could historical context and inquiry inform current discussion and future decisions about your issue? Historical context refers to the norms and values of a particular time in history. For example: Take the current issue of expanding voting rights to prisoners in the United States. When analyzing this issue, it’s important to consider the historical context of voting rights in this country. In 1865, the 15th Amendment to the Constitution gave African American men the right to vote. In 1920, women were given the right to vote by the 19th Amendment. Understanding this context can help inform your discussion of the issue.


the risk assessment and risk management process in relation to an environmental health problem

 the risk assessment and risk management process in relation to an environmental health problem

Course Outcomes assessed in this Assignment

HS415-2: Illustrate the risk assessment and risk management process in relation to an environmental health problem.


Create a brochure that informs local residents about the hazards at either a National Priorities List (Superfund) site or sanitary landfill in your community. The brochure should include the following:

  • Front matter with a title and byline
  • Inside and back panels:
    • Information about the site (location, previous use, current use, etc.)
    • Risk Assessment:
      • Site assessments and testing completed to determine contamination levels.
      • The hazardous agents present at the site.
      • The extent of the contamination at the site and where it has spread to the surrounding community, if applicable (water, soil, air, etc.).
      • How the site has negatively impacted the environment and the health of people in the surrounding community (if negative health effects have not been reported, list the potential health effects based on the matrices that have been contaminated and the hazardous agents that have been identified).
    • Risk Management:
      • Identify the clean-up or containment measures that were taken.
      • Discuss how the site is continually monitored to prevent future contamination and protect the health of the surrounding population.
  • Back matter with references and contact information for the local health or environmental department (city/county/state)


Your brochure needs to include at least three (3) references, which may include the assigned reading material for Unit 3.

Submitting your Assignment

Your brochure must be submitted in a Microsoft® Word® file. Save the brochure with the proper naming convention, using the last name listed in the grade book: lastname_HS415_Unit3.docx

Submit your file to the Unit 3 Assignment 1 Dropbox.

To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Grades tab after your instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted brochure.


Social Change Environmental Challenges and Changes


Over the duration of this course you have developed a foundational understanding of ecology and have investigated many of the challenges facing the natural functioning of healthy ecosystems. In our final Discussion, reflect on your learning and consider the big ideas that you will take with you after you leave the course. Think about the challenges facing our species and others and consider some of the possibilities that can lead to a brighter future for life in the ecosphere.

With these thoughts in mind, complete the following:

Respond back to at least two of your colleagues’ or professor’s postings in a substantive manner, meaning a minimum of 1 full paragraph. Simple “I agree,” “Good post,” or one-line question posts are not enough for full credit. Be substantive as you engage your colleagues.

Brittany Harris

Week 6 Discussion-Environmental Challenges and Changes


The first area that I found most important about this class was Unit 3 – Ecosystems, Biomes, and Biodiversity. I found learning more about this to be more important in realizing the enormous amounts of human impacts on our surrounding ecosystems. From deforestation to overpopulation, and the burning of fossil fuels, humans have imposed significant threats to our environment, atmosphere, and ecosystems. At the rate we are going through these resources, it could get to a point where fossil fuels are depleted, ecosystems and biomes will continue to be threatened by human impact, and the biodiversity among us would become more threatened. In my opinion, the rate of deforestation among the Amazon rainforest is substantially higher than it needs to be. It is mostly due to overpopulation and greed by big companies that are using the rainforest as dump sites and wastelands, thus completely destroying habits for plants, animals, and the indigenous people that still call it home.

The next area I found to be especially important in this class was in Unit 5 – Earth’s Climate System. Growing up I always heard climate change and global warming referenced but did not really know or care to learn much about it. When looking at all the statistics provided and understanding that climate change is caused by the entire human population, was rather alarming and eye-opening for me. After learning so much more about this issue, I feel it is especially important that the world stop relying on burning fossil-fuels for almost everything. Though the number of carbon emissions has gotten better collectively over the past few years, the number is still fairly high, and I feel that government intervention and more involvement could have a much more significant impact than it currently has.

Personally, the biggest environmental challenge I think we are facing is the melting of all the ice and glaciers. Some of the issues that climate change has caused will have significant effects on certain ecosystems. For example, I did not realize that so much of the Arctic Sea Ice has melted and that polar bears are now threatened with extinction. Not only does the loss of the sea ice affect just the polar bears, since they are a keystone species it also impacts much of the ecosystem. The polar bears are not able to forage for the food they normally survive off of, so the animals they are now relying on for food takes away food sources from other smaller animals (Clay et al, 2018). The rate of sea ice melting is now approximately 13.1% per decade (climate.nasa.gov).

One particular plan I will implement this year, and will make a diligent effort going forward, to help with my carbon footprint is to plant a bigger garden. Last year I planted a fairly small garden since it is only me that eats the majority of vegetables in our household but looking at the statistics of how much energy is wasted in producing food products makes me want to do better. For example, my favorite vegetable is broccoli, and it is the one vegetable I always keep on hand. I live in Virginia and the climate is not that great for producing broccoli unless you plant it very early in the season, so I almost always just eat frozen broccoli instead. Last year I hesitated and ended up starting the garden late, so the majority of all my vegetables did not produce anything which means I bought all my vegetables from the grocery store. Gardening is one thing I can be more diligent about instead of relying on store-bought produce that has been transported to the grocery store from all over the place.


Clay et al, 2018. ‘Introduction to Environmental Science.’; Laureate Inc. Accessed on 14 December, 2020.

NASA Global Climate Change. (2020, 7). Arctic Sea ice minimum | NASA global climate change. Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet. https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/arctic-sea-ice/

Reta Cartrette

RE: Week 6 Discussion – Agents of Change in a Changing World!

While taking this course this term, I found a few things interesting I wanted to discuss. In Week One, we discussed land and resource management, and with this, what caught my attention was the deforestation that even took place way back when. In the Mayan civilization, deforestation was crucial. The Mayans wanted more of a luxury life, and so they ignored the soil in which they farmed. Just like today, deforestation back then was being cut for population growth. I heard a realtor say this week that in Horry County, where I am from, 160 families are moving in a day; wow, many people in a day. This made the forest bare in the Mayans’ time, and since wood was their main source, it became less and less. In fact, Easter Island faced the same challenges of deforestation, which puts a strain on the wildlife and their food resources (Clay et al., 2018).

Human water usage also caught my attention in week four. At times we only consider ways we use water every day. Things such as showers, washing dishes, and our drinking water. I found it interesting that Thermoelectric power and irrigation in the largest freshwater usage. The largest portion of the water used by households is for laundry, sinks, and showers. When we did the lab on our water footprint, I was amazed at how much water I use daily. One would never have thought about virtual water, which is the water it takes to make the clothes we wear or the food we consume on average. I had never heard of virtual water before this course, which was also interesting to me. It is a shame that our water is polluted daily by runoff from roadways and concrete, also by agricultural runoff from pesticides and herbicides. “The acid rain releases pollutants onto the ground which can harm soil, forests, streams and lakes” (Clay et al. 2018).

The environmental challenge was air pollution I found compelling. “The World Health Organization says 4.2-7 million people die a year from air pollution and 9 out of 10 people breathe the air that contains high levels of pollutants” (World Health Organization, 2019). Air pollution mainly comes from human impact by emissions from industrial sources to vehicles we drive. Since the covid 19 pandemics occurred, a study shows that it has played a role in air pollution by transporting virus molecules in the air (Lau, 2020). Air pollution can also be linked to long-term illnesses and short-term illnesses, such as cancer, heart DZ, stroke, and asthma. To sneezing, coughing, and dizziness are caused by air pollution. Environmental impacts are greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane gas, and sulfur oxides. These greenhouse gases are the main factor in climate change (Nunez, 2019).

Deforestation would be a cause I would advocate for. The end of deforestation would conserve wildlife for all countries. This could be the quickest way to control global warming. If an organization has the ability to destroy a forest, it can surely help to save it also. As humans, we can make a difference to save forests by our daily choices by steering clear of single-use packaging, eating sustainable foods, and recycling wood products such as paper. We can do our part by educating our families, friends, and communities. We can also help by planting our own trees, using less paper, and not burning wood fire and using electricity. Be the change to help our environment.



Clay et al. (2018) “Introduction to Environmental Science” Laureate Education. Accessed 1/5/2020

Lau, B. (2020, July 7). How Air Pollution Contributes to the Spread of COVID-19. Earth.org – Past | Present | Future. https://earth.org/air-pollution-exacerbating-the-spread-of-covid-19/

Nunez, C. (2019, February 4). Air Pollution Causes, Effects, and Solutions. Nationalgeographic.com. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/pollution/#close

World Health Organization. (2019, July 30). Air pollution. Who. Int; World Health Organization: WHO. https://www.who.int/health-topics/air-pollution#tab=tab_1

Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste

 Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste


A local municipality expects to close its landfill in one year, and it has decided to adopt a thermal technology for the treatment of its municipal solid waste. The city needs your help to choose between a traditional municipal waste incinerator and a pyrolysis unit. As a solid waste professional, you have been hired by the city council to provide an analysis of these two technologies.

You are tasked with preparing an executive summary that compares the two technologies. Your summary should contain the following items:

  • a short description of the technologies, their advantages and disadvantages, their waste products, and their economics;
  • the fundamental science and engineering principles of solid waste management that are involved;
  • the laws or standards that factor into your decision;
  • how your decision will affect the population of the community; and
  • your recommendation and rationale to the city.

Your executive summary should be a minimum of three pages in length. You must use your textbook and at least one resource from the CSU Online Library in your paper, but other academic sources may be used in addition. Any outside information used must be cited in accordance to APA style, and your paper should be formatted in APA style to include a title page, running head, and reference page.


Agents of Change in a Changing World

Week 6 Discussion – Agents of Change in a Changing World!



Over the duration of this course you have developed a foundational understanding of ecology and have investigated many of the challenges facing the natural functioning of healthy ecosystems. In our final Discussion, reflect on your learning and consider the big ideas that you will take with you after you leave the course. Think about the challenges facing our species and others and consider some of the possibilities that can lead to a brighter future for life in the ecosphere.

With these thoughts in mind, complete the following:

Primary Research-based Post (45 points):


Post: a four or more paragraph research based post in which you:


  1. Summarize and reflect on some of the lessons in this course that you found most important.
  2. Describe in more detail one environmental challenge that you found particularly compelling, urgent, or concerning.
  3. Reflect on a political or economic policy, individual action, or other solution to an environmental challenge that you would either advocate for or plan to implement personally.
  4. Please use the subject line of your post to draw readership.
  5. Please cite at least two authoritative reference sources from beyond the course text.

Genetically Modified Organisms Benefits & Risks

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s): Benefits vs Risks

Project Presentation:

For your project, you are required to make a power point presentation with notes. The presentation is worth 20% of your total course mark. There is no need to add a report to your presentation. Just add notes to your slides to clarify your content.

Presentation Requirements:

  • Main points of the presentation are clear and concise.
  • Information is directly related to the topic.
  • Presentation includes a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Cite references clearly using APA format.
  • Information is well- researched and well-organised; sources are well quoted.
  • References are not older than 2002, except for historical information.
  • Conclude your presentation effectively.
  • Include 20 slides.

Waste Management and Land Use Policies Research

Land Use Executive Summary

You are the new health and safety associate director at a hazardous waste company. Your company aims to purchase land for a waste facility. To obtain state government approval for the land use you must submit an executive summary. Your summary must brief local businesses and government leaders on your proposed land purchase and intended adherence to hazardous waste policies.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word executive summary for the environmental health and safety director at a hazardous waste company. Include the following in your executive summary:

  • Analyze the hazardous waste and land management policy presently in effect.
  • Describe the potential hazardous waste and land management concerns for your community.
  • Describe the present political outlook for hazardous waste and land management policy in your state. Describe the theories and past policies that influence present approaches.
  • Describe the intended outcomes of the policies and explain how these policies may effect change.
  • Analyze the possible economic, social, and environmental outcomes of the policies.
  • List potential hazardous waste and land management policy goals the company may work toward and include strategies for implementation.


Climate Change Laboratory

Climate Change Laboratory

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the Climate Change investigation manual. This lab enables you to explore concepts related to global climate including, the greenhouse effect, albedo, and melting land and sea ice.

The Process

Take the required photos and complete all parts of the lab assignment (calculations, data tables, etc.). Use the Lab Worksheet as a resource to complete the Lab Report Template. Transfer any answers and visual elements from the Lab Worksheet into the Lab Report Template. You will submit the Lab Report Template through Waypoint in the classroom.

The Assignment

Make sure to complete all of the following items before submission:

  • Before you begin the assignment, read the Climate Change investigation manual; you may also wish to review the video, SCI207 – The Scientific Method (Links to an external site.).
  • Complete all activities using materials in your kit, augmented by additional materials that you will supply. Photograph each activity following these instructions:
    • When taking lab photos, you need to include in each image a strip of paper with your name and the date clearly written on it.
  • This lab will require you to make two line graphs and one bar graph. Should you desire further guidance on how to construct a graph, it is recommended that you review the Introduction to Graphing lab manual. (You are not expected to complete any of the activities in this manual.)
  • Use the Lab Worksheet as a guide to complete the Lab Report Template.
  • Must use at least two credible sources outside of the textbook and lab manual.
  • Submit your completed “Lab Report” via Waypoint.


Personal Experience with Nature Essay

Personal Experience with Nature Essay

Throughout this course, we have been exploring environmental issues and challenges, such as fresh drinking water scarcity and biodiversity loss. But what would our own lives be like without nature? How might nature experiences benefit us? In this activity, you are asked to spend time in nature, record your experiences, and then share your reflections with the class.

Go Outdoors: Find a place outside where you can be in nature for at least one hour. This could be a national, state, or local park, a city square with trees and gardens, an old cemetery, or even your own backyard. Be creative. For those of you who may think there is no nature whatsoever around you or you will not have the opportunity to get out into nature, the podcast ‘The Sound of a Snail’: A Patient’s Greatest Comfort will give you get a sense of creative ways to complete this assignment, particularly if you are living in a highly urbanized setting.

Observe: Once you are outdoors, choose a comfortable spot where you can stand or sit quietly for at least 1 hour of uninterrupted solitude. Turn off all electronic devices. Quietly take in your surroundings. What do you notice? Use your senses of sight, hearing, smell, and feeling to take the world in. Be as still and quiet as you can.

Write: Either while you are outdoors or as soon after your return as you can, set aside at least a half an hour of uninterrupted time to write about your nature experience. It should include both what you directly experienced during your time outdoors and your feelings and reflections on the experience itself. In your writing, consider this question: Are human beings a part of nature, or apart from it?

Create: Choose a creative means of sharing your nature experience, and what you learned from it, with the class. This could take the form of a series of photographs with captions, a poem, a song, a brief personal essay, a work of art, the design for a board game, a video of some kind, or any other creative avenue you can think of. The work should be entirely your own product.

Compare Health Promotion and Health Education

Compare Health Promotion and Health Education


Compare and contrast health promotion and health education. Discuss how Healthy People 2020 and the Affordable Care Act have influenced health promotion in public health.


– minimum of 250 words or more

– strong academic writing / APA style (please use in-text citing and References at end )

– used attached resources or additional ( must be scholarly articles only no older than 5 years ) and reference and in-text cite.

– please be original writing and must answer all parts of question for full credit.

Explore the Healthy People 2020 website.
