Dialysis Time Out Safety Check

Dialysis Time Out Safety Check

Select one question below (only 1 question)

Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph (125 words per paragraph minimum)

Format: APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (7th ed.) ISBN: 978-1-4338-3216-1

Format: APA style 7th Edition. Please make sure it is in 7th Edition and if the references have any doi or URL include it.

Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.

I am a nursing student in Florida and hispanic (cuban) in case you need to know for this discussion.

Chapter 10: Patient Education and Patient-Centered Care in Professional Nursing Practice. PowerPoint and book attached.

nursing units

1. One recent change on some nursing units has been the establishment of walking rounds to patient rooms during change of shift report. Using this model, the nurses, patient, and family members (if the patient wishes) are all involved in the exchange of information during the transition of care to the nurse coming on shift. Can you think of any other changes that you have observed in the healthcare setting that help to facilitate a PCC environment?

2. Think about your own life. Do you act to prevent a disease or accident when you perceive that you are not susceptible to the disease or at risk for the accident?

3. Have you ever been assigned to read a book that had so many big words in it that you had to keep the dictionary by your side? If it was assigned for school, you probably struggled through it for the sake of not failing the test, but what about if you were not being graded? Would you bother to read it? If you did read it because you knew it would help you, would you have enough understanding to actually apply the information?

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