Strategic Ignorance and Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Response

11 or 12 point Times New Roman or Calibri font only


One-inch margins on all sides

Numbered pages in upper right corner

Proper Citations Required (You may use footnotes, endnotes, and in-text citations)

Your name, course number, and date on a separate cover sheet.

Separate works cited page

(Response papers that do not meet these guidelines will be penalized)


This paper should not merely be a summary of the reading itself. Rather, the paper will be graded based on the following inclusions:

  1. An overview of the author’s main arguments (Approximately 3 or more pages)
  2. What overall argument is the author making? What specific examples does the author focus on in the reading?
  3. How is this argument being made? (e.g., What kind of data is being used by the author to support her argument?)
  4. How does this argument support or refute arguments made by other authors in the section?
  1. Your personal critical response to the reading (Approximately 2 pages)
  2. What, if anything, do you find convincing about the argument being made?
  3. What problems and/or oversights do you see in the reading?
  4. What, specifically, do you think this article contributes to broader discussions of the topic?

the Lottery of Birth

We began our time together watching “The Lottery of Birth” and questioning the notion that “everything you know is wrong.” Take some time to consider the following statements from the film…

“The knowledge we possess and the values we hold emerge from the interactions between our cognitive architecture and our experiences.”

“Just as it’s important to study the history of your society, of your culture, of your nation, I think it also useful to study your own history…your own personal history. As an individual, you have had a very limited set of experiences, and the limitation of your experiences may have set limitations on your thinking…may have narrowed your thinking. And to recognize these limitations, to recognize that you may have been limited by your family, by your education, by your church, by the class in which you were born, to recognize the limitations of your personal experience is to then enable you, perhaps, to go beyond those limitations.”

In a 1-2 page paper, discuss how your own personal history has shaped your view on some form of deviance you have observed in everyday life (this can be deviant to you personally OR what you’d imagine to be deviant to mainstream thinkers). Over the course of the semester, have you recognized any limitations in your thinking regarding this “deviant” attitude, behavior or condition? In other words, did you see it differently than you may have before discovering/using the sociological perspective of deviance? Explain.

A call to men Ted Talk and Social Construction of Gender

This past week we focused on gender. Gender is a fundamental social division. All around us we see differences between men and women (and girls and boys). The way they dress. The activities they engage in. What they say. What they want out of life. We see gender differences in the college classroom — who tends to major in what subjects? We see gender differences at the workplace — who tends to hold positions of power and authority? We see gender differences in the home — who tends to do the majority of housework? These social arrangements, which create and sustain gender differences, end up having powerful effects on the lifestyles and life chances of individuals.

You will be given two possible essay topics to write about. Choose one of them. The two possibilities are:

Are we ever not doing gender? From the moment we wake up until we go to bed, it seems like we are constantly doing gender. For this essay, I want you to walk me through a small segment of your day (when you wake up, when you walk to class, when you eat lunch, when you shop, when you drive or ride the bus, when you go out on a date, when you attend religious ceremonies, when you watch movies with friends, etc). Do not describe your whole day, but rather, choose some small segment (a strip) of your daily life to describe. During that small segment of your day, in what ways are you doing gender? How are you displaying your gendered identity? Given the situation you find yourself in, how are you conforming — or not — to gendered expectations of behavior?

US Socio Historicity and Issues Relating to Crime and Justice

  1. For this assignment, you will provide an analysis of U.S. socio-historicity and issues relating to crime and justice.
    1. Visit the National Museum of (African-)American History and Culture, specifically the three (3) concourse levels (C3-1), which contain the history exhibition. Additional options exist to enter the museum otherwise.
    2. Identify any two (2) exhibits, artifacts, etc. (located on the concourse levels) that relate to crime and/or justice that are of interest to you. (First artifact is Mourning the Death of Martin Luther King Jr. Second artifact is The Nation of Islam).
    3. Take a selfie in close proximity to each of your selections. That is, you will upload two (2) distinct selfies as part of your submission. The museum artifacts must be clearly distinguishable in the images.
    4. Describe each artifact. (approx. 125 words for each)
    5. Reflect on each artifact‘s “role” in U.S. socio-structural and -cultural formation (in general). (approx. 250 words for each)
    6. How do these symbols of two unique social moments relate to (any) present-day issues in crime and justice? (approx. 250 words)

    Use your critical thinking skills and apply the concept of “sociological imagination”–think beyond the specific artifact! Your total submission, then, should approximate 1,000 words (or 4 pages).

Intimate Relationships in College

Now that you all are budding experts in the field of relationship science, consider the following situation. Mizzou has selected you as a guest panelist to discuss intimate relationships among college students. What will you discuss? The organizers of the event would like for you to include in your discussion relevant information on the types of relationships that are common among college students, issues that may make intimate relationships difficult, as well as what couples can do to keep their relationship strong and satisfying. For this final case study, you have flexibility in your approach, however here is a guideline to consider:

Paragraph 1: What is something that incoming freshman should know about intimate relationships among college students? (Examples: what makes relationships intimate? how does hooking up/hook-up culture influence that?) Again these are examples, feel free to discuss what you think is important to know).

Paragraph 2: What might make pursuing or maintaining a relationship challenging?

Paragraph 3: What advice would you give to keep the relationship strong/healthy/satisfying?

Grading: 1 full double-spaced page, Times New Roman, 12pt. font. Each paragraph should contain a citation, or citations from either lecture notes and or the textbook. For citations you can include just the page number from the textbook or date of lecture. You can also use information from anywhere in the textbook (this assignment is not limited to a specific chapter). This is not a group assignment, however you have the option to work with one or two other classmates. If you choose that route, then each person should still submit the completed assignment and include each persons name (just a single horizontal line is fine).

Threats to the Global Environment

Congratulations! The members of the United Nations found great value in the two analyses you provided. They are now asking you to develop a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the four most critical threats to the global environment. They are listed in the table below. MAKE SURE YOU CHECK OFF EVERYTHING WRITTEN ON GRADING RUBRIC!

Energy sources Civil war
Globalization Poor health of entire populations
Lack of educational opportunities Cultural taboos
Inappropriate uses of technology Climate change

To complete this task, you must do the following:

Step I. Narrow the List from Eight to the Four Most Critical Threats

To complete this step, complete the following tasks in order:

  • Review research on each of the eight threats listed in the table.
  • Determine what you believe to be the current and potential future impacts of each threat on the global environment.
  • Choose the four threats that you see as the most critical by considering which pose the greatest or most immediate risk to us.

Step II. Create the PowerPoint Presentation

The completed version of this presentation will include a minimum of 19 slides. Your audience consists of the United Nations General Assembly.

PPT Content and Structure

1.A Title Slide: Include your name, course title, current date, and the name of your instructor.

2.An Introduction Slide: List the four threats you chose, and in the Notes section offer a brief narrative justifying these choices

3.Body Slides: The slide content is listed in the outline below. For each body slide you develop, please include a paragraph in the Notes section explaining how the details you have provided in the slide are pertinent to the United Nations’ discussion on selecting and prioritizing goals.

Pollution and Global Warming & Cost of Economic Growth


Week 9: The Most Critical Pollutants

In Chapter 6: The Environment – Part I, Hite and Seitz (2016) note that pollution and global warming were an important concern of the first world conference on the environment that was held in Sweden in 1972. Principle 6 of that declaration stated that we must stop the release of pollutants and heat that cannot be effectively processed by our environment (Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. 1972. Chapter 11. p. 2.


Thinking about the different types of pollutants and heat that cannot be effectively processed by our environment, which are the most critical to address? Identify three pollutants you consider to be the most critical to address and explain why you believe they are most important.


Review the posts of your classmates and respond to at least one other post, offering a substantive comment on that classmate’s position on the issue(s).

Be sure to inform your response with facts from sources. Use our ebook/textbook each week and at least one scholarly outside source. You must cite sources in-text and give a full citation at the end of your response using the Strayer Writing Standards.

Automated Pharmacy


this is a 3 discussions , please read the instructions carefully before writing.

download the zipped file for the information and PLEASE when you finish upload in a ZIP or RAR file otherwise I will not take it.

Causes and Sociological Explanations of Assisted Suicide

Should a person have the right to choose when to die?

Your final in this course is an original research paper investigating a social problem of your choosing. You may find here a document containing a list of possible paper topics, though you can write on any topic approved by your instructor. In this paper, you must address the following aspects of your problem:

-What are the causes and sociological explanations of the problem? Keep in mind the various theoretical perspectives.
-What factors (structural, cultural, interactional, political, etc.) contribute to the existence of the problem?
-What actions, on the part of society or within the power structure of society, may be able to address this problem?
-Do you think the problem can be fully solved? Why or why not?
Your paper must meet the following requirements:
-must be at least 4-5 pages, double spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font
-must be submitted in .doc or .docx format
-must cite at least three scholarly sources*
-must include a references page in ASA or APA format. Included in this section is a guide to ASA citation.

Utilitarianism Explanation & Application

This second written assignment is a four-part exercise comprised of the following sections:

  1. Ethical Question
  2. Introduction
  3. Explanation of the Ethical Theory
  4. Application of the Ethical Theory

For sections (1) and (2) revise and expand on what you did in the first assignment.

Sections (3) and (4) are new.

The main purpose of this paper is to define the nature and scope of the ethical theory in a way that shows how the core principle(s) of that theory lead to a specific moral conclusion on your ethical question. Another way to think of this is to explain how someone who is fully committed to the moral reasoning of the ethical theory would answer your ethical question (even if it is not necessarily how you would answer the question).

The assignment should be 900 to 1,000 words, written in essay form with clearly labeled sections as indicated below, and include a title page and reference page.