phishing scams

phishing scams

1- 2 pages for each question. Read more about phishing scams and write a report with a series of guidelines to recognize them and other fraudulent e-mails.

  1. read more about the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm and write a report summarizing explaining how it works. Use the following link as a starting point:
  2. read more about SSL and TLS and write a report explaining how they work. Use the following link as a starting point:
  • Complete the paper in APA format
  • Paper should include at least 3 references

consequences do migrants experience due to the lack of access to healthcare


consequences do migrants experience due to the lack of access to healthcare

Based on the discussions we had about the health disparities experienced by migrant populations, address the following questions:

Why do health disparities exist for migrants?

What consequences do migrants experience due to the lack of access to healthcare?

Let’s brainstorm on practical steps we can take to address the lack of bio-legitimacy for unauthorized migrants on a global scale.

600-700 words