Biology Fungal Mode of Nutrition Due to Hyphae Lab Report

Need help with my Biology question – I’m studying for my class.


Please answer the fungi review questions found on page 10 of the lab handout.

1. Most fungi have a mycelium composed of filamentous hyphae. In what ways is this body form well adapted to the fungal mode of nutrition?

2. What is the difference between plasmogamy and karyogamy?

3. What is the advantage of gills in the basidiocarp fruiting body?

4. What is the distinction between dikaryotic and diploid?

5. The central cell of the angiosperm megagametophyte contains two haploid nuclei, but
we do not call it dikaryotic. Why?

6. Think back to the plant life cycles, which you are now an expert on. What is one major
difference between the diploid stage in plants and the diploid stage in fungi?

7. In fungi, how do the asexually produced spores differ from the sexually produced spores?

8. Which spores (asexual or sexual) are produced when resources are plentiful? Why? (Hint: When would genetic variability be most important?)

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