First Deaths in The Peloponnesian War

I have attached the material needed to answer the question.

Please answer all of the following questions by the due date. Please answer in 2-4 sentences for each question. Make sure all of your answers are on ONE file before submitting. All answers need to be in your own words, not the words of the lecture or any websites.

1) These are the first deaths in the Peloponnesian War. Why do you think that Pericles would choose to praise the city in his speech, rather than the individual men and their deeds?

2) Pericles lists a number of praiseworthy attributes of Athens. Which do you think could be said by a patriotic American about the United States? Explain.

3) Pericles uses “we” in his speech when discussing the opportunities and privileges available to Athenians. Who is excluded by definition in this “we”?

4) Evaluate the “comfort” given to parents and brothers of the deceased. What purpose might this “comfort” serve in Athens’ ongoing war with Sparta?

5) Where in the past did the US tend to ignore, or even ignore today, some important groups within our fighting forces? (Hint: are all US soldiers white American male citizens?)

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